Time to explore civcraft 2.0
Time to explore civcraft 2.0
This looks like Minecraft what's the difference
Let's not.
>Creative mode
yeah it's an old dead server that I played on 3 years ago. It's run ended and someone uploaded an exploration server of it where there's creative I guess. Never used creative before. Can't fly for some reason.
Should be at Sup Forumsersailles soon
right render distance
There's Sup Forumsersailles, the multilayered meme Flag still flying high, the Sup Forumsersailles mosque in all its glory, the office complex behind it
EB games, some sort of Park that wasn't there when I last was here. Used to be a planted forest where we planted saplings on specific spots and cut down trees. We were many early on and the forests didn't last long. It was a simple project, but it worked for renewable building materials.
Oh go to Thule. I used to live there.
Still alive as of the 2nd of Auguary, 2015.
I hope he's alright.
He lived in the cliffside district, right next to the slowpoke community mine. His street was called Dewrito Drive.
I don't remember him, but I do recognize his name.
Do nether factories work on this server? Or do you just have to portal down?
Oh shit they released the civcraft map?
I recall i helped fund a city that was near Sup Forumsersailles because it went to shit, it was a small town that got turned into a city, my house was under water near some docks and it was near the railcart station.
Its a 2.0 exploration server thats been up a while. I used to have the IP but I think I deleted it by accident. Maybe OP can share?
I'm not sure, I've only learned to teleport and just taking a look around the town I lived in and helped build from the ground up.
It seems like the elevators of the mall aren't functioning anymore.
I had an office in it back in the day for VulkanCorp. Had a mining outpost for VulkanCorp far away nearby a foreign reddit land known as Requiem, iirc it was ruled by an evil reddit warrior queen who was pearled by chanadian citiziens in a skirmish. VulkanCorp also had a cactusfarm north of the Sup Forumsynesian heartlands, adjacent to western Kolima, Kolima was a reddit land that were uneasy during the time of chanadian migration when the Sup Forumsynesians settled the desert and made it bloom. They learned to foster cordial relations over time. The Kolimans were close to nature and forest fires were the worst sort of crime in their lands. I traveled there ones filling out a map and got one of their rare saplings that I lacked. It was illegal to cut trees there without replanting them. Kolima was like a sculptured garden.
This skyscraper was a marvel at the time. Ground floor is empty but nice, and upper floors had apartments and offices. Bottom floors had the mall and shops. VulkanCorps old cactus shop is still standing there among many others.
Will focus on versailles for now, where is Thule? Tell me about it
I also have a map download, but I couldn't get it to work.
Then I found this server while looking for a fix and decided to just go into it and look.
I hope I can get the saves to work, since it has earlier save points too.
Thule was an underwater city in the -+. Not too many citizens. You can find it at -8242, 4114.
Well since you posted the ip to the explore server I guess I can hop on and show you around
lol, I forgot the PSA signs.
Morale was sometimes a problem early on.
Seemingly immortal redditors could show up and doom people for eternity, there was an arsonist who liked to test the strength of Sup Forumsersayian wood, and there were meddling interest even from our own kin from across the lake, from Sup Forumsiridia.
I'd like to believe that the PSA signs helped us in our dire times.
>Well since you posted the ip to the explore server I guess I can hop on and show you around
Please do.
Here's an old map from the waybackmachine btw, if you want an overview. It was never updated after the growth of /versailles, but gives you some general ideas.
Are you in the city where there is some sort of graveyard? I recall my name was on one of the graves.
>my house was under water near some docks and it was near the railcart station.
I think I'm on the wrong side of town.
I was thinking of the underground path that went down under the lake from here, I'll go to the railway station and look for your house, it was northwest of the mall I think.
I think the church was even older than the town.
Then it was reshaped into a mall that was made defunct immediately by Joshs skyscraper mall near the town centre. I'll check it out after house near railway
Town meetings had high participation in the early days. We had some observers from Sup Forumskihabara, Sup Forumsynesia, and the commonwealth at times. We had a vote on government form one day. The vote was split between democracy and anarchy, so since the vote wasn't conclusive we kind of worked for a minarchist state. Our chanadian brethren didn't fully approve I think. Some people also voted for islamic caliphate and feudalism.
Participation was ca 55% iirc.
I think I was building this building.
Not entirely sure what for.
We were almost wiped out in our infancy.
