To whom is this kind of character meant to appeal to?

To whom is this kind of character meant to appeal to?

Literal subhumans.

progressive anti-racist white people

developer's white guilt

thought she was holding a crackpipe from the thumbnail

Explains why the game sold like shit then


virgin weebs.


alt-right redditors

they don't buy shit just cry about it

white guilt ridden SJW males in the early 30s

Because those people don’t buy video games.

What an ugly face, women with afros are lowest of tiers.

Foxxy Cleopatra

Do black women think this is a good representation of them?

I have not played the game but I am led to believe by people who actually have that BJ calls her and her commie buddies out on their bullshit at some point in the game. They're just another resistance faction bound to rise up against a Nazi take over

People who don't play videogames.

Based on how it tanked, nobody who buys video games. I'm waiting for it to hit 10 bucks or so on CDkeys before I pick it up.

>first game has a ragtag group of freedom fighters with one retarded guy, rest was just nazi killin
>second game is less focused on killing nazis and more focused on black girls and BJs shitty backstory
no wonder the game bombed. Didn't they remove weapon upgrades too?

Fuck that. I'm waiting for it to be in a $1 humble bundle. That's how I got Duke Nukem Forever and Spec Ops: The Line.

>casting her as a serious character

Spec Ops deserves better than that, whether or not you think it's pretentious is was still a pretty neat way to present a narrative

Ass shafters, waifu dynomyte or dude weed lmao audience.

Yeah, but what about that empowering scene where the fully topless pregnant woman dual-wields fully automatic assault rifles while covered in blood? That makes up for it, right? It was Epic™.

wouldn't that irreparably rupture the babies eardrums?
Always bothered me in movies or tv when they fire a gun right by a baby and it's ears aren't bleeding eternally

>I am led to believe by people who actually have that BJ calls her and her commie buddies out on their bullshit at some point in the game
That's a different group that BJ calls out. A fat German chick does grab Foxxy by the neck and comes an inch away from beating the shit out of her before BJ intervenes, though.

To be honest, I didn't deliberately wait for it to get down to $1. I just forgot about it, and didn't try to buy it at all, until I saw it was in a $1 bundle.

That's usually what happens when I don't want to pay the release price for a game but don't care enough to put it on my wishlist. I forget about it, and then suddenly it's pay-what-you-want. Either that, or I get it for free, like Watch Dogs or Assassin's Creed III and IV.

>A fat German chick does grab Foxxy by the neck and comes an inch away from beating the shit out of her before BJ intervenes, though.
And then she fucks the other nigger

It's not, that's the point. They hate things that people can like

Fuck shes ugly.

>Didn't they remove weapon upgrades too?
You collect weapon upgrades instead of unlocking them like in New Order.

Not all characters in media are supposed to appeal to you or be admired. People knew that before Gen Z faggots

nice grammar, dipshit

my dick

Feel free to correct it

I don't get it either.

apeal to this guys, how reddit going ?


They're too busy getting laid

Fans of blaxpoitation films of the 70s, like Foxy Brown.

>progressive liberal pussies
>getting laid

Pic related
How many commie fags even bought the game, do you think?

Yeah man. It's the internet tough guy alt right that are virgins

>another of these threads
Have some

Some of them, sure, but liberals are more likely to be spindly little ladyboys with acne and dickcheese

>che shirt

fucking lmao

Both true statements

>he doesn't fap to ladyboys
What are you gay or something user?



From 2014 onwards, after the fappening and the faGGotry combined, nu-Sup Forumstards (Or I guess I should just call them "Sup Forumstards", because they are the new status quo of that poor board) always bitch about "forced diversity".
What is "forced diversity"? Simple. Every single game with a black person in it is "forced diversity", unless
A) It was released before Sup Forumstards started contaminating this board (GTA: San Andreas which would be shitposted mercilessly if it came out today)
B) It's an Eastern game (It's okay when Japan does it)
It's that simple. They always have some excuse as to why this one video game in particular that they're currently bitching about is "forced diversity", either it's because the black person is too stereotypical or too unrealistic. Whatever excuse lets them spam "WE" memes in video game threads works. But they're not the problem. They're just a boogeyman. Remember that. Remember that when they start arguing endlessly about off-topic shit like how niggers are inferior or trannies are mentally ill or refugees are rapists or some other shit like that. They're just a boogeyman. Those off-topic posts you're seeing shitting up this board aren't real.

Her Oprah act gets me every time.

Nobody cares you stupid faggot

>aren't real

>shit like how niggers are inferior or trannies are mentally ill or refugees are rapists
All of that is true though

Middle to upper class coastal white guys with guilt complexes.

>refugees are rapist
>not true

Come take a tour in France user. We are such a rich and diverse country now.

People who think slavery ended 5 years ago

I'm a Quebecois who married the daughter of a French immigrant. I really wanted to go with her see where her mother grew up but I'm terrified it's going scar her for life.

White SJWs.

>refugees are rapists

Nigger refugees are raping German women so hard that the Germans have started voting conservative for the first time in like 70 years and pushing for deportation.

To whom is this kind of character meant to appeal to?

guess that's why you're here


Nobody is stopping you from making realistic looking nigger character to suck off SJW, but can you at least make the attractive kind of realistic?

is that supposed to be attractive

hitler was an edgelord, even for his day, but people looked up to him because he stood up said it like it is. in that sense, he's a proxy voice of the people


>an edgelord
>had to cover his eyes when watching a film because he didn't want to see animals get hurt
>loved his dog to the point where her death rendered him inconsolable in the bunker

Big Game hunters

Do you have any grounds on judging looks?

He was a delusional, incompetent manchild
Easy to see why Sup Forums loves him


Developers who already will do character for "muh diversity" to suck off said sjw tend to do that to full. Meaning, no attractiveness allowed or sjw God Nosita Jewkeesian won't endorse it.

To whom is this kind of character meant to appeal to?

Too busy justifying getting cucked more like

>leftypol enters the thread
it's over, abandon ship now beofre it reaches 500+ spam posts

Damn what an epicly composed's like a gamer symphony....

The times are changing. Women want more respect. They dobt just want assholes anymore, they want politically correct assholes

>To whom to
Jesus, learn English.

As far as example of how decent looking black female looks as? Yes user. Yes it is. More then you I'm sure.

He was so incompetent that he lifted Germany out of post-WWI economic ruin and turned it into one of the richest, most powerful countries in the world

Did somebody say "leftypol"?

I'm australian

>stood up said it like it is
>proxy voice of the people
That's what leaders are suppose to be, he's not special for that

I don't know if you've been outside in the last several years but just because women say they want politically correct progressive men now doesn't mean they don't still fuck indifferent chads constantly


It was also a shit game in general

It's meant to piss off babies like you so that you'll buy the game just to complain about it.


people around that era were particularly tired of literal commies spitting on them in their own streets, so naturally, he rose to power

same thing with trump, people are tired of sjw freaks and incompetent democrats, so he tells em what they want to hear, that's what makes him successful

Suck a thousand hundred dicks

I think games should have more diversity thus include more japanese girls

If you hate the game for what it represents why would you buy it

She's fucking ugly but who really needs to fap to every girl in video games

>abloo bloo leftypol boogeyman
Yes I'm sure anyone who makes fun of you is leftypol

Bisexual men and fujoshits.

user you sure that's not a trap?
