>not a single relevant game coming out next month
how do we fix march?
Not a single relevant game coming out next month
Play your backlog.
You don't need to ride hype train after hype train.
Why aren't you playing Monster Hunter World :^)
>just got fired
>spent my last check on a cheap Wii to use as a GC since I own a stack of games courtesy of my brother
>just discovered Animal Crossing, Mario Golf and Custom Robo in my basement to supplement my growing collection
March will be a fun month to go NEET lads
>Custom Robo
Damn, that brings back memories. I wish I still had it.
What is Ni no kuni2?
it will have denuvo so it doesn't count
Heroes of Hammerwatch is coming March 1st, comfy coop
>user forgets kirby exists
yeah I'm excited, I knew these discs were floating around somewhere nearby, just didn't expect all of them to suddenly turn up in my basement
Vermintide 2 comes out early march, but for the most part I agree.
But you know what?
The last couple of months have been so good that I've got a backlog that I wont finish by the end of march, so whatever.
Great thread I like it
The Vermintide 2 beta starts tomorrow, if you've already pre-ordered it.
Poorfag btfo
Ah, so it does.
Guess I know what my group is doing tomorrow then.
Far Cry 5
if you played anything released in the past 2 years you need to leave
How do you know the games done in the past two years are bad if you haven't played them?
Seems like vidya just isn't your hobby anymore, jaded-kun :^)
Fucking nisa are taking their sweet time with porting more disgaea to PC. What do?
if you've played anything released in the past 22 years you need to leave
If you played anything besides pong and Tetris - leave now
I plan on getting Vermintide 2, Sea Of Thieves and Ni No Kuni II in March so it's fine for me.
Buying games on release... What has Sup Forums come to
This guy gets it
>playing puyo puyo tetris right now
like always then since whenever a new game is released there's non stop threads about it from people playing
Nothing in the EULA about denuvo
whats similar to disgaea
Phantom Brave, Makai Kingdom, or La Pucelle Tactics?
pretty sure there was nothing in the EULA about Denuvo with Fatal Bullet either but that has it.
Atelier and Ni no Kuni come out in March
true, and fatal bullet is about to get a bullet from valve because of that
ok time for me to learn how to use a ps2 emulator
bumble hundle
>Ni no Kuni
oh really? I want that
the cracking groups are massive weebs
even if it has it, won't be there for long
this. world will last me for at least 6 more months and i havent switched my HH yet
from the jaws of death
Yakuza 6 was SUPPOSED to come out in March, but Sega US are being a bunch of faggots who ended up giving the game away for free almost 2 months early.
But Bannerlord is coming out in march