Is this game considered good?
Is this game considered good?
The only good tales game, it also happens to be a masterpiece.
It is in the same vein Final Fantasy 7 is considered good. Which is to say, it's not, but it was many people's first JRPG.
But atleast it's not Abyss.
Phantasia, Destiny and Eternia are better than Symphonia.
It's good, just massively overrated.
Look at this poor guy Believing any Tales game is a masterpiece, lmao
Symphonia is the definition of "babby's first."
I only played Abyss, Hearts R, Zestiria and Berseria.
It's always so easy to see who only owned a Gamecube during 6th gen.
It's excellent.
Symphonia is actually one of the very few Tales of games that is actually good.
I bet you like Vesperia and Abyss too faggot
Shame it never got ported over to the WiiU.
What's the best platform to play this?
It's really good.
Vesperia is the closest thing to a spiritual successor. None of the newer Tales games grab my attention. The new art style just doesn't do it for me. I liked the uguu animu eyes.
It's great. Story is pretty generic today by jrpg standards, but the characters are all likeable if not a bit simple. Gameplay is fun too. One of the last tales games with proper puzzles and dungeons.
60FPS (GC) vs more content and dual audio (PS3/PC)
Whats the extra content?
Nothing too substantial, it's not like Vesperia PS3 where they added entire characters and plotlines.
Unironically the GameCube, due to 60 fps (when it isn't lagging during battles with spells being spammed). Plus, you get the Tech Glitch, allowing you to use almost all of the attacks in the game at once, instead of half.
Failing that, the PS3 version is good enough. It caps at 30fps, but you do get a bunch more optional scenes, more costumes, and each character gets a super move instead of just Lloyd, Genis, Kratos and Collete.
>it's not like Vesperia PS3 where they added entire characters and plotlines
And then didn't release it in America because Microsoft is cancer.
Only by nostalgia fags
I played it on PC last year because I never got it for the Gamecube way back in like 2004 or something, and it's become one of my favorite JRPGs since. The Abyssion and Tales cameo fight in the Colisseum were top-tier.
It's also nice that the affection system lets you choose who you like best instead of baiting it out, like in FFX. Good game, very good game.
Careful with spoilers. It's nothing substantial, some costumes, moves, boss abilities. I don't think FPS matters that much and English version is absolute garbage like all dubs, I'd go with the PC version.
I've played just about all of the games in this franchise, and Symphonia is in the upper 50% of them. The new games go way too crazy with stupid subsystems and horrible skill setups. Symphonia has a good balance of it.
Unless you are the kind of jaded person who can only enjoy 4k graphics, it still holds up today. Fun, fucking long campaign, lots to do, tons to collect, all fights are basically Smash Bros battles so they don't get stale as fast as menu combat, characters are likable, voice acting is mostly good.
The script gets retarded at times, and I want to murder Chocolát, but overall it's really good.
Probably the only game besides Turtles in Time and Pokemon Yellow that I beat more than 5 times. Replay value is very high.
Is it fixed yet?
>and I want to murder Chocolát
I like how you're supposed to save her in the beginning of the game, but you only get to go to the Iselia Human Ranch and save her towards the end. I was half expecting her to already be made into an Exsphere by then.
Sounds like something a pcfart would say.
>Start new playthrough
>Start hard mode
>Decide to go hard path for early Sheena
>While also doing Friendship First
>And Eternal Apprentice
>And I Hate Gels!
The sequel was awful and taught me a valuable lesson about every getting my hopes up for literally anything as a child.
>>Decide to go hard path for early Sheena
>>While also doing Friendship First
>>And Eternal Apprentice
>>And I Hate Gels!
I have no idea what any of this means
PS3 - one thing that people forget is that an entire chunk of main story is added right before the last summon spirit dealing with all the original-game plot holes of characters who would be trapped on one side or another, giving us early closure to things like Mizuho's fate. None of those scenes were in the original but they fix a lot of little holes.
He's an achievement retard.
Apparently the base game isn't good enough for him.
Sounds more like he's replaying it for the nth time, nothing wrong with that.
What's "early sheena" though?
dolphin for best graphics and framerate
steam for most content
>98% monster book completion
How the fuck do I know what encounters I've missed?