A lot of people were disheartened and left. I don't remember that person. But one person from somewhere also had a conflicting claim to part of our land and tried to cut us off. He had support of a Sup Forumsiridian who wanted us to be chained.
The Sup Forumsersayian desire was greater than his enchanted diamond armor and eventually he had to give in. One brave soul tried to drown him in lava, but it did nothing to his armored self. He did what he could in his mind, and decided to give up. He went to the ghost town of Sup Forumsis and took his own life by jumping off a cliff.
Sup Forumsynesians and Sup Forumskihabarans chased off the >she-thing of /viridia and the wall that was splitting our town was torn down.
This house was often on fire.
I put out the flames myself 3 times and I wasn't the only one who tried to save his house.
I see home and the /poly/nesian Embassy
Hey, Sup Forumsynesian here too.
Play civclassics people. Join civclassics.
Right now there is a war going on between the two strongest groups with old players, and its on stalemate. The server could use an influx of people.
..I'm back now..
Huh I wasn't sure any channers played civclassics
I wonder how many of my signs are in chan territory
can someone explain what is going on in this thread? I usually ignore minecraft threads
You had a nice looking embassy from across the street of me. Been to Sup Forumsnesia and volkstadt. It was a nice area with friendly people.
Once I rode around on a horse and filled out a max sized map. IIRC it covered Kolima, Polynesia and Versailles all in one. I gave one copy to leader of Kolima and one to a Sup Forumsynesian, not sure if it was the leader.
I think my underwater swastika house was right where you took that screenshot.
It was to the left by that stone house iirc
There was a minecraft server that ran for several years. The 2.0 version ended in 2016. I played on it in early 2015. It had numerous mods that supported faction building.
A few chan boards swarmed it and settled in some lands close to eachother. Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums had towns when I joined. Far away there were some krautchan union. Rest were redditors.
I started playing during the founding of Sup Forumsersailles, afaik the second Sup Forums town after the first one had run out of energy with only a couple of squatters left. Up to 100 people were building on the town at the same time. Interest fizzled over time as was natural.
Game could have a form of permadeath, you could reinforce your block so randos couldn't destroy them so easily. Made things dangerous if you weren't careful.
It was a crowded city so sanitation was important.
Oh shit there is my grave! You are in the town i was raised from.
Jesus Christ its from 2015, i cant belive that shit.
Also i recall the hotel rooms i made under the church because new people came in with nothing on their backs, so i always made beds for new people.
Can you check if my house is still there?
It was around that area in the docks type of fishing spot, it was underwater.
>It was around that area in the docks type of fishing spot, it was underwater.
Looking, name btw?
Akihabara strong
sewer vat #2
andreskiller21, i am pretty sure that that long dock with logs with torches was the one that connected to my house underwater, i did some wheat farms there to feed some people and also planted a fuck ton of sugar canes around the city for cake in the church.
Fuck civcraft and fuck trannies
Titan never fell
HCF won
spare whatever the fuck his name was
rot in hell Chris
context on all of those?
you just gotta know :^)
I think I recognize your name
kovio = >she-thing from Sup Forumsiridia
Thats my house, it had also like an underground tunnel that lead to the nether i think and some hidden cache stuff in case shit hit the fan for some reason.
If you were there the first days the village came to be, then yeah you probably saw me, i helped with the church, hotel rooms under the church that became some sort of mall, set up some shops and farms and always went looking for wool and breed some sheep for it.
Kovio and Primoa stole a bunch of shit from the original Sup Forums city after running it into the ground with their (((politics))) and (((truces)))
Titan was a city the HCF reinforced to hell and back with the largest obsidian covered hole/bunker, eventually the World Police (aka reddit) decided to fuck up and start a war. Countless days of siege couldn't dent Titan.
HCF was a group of autists from an even more hardcore faction server that practiced PvP on the daily instead of reading political novels and trying to act out their power tripping fantasies.
HanTzu was a fall guy, RIP
ChrisChrispie aka literally judas betrayed everyone he ever worked with.
t. Moscow
Damn, thats a vintage meme. Before my time on civcraft too if its referencing the titan war.
iron in vinland
I lived on the southwest side of town. By the bridge that led to the jungle. I brought carrots to town and cultivated them there on my terrace farm. Started growing sugarcane there too, could've come from your sugarcane.
sewer wat #3
Is this japanese History?
