Can Sup Forums save the princess?

Can Sup Forums save the princess?




Current Sup Forums would insert as the dragon and claim she's already saved.

Let's get it out of the way, I ____ __ ____ ____ lizard

have to kill the

I report it, receive a sum of gold, and demand an exorbitant sum should I rescue her. I try to get some up front for preparations and equipment. I hire some schmucks to throw themselves at the dragon for that upfront pay I got. If they succeed, good. I collect more money. If they fail, I keep my money.

Can Sup Forums save THIS princess?

I want the dragon.

post the futa edit already


nigga what the fuck am I

you’re saving the princess



*Gay Drawing depicting the dragon saving you instead*
Not delete the thread OP. We all know your just horny and this is your clandestine way of art begging for more fap material. How fucking pathetic.

ok but who the fuck am i

100000hrs in mspain

this is v in a nutshell

>soyboy dragon

No. Maybe if he were a bit manlier.

>Sup Forums doesn’t save the fucking princess
Shit thread.

Judging by her hand positioning, the princess is not even trying to escape. I will guess she is already planning to fuck with the lizard dude (since he is stronger, and therefore manlier).

my first time

I would prefer a female dragon. A princess is fine too though I guess..

Your next line will be>Not sucking your gf's dick





Why sage

What was so difficult about that?

No, I'll just marry the lizardman like I did the last few times we did this.

nigga u gay

Nah, I just really like lizards.

get this man a medal