>>Decide to go hard path for early Sheena
Basically sequence breaking to get to the harder late earlygame areas before you're supposed to, to recruit a party member early. The game accounts for this and gives alternate dialog if you do it.
>>While also doing Friendship First
No party member must die in combat, even once, before the "last" normal route earlygame dungeon boss is defeated.
>>And Eternal Apprentice
Main character is not allowed to switch weapons beyond the starting wooden swords until you clear a mid earlygame dungeon. Do the hard path and it becomes a late earlygame dungeon.
>>And I Hate Gels!
You're not allowed to use the potion healing items in combat until over halfway through the game.
This, the Grade Shop mixes things up and makes NG+ runs even more fun. And it's the only way to collect every title, and I wanted to knock all those out at once. It was surprisingly a lot of fun.
I'm not 100% sure i remember, but I'm sure the bestiary either sorts them by chronological appearance or species and chronological appearance.
They sort them by number. What you need to do is scroll through the monster list one by one and look for when it skips a number.
>Basically sequence breaking to get to the harder late earlygame areas before you're supposed to, to recruit a party member early. The game accounts for this and gives alternate dialog if you do it.
Didn't know you could do that, maybe I'll try it. Don't really care for plain achievements though.
I know they sort them by number user. That's just a cataloging regerence.
The actual, literal method of sorting is not by number but chronological appearance in the story.
Once you're supposed to head to Palmacosta from Izoold, just head north instead and cross the bridge to the eastern continent. The game won't stop you, but the enemies' levels aren't scaled to yours, so you'll be outmatched unless you never get hit and keep laying on combos to powergrind and match them. Then you can do the Tower of Mana, Balacruf Mausoleum, and Asgard Human Ranches, which gets you Sheena early and alternate dialog from her when doing the southeastern continent stuff.
It's fun.
Pretty sure I did that as a kid and got my shit pushed in by bears.
>Xillia 2
>Hearts R
>Symphonia 2
Haven't played
>everything else
New tales announcement when? Last TalesFes was so disappointing.
Tfw thought this was the way you were supposed to do it as a kid.
>tfw I liked Graces
I did it on accident when I first played it by renting it from blockbuster
I'm actually very optimistic about not getting any new of a new entry, because it probably means they're taking a little more time to develop a new game.
With how rushed they are, it might be a good idea to take a step back.
It's excellent. One of the besst paced JRPGs ever made, and posssibly on of the greatesst Tales games ever. The only other game in the seriesw I'd consider a damn near perfect game is Vesperia.
>English version is absolute garbage like all dubs
Fuck off. Ssymphonia had a damn great dub, espsecially for the year it came out. There was sserious budget behind the localization thanks to Nintendo, and it had some great casting and performances. Cam Clarke as Kratos is great.
All the characters except for based Hubert were terrible. Wasn't a fan of the combat, I like the more simple TP based combat that Xillia 2 has instead. I guess the dungeons were ok. I forgot where I dropped it but I gave it a fair chance for around 15 hours.
Honestly the most valuable part of a Tales game to me are the characters, if I don't like the characters I probably won't like the game too much.
Fucking this. The main characters of Symphonia had great VOs. They actually sounded like proper characters, not just some famous voice actor doing their lines.
Especially impressed with Sheena, Zelos and Kratos. Fucking A+ performances.
That's the game's way of saying you aren't supposed to be there yet, but if you can avoid getting mauled the best early to midgame weapons are available to you right there. Keep in mind once you start opening seals there the game will lock you into that region until you open all the seals and clear the human ranch, as the boat to cross from Izoold to Palmacosta will leave until you do.
Was never a fan of Lloyd's voice though. Didn't like him in Teen Titans either. The sound of it plain didn't agree with me.
You rented Tale of Symphonia from Blockbuster as a kid?
The game is damn near 80 hours long if you know what to do.
The only Tales game hwerre the plot and characters were so fucking terrible, I couldn't bring myself to finish the game.
>Godawful Inomata character dessignss that clashs with the world building and the art direction
>No air combat
>No manual trigger for the overlimit
It'ss been nearly 15 years and Cam Clarke still says at cons that Kratos and Liquid Snake were his favorite characters to voice.
We don't deserve him
Lloyd's voice is pretty all right, listening to him in Japanese is a fucking trip though. Kamina just doesn't fit.
Yeah, I only rented it once before buying it.
