The industry would be better off without them.
Yes or no?
The industry would be better off without them.
Yes or no?
I fucking love Mario
How much does Sup Forums tip their pizza delivery driver?
You have to be 18 to post here.
pink belly
Nintendo's the only 1st party producing good games right now. So no, your edge is wrong.
Soy boy.
Zelda is shit. Mario is shit.
No, I love Metroid
I don't get why people call Nintendo fans soyboys, SJWs hate Nintendo because of "damsels" and other nonsense
Because you're 30 years old and playing games for babies.
babies don't play video games though
Two words: Mouth Agape
The industry wouldn’t exist past 1986 without them.
They make quality games and everyone tends to follow them. Just look at how many Breath of the Wild clones appeared in less than a year after its release.
They set up the ceiling for game design and everyone else try to follow.
Fucking americans
Mario and Zelda are basically for babies, that doesn't mean they're bad games though.
Nothing. Sometimes I get the urge to if the delivery person is a cute woman. Is that beta? I still don't tip though.
>Urge to tip
Nigga what the fuck
>is that beta?
Yes. It’s also an example of female privelege.
25 cents
he's doing his fucking job, he gets paid for that, tipping doesn't really work outside US because people tend to lower salaries if they find out their employees are getting some extra cash from tips
that's some high levels of education/culture I guess, areas where third world shitholes are severely lacking
BRfag here
Explain how that's bait.
Ah yes, more open world games that have been around for decades.
I've never eaten out or ordered any food since I moved to america to avoid tipping.
No because their wealth of IP influences would not exist then.
It's fine to complain about how they are always 1 step forward, 2 steps back with their hardware, but at least their games are typically polished releases and quite varied among each IP.
>The industry would be better off without them.
go back to 1982 and you'll see how important this company really is
There's nothing wrong Nintendo, but the industry would be better off without the Nintendo Bonus from the media.
So you don’t know a goddamn thing about the video game crash of the 80s? Thought you had to be an adult to post here
You joke about this, but just wait until we see some Ubi open-world fantasy game at this E3.
So what's the difference between citizens giving them their own money instead of the government taking it then giving it to them?
I dont tip, I go to little ceasers, I got my own car
>he doesn't get it what made BotW different that devs are desperately trying to copy
not saying it was a flawless game, it had enough flaws tbqh, but seriously?
They don't add anything of value but they also don't make things worse at least.
>Nintendo saved us!
Someone else would have.
predictable thread.
shame on you Sup Forums
Communism you fucking ruskie
What exactly are they trying to copy that Zelda did? You're acting as if any idea in Zelda hadn't been done before. Nintendo is the antithesis of innovative, yet you faggots heere keep slurping everything they do up.
>not knowing the difference between a baby game and a family game.
The interconnection of the game's systems, what they called their "chemistry engine"
i don't know what you are trying to say on that last paragraph there but i'm an argie and we give tips.
And? It's been done before and better.
Like who, Sega? Whose good games are all imitations of Nintendo?
Did you see who I was responding to?
I think you need to work on your reading comprehension.
I was taking a jab at them for their communism but find a socially enforced rather than government enforced version of the same thing annoying.
>Without Nintendo, there's literally no excuse to NOT buy a PC
Even the worst Sega game is better than the best Nintendo game.
That's exactly what a Russian would say
I mean, they were awful during the Wii/Wii U era outside of their handhelds and it's funny how their arrogance fucked them over with the PS1 and inadvertently created their biggest competitor and the console that kicked them out of first place.
I still think Nintendo is very important for the industry, their consoles/handhelds are perfect companions to your main platform. Their fans are fucking annoying though.
>he's a console warrior
>he thinks the only people criticizing Nintendo are Sonyfags
I have a Switch and Mario Odyssey was complete garbage. Also, the online is still shitty.
Yeah, because everyone knows sonic 06 is way better than any mario or zelda
I guess argentina is still miles ahead most of 3rd world crap latin america has
Nintendo is anything but generic unlike the rest of the competition, their gimmicky philosophy is often a hit or miss but we as gamer should appreciate their effort to innovate, look at Sony "innovating" after the ideas that Nintendo got right.
Got any examples?
Sonic the hedgehog was literally inspired by mario. Look it up, faggot.
If it weren't for them there wouldn't be a western video game industry you retard
you have very nice handwriting
>there wouldn't be a western video game industry
That's a good thing. Can you name 3 good western games to come out in the last 5 years?
The other way around, bub.
I hear your point, but thats not what I meant. Sorry if I worded it badly - I meant that there wouldn't be video games over here in the west in the same way had it not been for the NES
Western games a shit
Nintendo is more or less the only AAA company who is willing to make AAA games with an emphasis on fun. Practically every other AAA company has agenda of making realistic movie-like games in appeal to normies and the accolades hollywood gets. (which isn't inherently bad but any game library needs a mix of titles not just the same shit over and over)
>their fans are annoying
>qualifying yourself with an unprovoked timestamp
reddit is 3 blocks down
Except no. Sony has innovated more than Nintendo ever has.
>first analog stick
>first ever 3d console
>first online console
>first to use CDs
Need I go on?
>Even the worst Sega game is better than the best Nintendo game
Spotted the poorfag. Let me guess, the Genesis was stronger than the SNES, lmaooooo
without Nintendo there would be no competition for people to do better and people striving to make games interesting, it would be that same old ass shit release after release, until the game industry eventually collapses and that would be the end of it. like the first crash.
Even as someone who has no interest in buying any of the new consoles this is just wrong.
Prebuilt machines are fucking garbage.
It requires more effort study and knowledge than the normal person has to give to build one yourself.
And there are no services that will build you a machine themselves, at least not anymore.
Its still easier, even with all the extra bullshit stuffed into the Xbone and Playshitter 4, to just buy a console.
I don't trust underpaid people to handle my food
Then a company that invented a fucking time machine to go to the future and get inspiration from something that doesn't exist yet should totally exist
>can't refute argument
No not at all, nobody else can make comfy games anymore.
Absolute fucking retard
Atari 2600 had the first analog stick N64 had the first thumbstick. Dualshocks were not available at launch.
the industry wouldn't exist without them, no
Shit bait.
>proving you own a product before you criticize it is reddit
I'm sorry I spoke badly about your company of choice.
Mario came out in the 80s sonic in the 90s.
That’s all you’re getting, faggot
Industry would be better off without their drones. Not without the company
Nintendo is like a pie.
You come for the food, you stay for the fork.
At the end of the day what a bunch of underage console war kiddies says doesn't really matter so why not go tell your mom you love her instead?
About 20%
Even indie games have to have that "lol, fucked up darkness out of nowhere" shit in them somewhere that ruins their comf
t. ass mad hater
First console to support 3D polygonal graphics was snes with starfox
>adults only play 18+ games
Its way past your bedtime what are you doing here cod kid
>lying on the internet
wew, did you born yesterday?
>did you born yesterday?
I can't tell who's more stupid, you or the user you responded to.
I actually googled each of your “facts” to make sure I wasn’t wrong in calling out your bullshit
Fuck off, drones.
50c to 3€ depending on how friendly he is and how much stuff he had to carry to the 5th floor, we have no elevator and ive been working in a similar job, a little tip can make your day so much better
How old are you? Be honest
>first analog stick
Atari made the first analog stick, actually
>first ever 3d console
To make use of computer generated polygons, but the practice of pseudo-3D
>first online console
Dreamcast, sonny
>first to use CDs
NEC PC-Engine CD (1988)
Try research.
18. Why you ask, gramps?