Is this the closest to Half Life 3 we have?
Is this the closest to Half Life 3 we have?
no that was half life 2
Gordon Freeman is going to be replaced with a Black Trans Woman Bi-sexual child molester by the time 3 comes out.
these are pretty weird wounds coming from a crowbar.
why did "gordon" just scratch him like a little bitch?
why didn't he just smash his skull in?
what kind of retard put these stitches in place?
Whaaaaaat is up DramaAlert nation? I'm your host, President Keeeeeeemstaaaaar, leeeeeeeeeet's get rooooooight into the news!
i'll scratch you, you fuck
Because G-Man's plan wasn't to kill Mitchell but to only injure him enough to make him hate the real Gordon Freeman.
It wasn't just the closest thing we ever got to half life 3, it's the best half life game ever made.
could have ordered someone to shoot him in the back then have people tell him gordon did it, no need for retarded cosplay.
How exactly are they even selling this for money?
Is Valve retarded or do they just not give a fuck?
It's not the same. He wanted Mitchell to not only not forget Gordon Freeman, but to develop a grudge so strong it would start the required chain of events 20 years later so unnecessary brutality and facial maiming were necessary.
I love how it's the most expensive Half Life-related product on Steam right now.
should I buy it for memes
Valve only cares about money now. This game, despite being mediocre, is selling copies and Valve gets their cut.
he needed permission to die
I still have no idea why Valve bothered with Digital Homicide and putting more restrictions on card sales if 90% of the catalog is still fucking shovelware garbage.
They're never going to clean it up, are they?
>why didn't he just smash his skull in?
Is this a so bad it’s good type of game or is it just straight up bad?
I can understand Digital Homicide. They sued Valve, which is a one-way ticket off of Steam.
If it was a free mod, it would be impressive. For 25 bucks, it's a joke.
Sorry, they didn't sue Valve, they brought Valve into their lawsuit against Steam users.
It's really funny and plays horribly, but with $25 price and a whooping 60 GB size, it's not worth it
>implying I'll pay
It's still a 60 GB worth of a dumpster fire
I have the 60gbs, and it probably only takes a weekend to complete it and uninstall it.
So the real question is if it's fun bad or boring bad