>meanwhile Lloyd's VA doesn't even remember what the game was about
>The fucking comfy early game
>Traveling through the desert
>Escaping the desian base
>The first few seals
>Meeting Sheena
>Bonding with Kratos
>Colette's resolve desspite losing her humanity
>The plot twist
I love the first third of this game. I love all of it, but the first third brings so much nostalgia to me
Finally an actual Tales game thread.
Berseria and the rest of nu-Tales is pure cancer.
>Escaping the desian base
>desian base
Should we tell him?
>Every single House of Salvation has it's own design
Xillia, Zestiria, Berseria
>Reused assets up the ass
I wish they'd go back to the locked camera style of Symphonia/Abyss/Vesperia. Hell, Vesperia runss at ssub HD and looks way better than Berseria does at 1080 because it has far better art direction
Lloyd's battle animations were pretty shit, though. If you're gonna give him two swords, he should at least consistently use both of them.
Shh, there's people here who haven't played it yet.
That's appropriate though, Kratos specifically points out that he's not fighting at max ability because swords weren't meant to be dual wielded and Lloyd is being an idiot with his weapon choice.
I'm straight as an arrow and Regal was my first man crush.
It's stupid. If you're gonna give him two swords, have him use both. If not, just give him one sword. It makes his character design pointless.
Presea is so fucking cute.
There's a little bit of storytelling there too though. Most of the early skills like Tiger Blade and Demon Fang only use a single sword, but as Lloyd becomes stronger, Skills start using both sword like Tiger Rage and Double Demon Fang
Really? We're going to gripe about illogical weapon choices in a game where one character uses a Kendama.
Houses of Salvation had good music as well.
It's embarrassing how a GC game has a more lively world than the entire of nu-Tales.
>It's a Vesperiafag
Don't you get tired of saying the same shit in every Tales thread?
That's not the point. I'm talking about from a design standpoint. For instance, you wouldn't design a monster that has scythes growing out of its arms and not have it use the scythes at all, would you? If you're gonna design a character to have two swords, then he should use both. Otherwise, it's meaningless.
I used to rent RPGs from Blockbuster when I was a kid, specially Mario RPG until I forgot to return it.
Eleanor is my waifu
It makes him look like an amateur, which he is. When Kratos gives him Flamberge and Dirk gives him the Vorpal Blade, they are acknowledging his skill as a swordsman.
That's not even illogical, Genis says that playing with a kendama helps him focus his mana into spells. They're not even meant to be weapons, they're toys.
Post Vesperia Tales games lack heart. They seem so empty and lifeless, despite the free camera and normally proportioned world. It's like playing a bad MMO.
>One of the characters is named Genis
The "dual-wielding is dumb" thing was just a one-off joke. You shouldn't design a character solely around something like that. And his normal attacks still mostly only use one sword.
>I wish they'd go back to the locked camera style of Symphonia/Abyss/Vesperia.
Agree with this heavily, Abyss was especially good at utilizing this to create illusions of scale.
Well if that's your issue it's even more stupid because he does use both.
Symphonia is good but Eternia is a masterpiece.
Xillia/2 is ok, Graces is shit because of the dungeons with identical rooms.
Weird gloves, though.
>There will never be a Symphonia remake with Vesperia combat and art style
At this point I don't want a Symphonia remake anymore. It would probably have free camera, reused assets everywhere and all the cool stuff would be cut to be sold as DLC.
>This franchise has only ever had one sountrack worthy of being considered masterful
>It's on the least-known game on a platform with a significantly superior competitor
Why did God allow this
It's good until disk 2
Fucking amazing soundtrack stuck on a shitty game.
I liked Legendia.
I like fingerless gloves and the bit of plating they have on them. The design where they cut off is a little weird though.
I'm not sure what the issue is. Kratos says that dual wielding is unwieldy and not recommended, and Lloyd's combat style reflects this by favoring one sword over the other at times. Lloyd is the newbie amateur that uses his swords to fend off monsters while walking home, Kratos is the highly experienced mercenary that knows healing magic instead of be pure all-out offense.
I know what you mean. Pic related was memorable as fuck for me because of how they used the perspective.
Let's talk about how Tales of Symphonia is canonically set in the distant future after Phantasia.
So was the mana cannon supposed to be the Ragnarok cannon?