Is it worth $40? Tell me specifically why you did like it or didn't like it...

Is it worth $40? Tell me specifically why you did like it or didn't like it. Don't be a bitch made ass and shit talk it if you haven't played it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is it dead? Just tried getting a game on easy in Euro, then moved to North America. Gonna try US East

Its everything I hate in an games but its okay. I don't think its worth 40$ cause so much just seems not fun. its hunting around for items to build shit, multiplayer is dead and I've been in match making for about twenty minutes now, switching region every time I time out.The story is who cares,

it's average, you're not missing much honestly.

>Is it dead?

Not worth 40. There's nothing to do. And very little to see since its just recycled tpp stuff. Melee is no fun but you grow out of it halfway through. Also the game is piss easy and there's no stealth.

It's fun if you like grindy games. I do so I think it's fun.

See how that works there?

as mad as i am about the shotgun and loot nerfs, they DID admittedly fix a bit recently. canteens dont get consumed, and you dont have to wait for your loot log to finish to warp

just give me more reason to play konami, dont give me LESS of one by cutting down on rewards.

It's pretty good...i actually prefer Survive story compared to V.

Is it just me or does Virgyl voice acting improve during the second part of the game?
when she is becoming more "human" ?

They will add a new mode in march, and i'm pretty sure they are just experiencing the reward system and looking at feedback.

"My mission is to support you...To help you is my desire" RIP male Virgil, you were annoying at first but i grew to like you. ;_;

The game is good the first 2 hours are a bit of a drag but once you get in to the more open part of the game it gets much better.
The co-op is fun if you enjoyed MGO3 at all, it's great only problem is the game has gotten destroyed b/c people don't want to give it a chance or get false info on stuff in the game.
If you get it on a key site or GMG its at a good price I picked up the game for 30$ and that's what its worth.

I'm at 20 hours so far
It's a fun game that had a lot of attention to detail put into it. If you enjoyed MGSV and you'd be interested in playing another game with more, then get this no question. They slowed down the movement speed a bit but expanded on a lot of other aspects that add depth to the gameplay in my opinion.

It's a loveletter to a handful of Konami's other games that reads like it shouldn't work on paper, but succeeds simply because of how well everything is executed.

I'm enjoying it, but I do have minor girpes. I think the cure/injury system is fucking cancer and retarded especially early game when you can't make a med station.

but whatever.

It's better in retrospect i think, but yeah going through those 2 hours the first time is rough.

>I think the cure/injury system is fucking cancer and retarded

It's literally from MGS3 but with less button presses

>Hur dur Ignore the shitty hunger system and prop block n stab to win

Absolute shit

The shitty hunger system is just a more fleshed out system from Snake Eater and the melee combat is more than just block and stab

Looks dead to me

>Ignore eating
>Still can play the game

>MGS suriv
>Ignore eating or water
>Punished and forced to eat and drink

The combat is either Swing like a clunky dynasty warrior retard or Fence and spear spam

>say Metal Gear Solid 5 really fast
>now say Metal Gear Survive really fast


You can kneecap zombies and curb stomp them ala SH, worth it imo

>my spear poke misses
> their uppercut connects and knocks me back something awful

fuck this game, fuck the base defense

For 40$, considering the other shit you could get, no. It's the most "meh" game I've played in a while. Save your money unless this game ends up having a big ass sale.

Are there any skill trees I should completely avoid or am I safe to pick whatever I like?

>chris is goodluck
What the fuck man

Don't pick medic. Don't get leg sweep on survivor. Leg sweep fucks with crouched backstabs.

get it atleast 20% off

How about I pirate it since it sucks you shiteater

but it's alright

lol you can't

>all my friends on facebook spreading blatant lies like how you have to pay for lootboxes and it costs money to change your gear

What the fuck kinda arsehole designed the grabbers?
>Lmao lemmie just stun lock u xD, lmao lemmie put fuckin' twenty in an area so they all just take turns abusing your LMB

Crystals my dude. Never worry about grabbers again.

When does it pick up? I just got into the dust and I’m not sure I’m enjoying this too much. I got poisoned drinking water and I don’t have any way to get rid of it

You have to BUY save slots. Konami is truly ran by Jews.

It's pretty good.

I wouldn't recommend it unless you have friends to play it with though.

Go sleep. Build a tent and sleep it off

misery needs company huh?