Shit i think remember something about carrots, if you had them growing in your roof or something i think i remember seeing something like that, so we did met.
>HanTzu was a fall guy, RIP
Started raining now of course
no its history as best I can remember it from being a slight outsider
never forget
he died for our sins
sounds like japanese history , and i am gonna tell you this , if i get a boner is for history
You better relate this shit now , in the most historical way now
Kovio is a man and no amount of hormones will change that. Fuck you kovio. You will never be female. It doesn't work like that you abomination.
I did it mostly myself, but I had some help by Paulo, and someone else iirc.
There were a few people who lived close to me that I had some more unity with.
At one point while digging it out our usual arsonist attacked me. I was afraid of getting pearled so I jumped into the river and swam straight down to drown myself.
I remember some people leading a hunting party into the jungle to try to look for the arsonists stashes after that.
map for guy who joined the server but hasn't played on it before. For some context.
Kovio made some neat maps at least.
everyone agrees except centipede
kovio became literally who after losing viridian and the board
Sweet jesus that looks great, nice work man.
Also yeah i do remember the attacks we had on the city early on, there were rumors of people pearling around the old city too, like some tribe shit.
So who's playing CivClassics?
Where do I go?
ah. the horses.
My loyal steed is gone.
I'm not sure who took up animal husbandry first in Sup Forumsersailles. I learned it from Amorphous iirc. He made a stable up on the cliff, I made a second one down by the docks next to my house.
Catalogued horses. His first horse known as Amorph, mine as Dairy.
Then we bred them and that horse was known as Amorph/Dairy 2nd Gen B.
It would've been the second horse of that union, but I kept the 2nd one because it was better. Tested jump height and speed. Amorphous had the best horse, iirc so we tried breeding it a lot.
I might have an excel document or a google doc with some info somewhere.
Check out himmler highlands thats all i did i was a Sup Forums serf then got bored
one horse left in my stable.
Heres the civcraft 2.0 end of the world speech
alliterations are based&white
sewer wat #4
The sewers went under the main roads, and a few others, then the waste went into the nearby lakes and rivers. The sewers were 2 wide with water and stone paths on the side. Some people had basement entrances into the sewers.
Had a few hatches that you could climb into the sewer with.
>tfw love history
>tfw had done my own autismo empire
>tfw i would be part of history as another autistic user
>tfw i didnt and the only itherartion i had participated is the now closed 4craft
i guess i will die
somebody archive thread
Anyone remember the wedding in Neverwhere?
What were the names of those players?
Also what was the "priests" name?
He spoke with a lot of ........ and in a weird manner.
I think I'm at the couples old house, but it's been griefed heavily.
I remember the bride wanting to get pearled so she could go and visit Hantzu in the end.
I think this is there place, if so they named their dog after him.
>tfw total outsider viewing thread
Well one mystery solved
There were a lot of smaller wheatplots spread throughout the town.
Sup Forumsersailles wasn't centrally planned with a clear grid like many towns. One versayian laid a road, another wanted a farm next to it, then one built an intersection, later the farm was abandoned and turned into another house. The farms were moved to the outskirts, large wheat project up on the cliff, and an existing wheat farm by the old church of antioch was used here.
I think that circle was the place for old antiochs church. Which was turned into a malla nd then a was supposed to be an arena, but it became nothing. While a new Versayian church popped up next to it. The ground should still have been sacred, and might as well not let it go to waste.
of faith
Did you ever DEUS VULT on the infidels?
Is this a comfy minecraft server thread?
yo people still playin?'
I hope to one day be apart of something like this. It looks really fun.
op is on an exploration server, not original civcraft
Note the colors too.
A lot of thought went into the flag.
well shit there's still this civclassic.com
4craft die later that Sup Forums hacked
we valient soldiers of fortress Sup Forums survived they attacks and later of the big nukening of Sup Forums , peace reigned over the islands
but then something something something , yada yada yada , server closed
ye olde office..
I think there are some new stuff servers like this up, civclassics was linked earlier in the thread.
I loved this sewer.
here you go
This office is in Versailles on that map, while the in game maps show an outpost by the Icemountains.
I'm talking about something like this with the whole Sup Forums community. or at least a small bit of it. Not with some other community.
yea, seems like a comfy concept
It's good for unity to have outside threats