Just shoot them my dude. lmao

that's why your here amirite lol

lmao dude bullets r fkn rare r u a nutter?

>saying this on Sup Forums
>sitting in a thread about a game you don’t like talking shit to people that like
Man imagine having so little self awareness

A shame the YouTube hype beasts started a hatred bandwagon with this game amongst parroting normalfags and "gamers"
No, its pure garbage, don't give konami any of your money, no matter what shills might tell you.

>what are arrows

Dont tell me youre one of those fence-and-spear shitters lmao

Your too much my dude xD

why do you keep posting this?

Do what you want. Personally did not care for it though.

>some dude had sins of the father playing in co-op lobby

Forgot how enjoyable that song was honesty.

Zombie Spear-Jabbing Simulator 2018

No it's shit.


Yeah I kinda regret buying it. It’s not as bad as people are saying, but it’s not really good either. It’s as average as it comes. Why they didnt just tell another story in mgs v Afghanistan with completely new characters or side characters is beyond me.

That's actually literally what they did.

I'm sad that the multiplayer is the main focus, I really enjoyed the singleplayer portion of exploring the map and finding recipes.

Thinly veiled marketing threads:
>Is it worth $__
Generic OP question that attempts to generate a "discussion" and establishes a facade of neutrality.
>Tell me specifically why did like it or didn't like it.
Is this a focus group? Are you doing market research?
>Don't criticize it if you haven't played it
Neutrality dropped. You couldn't possibly glean anything from gameplay footage or having played the beta. Your opinion is worthless unless you spend money on the game. If you get it on PC, play at least two hours so you can't refund or else you didn't really play it.


Sorry, I meant with MGS vs gameplay. Forgot that part.

I can get a match for any difficulty under the 5 min timer. NA PS4 though

"lost connection to server. Returning to main menu"

I'm kinda enjoying it... can't pass up for another fox engine gaem

you obviously never played past easy co-op. if you just use your spear past easy co-op if will degrade making the damage worthless mid way through the second wave.

>Always online
>10$ for extra save slots
>5$ per AI companion (You send them out to collect resources while you're on missions and shit)
>Drop rates balanced around $3 drop rate boosters.
>5$ per extra loadout slot.
>Paid item storage expansions.
>Enemy AI dumber than enemies in a Dynasty Warriors game.
>Everything is a "Defend this point from incoming enemies" mission.
>Majority of the combat is poking enemies with a brittle spear through a fence made of paper.
>Most of the gameplay is babysitting your multiple, constantly draining bars. (Thirst, hunger, oxygen, etc..)

Pick scout it's the best class by far.

>Pirate an always-online game.
lmao no, the game is too shit for anyone to give a fuck about hacking it to work offline.

>Don't pick medic
But why?

its the worst out of all the classes, the bonuses it gives are almost unnoticeable whereas all the other ones have at least one great skill, scout seems to be the best for solo play whereas people seem to like jager and scout for co-op

you have mental issues if copy past shit like this op makes you think that there is some grand scheme or a new fag that found their way here from reddit and doesn't know that this is what happens to every recently released mainstream game

If you enjoyed mgspp you will enjoy this.

>hes not two shotting zombies with a bayonet spear


A lot of fun. If you don't want to spent 40$ look for some special offer.

>Always online
>10$ for extra save slots
>5$ per AI companion (You send them out to collect resources while you're on missions and shit)
>Drop rates balanced around $3 drop rate boosters.
>5$ per extra loadout slot.
>Paid item storage expansions.

All valid criticisms

>Enemy AI dumber than enemies in a Dynasty Warriors game.
>Everything is a "Defend this point from incoming enemies" mission.
>Majority of the combat is poking enemies with a brittle spear through a fence made of paper.
>Most of the gameplay is babysitting your multiple, constantly draining bars. (Thirst, hunger, oxygen, etc..)

YouTuber bullshit, try playing the game

Go away jim

>can pick up multiple materials at the same time clearing a whole building in a few secs
>auto loots detonators
>activate camo ability and smash zombies with melee weapons or to sneak on detonators easy

why wouldn't you use this class?

>I don't agree with it, therefor the person dind't play the game and its "youtuber bullshit"
Gee konami-chan, could you be more obvious?

Marketing isn't a "grand scheme" and there's plenty of evidence it happens here. There are enough eyeballs with wallets to warrant it and they don't even need to make an account. It's just basic business, not a conspiracy.

>Metal Gear title
>not known
How retarded are you? You know what game I'm talking about and you don't even like it.

Problem is its a slow burn. Beginning few hours are a slog but it picks up the pace after that once more options and items get opened up to your, it gets pretty fun after the story with multiplayer and the post-game bosses. I'd wait 6 months though.
Don't listen to anybody who says that the game is just poking with spears, they're just Dunkey-tier garbage at video games. When I hear that I get flash backs to all those threads here of people who couldn't make it far into Dark Souls. I had no trouble having fun because getting resources for ammo is easy, and sneaking is even easier. Maybe do some multiplayer matches and you wouldn't have to use a spear, hun.
what this guy said

I liked it a lot. At the beginning it feels like you have to work hard to survive and there's a TON of secret stuff to find so it's very rewarding, late game I was in for the loot drops and the interesting combat/sneaking scenarios you are forced into. Plot was good too, once again it felt kind of barebones when it comes to character interactions but still had some fuck yeah moments.

I finished the campaign in about 30 something hours and now the game is truly open. At the same time I kinda don't want to play as much because co-op matchmaking does take a while if you have no friends to go in with.

I knew you fuckers were contrarian but I didn't think you would defend this garbage heap of a game. Enjoy your open world zombie survival game you easily placated fools.

Well fkn obvs ya pancake, I got dodges and pokes. Ain't got space for a stringed throw boy

>Stick a metal gear title on a generic survival zombie game.
>I-its t-totally m-mainstream b-bro.
I bet you thought the MGS pachinko machines were mainstream games as well.

>gets proven wrong
>can only name call


That was my first post in the thread, maybe you should realize more than one person can recognize trash when they see it.

>I watched e-celebs play the game and believed everything they said despite them being a bunch of mongs!

I'm so happy Sup Forums is becoming more inclusive. Now you don't even have to play games well to have a valuable opinion.

>always online
I agree its shitty
>10 bucks for extra save
kinda shitty but you can just make another profile on your console or steam share it
>5 bucks for extra exploration team slots
damn I'm going to miss out on extra 10 lead every 30 mins
>drop rates balanced around 3$ drop rate boosters
u wot m8? booster is fucking worthless they gave me a free one and I still haven't been bothered to use it because it's only 2% for resource shit at base that doesn't matter.
>5 bucks per extra loadout slot
They give you three and I have never used another one because there is no need. I'm already lvl 52, s ranked every mission, and have over 90% of the map explored.
>paid item storage expansions
never ran out of space so didn't even notice this was a thing

This post is so fucking dumb it made me stupider to read it.

If you liked MGS5 then you'll likely hate this game. Its a serial killer fucked up game wearing the skin of MGS5. Calling this game a love letter to MGS fans is like calling Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Boltz a Love letter to Banjo fans

>Always online
ya this part sucks but MGSV is fucked on PC due to people going offline and adding nukes and fob shit
>10$ for extra save slots
this is a non thing since all items are shared only thing you get is a new avatar to level
>5$ per AI companion (You send them out to collect resources while you're on missions and shit)
to get shit enjoy sending out a team for 30+ min to get some rags that you could have gotten 10 times the amount in the same time
>Drop rates balanced around $3 drop rate boosters.
boosters don't give item increases only energy boosts
>5$ per extra loadout slot.
i am over 30 hours in never needed to use a single loadout slot
>Paid item storage expansions.
the amount of item storage you get by default is huge and more then needed to play

yet you and hundreds of thousands of kojima fags know about them

Listing things about the game is not criticism.


okay bud stay assblasted lmao

I bet you watch jontron videos.

MMO style microtransactions in a primarily single player experience are insanely shitty, and you're a fag if you defend them.

It's only fun in the post game, most of the story content feels like a chore but the story itself isn't bad.

The MMO stuff has no meaningful impact on the SP story though

There is nothing wrong with JonTron.

>tfw they literally could have sold a cardboard box with kojima's name crossed out in the front and people would still be agreeing about it just like this game


$10 for more than 1 save slot and people are even contemplating buying this. Fuck off, gen-z

Fake news. It's more like an extra character that has zero use for the vast majority of people AND something Metal Gear games have done since 4.