>implying i didnt just fix the problems caused by every other autist in the house looking at porn before anyone had a chance to complain
Someone post the pic. You know the one. Some people here need to be mad too.
What kind of house has a tower? Did you live in a castle?
>I deleted your games because the computer was running slow
>Only deleted the shortcuts but always talks about how much faster the computer is now
My father still blames Doom II for killing our home computer when I was real young.
He was a fucking retard about computers but I didn't know that for years later.
Doom II did nothing wrong.
Believe it or not sonny that's what we used to call them, back when they were nearly as tall as the desk and the monitors weren't flat
PC gamers called them towers. Computer illiterate parentals did not.
>Wish I never knew that about my father
Paragraph 1.
Paragraph 2.
Paragraph 3, & 4.
On a pink board.
is this a common fetish among our parents age group? I find open tabs on my dads phone all the time when he gives it to me to set shit up for him
I know this feel
>Dad calls spyware "puppies"
>Runs obscure "puppy busting" software to speed up the PC because it's running slow
>"WOW look how fast it is now, user"
>Moves his mouse around the desktop a bunch to prove how fast it is
His PC wouldn't be do full of viruses and crypto miners of he would just stop downloading shit from dodgy 10yo Russian websites and install a fucking firewall.
Why does she not have eyebrows?
what mom called them tower?
You mean family computer?
I don't get it.
My mom taught me the word tower and her interest in video games ended with columns on the game gear
Absolutely infuriating.
There is no way it's real. I can not imagine a world where it could be.
please spoonfeed a newfag
I hate people who say tower
God damn I hate that user's mom and sister
lurk moar
An old picture of an assembly of screenshots wherein an user recounts the tale of how his mother and sister basically destroyed his laptop and revoked his computer rights because they thought he was computer illiterate when, in fact, the opposite was true. It's such an infamous post that a thumbnail of the screenshots alone or a vague mock assembly of the screenshots is enough to remind anons of the rage.
Depends on if they worked with computers or not. As monitor and computer grew apart IT people spread the term tower around office spaces to determine whether someone turned on the computer or just the monitor. "Did you turn on the tower?" etc.
Not because he's illiterate, he's just a pushover little bitch.
I don't get it wheres megaman
Just here to provide some pent up hatred
Clearly you're illiterate.
>they thought he was computer illiterate when, in fact, the opposite was true.
When WAS the last time it was posted anyways
I don't want to spoonfeed newfags but at the same time I can't help but feel like they need to know the absolute state of anger that a simple retelling of events inflincts upon a man.
Does it matter? They don't seem to care about the truth anyway.
Funny, newshit. Funny.
>the madman actually posted it
>normalfags became normies
>newfags stayed newfags
why? normalfag was perfectly okay
don't remind me pls user
I really hope karma bit those bitches
hopefully user is ok now
My wife had a Dell desktop in a previous marriage. Her dipshit (now ex) husband tried to install flight simulator on it and it wouldn't run.
>You stupid bitch, all your photos and shit are slowing down the computer.
She moved all the photos onto a USB, bought a laptop and moved out on his ass, now he still can't play flight simulator and he has none of his kids baby photos. Stupid cunt.
He also doesn't get to fuck her anymore. Dark souls and pussy for me all day.
Unironically tumblr
I hope he killed his family.
Now post the screencap of him after finally leaving those dumbasses
Took me a bit
Fuck you Gunslinger. I'll put my games where I want.
Here ya go lad.
Enjoy the rage.
Don't you mean the "cpu"?
>0 replies
Huh. Wonder what everyone's doing
why can't he play flight simulator now that the photos are gone
>t. ex
Never seen that, is it real? Did the whores finally get what they deserved?
more like he finally got out and is happy without those cunts
>Chip in to help my sister get a new lap top for her birthday
>Parents ask me to install all the normal fag shit onto it before the birthday rolls about
>Do it and check to make sure it runs properly
>Literally 3 days later my parents come to my place complaining I installed viruses on the computer and it was running slow
>They get the Minecraft folder (My sister loves that shit) and says "This is one of those bitcoin miners isn't it?"
>Calmly explain to them it isn't but noticed the computer was chugging along opening tabs in the browser for no reason
>mfw I found ANCIENT tier viruses like Bonzai buddy in there and yes, a bit coin miner
>I clean it and put everything back to normal
>They are still complaining about Minecraft
This is one of those things where I'm glad my parents are way older than me, my mom's like 60 and has never even bothered with using a computer. There was this one time where my older sister was being a bitch and going through my shit while I was at school, and deleted all my porn. She acted all shocked and appalled, as if it's inconceivable for a 14 year old to be jacking off. Thankfully she didn't understand how the recycle bin works.
you fag
what the fuck is this supposed to be
>the tower
>Buy mom a laptop for christmas
>A year later she complains how shitty it is and wishes it was as good as her work computers
>Use some left over parts I have after an upgrade to do a build for her. Completely far beyond what she could ever use it for
>Visit on mother's day to find out that she spent $1400 on some shitty 2in1 convertible
>Defends it by saying the computer would slow down too much and would often turn off randomly
>Turns out she took the legs off off the chassis and put it directly on carpet, causing the power supply to shit itself constantly from heating issues since the bottom vent was blocked 24/7
>but mom you pirate every movie you watch
Man I hated my childhood
That remind me why I'm glad my ex left me
>she's constantly complaining her laptop is slow
>she blames her brother for installing stuff on her computer
>ask her to check the stuff he installed
>mostly common softwares, a few games, it can't be it
>she says he installed something called Ava or something
>it was Avast, she have no idea what an antivirus is and uninstalled it
>decide to take her laptop off her hands and check CPU usage
>software with russian symbols .exe using 90% of the CPU
>remove this shit, install antivirus and run a scan
>laptop goes suddenly 10 times faster afterward
>not even rewarded with sex
>3 days later she's complaining again
>same fucking .exe reappeared
>ask her if she installed anything
>"Yeah my music app was gone for some reasons so I reinstalled it, but the thing you added blocked the installation so I had to remove it."
I never got this. The rage is how retarded the user who posted that is, right?
It's a morph of the usual "stop putting games on the computer" posts, like how "Teacher, user has a gameboy in his backpack" slowly became "Ay yo teach user got a game & watch in his rucksack" a few years ago on this very board
I refuse to believe this is real
It's not
Obviously fake.
Oh god, user, you made me remember every day with my stepsiblings
Fucking girlsgogames has so many viruses its unfucking believable
megaman with a flustered expression.
>paragraph 3
I would put my tower into her and give her viruses if you get my meaning ;););)
Yeah id ask her to buy some toilet paper because my ass is in eternal pain and spitting out black goo
what does MegaMan have to do with that computer post in the slightest
Have you read it recently?
this shit is exactly why I don't tell people I'm good with computers.
I'm so glad my parents were never this retarded.
My mom was and still is overly paranoid about viruses, though.
that was only due to the boards switch in culture from loser shitposting to neo nazi politics
>"Yeah my music app was gone for some reasons so I reinstalled it, but the thing you added blocked the installation so I had to remove it."
Pretty smart~
hypothetically mr computer wiz how would i play flight sim after the pictures are gone. maybe he just wants to play flight sim.
this only happened to me back in 2008-2009 was 12 back then, and my sisters got their first pc, i remember the dog turning it off accidentally and then everyone yelled at me
It sucked having a dad who knew about computers because he knew how to block porn sites and all, but at least I never got
Aside from occasional accusations that were disproven pretty quickly.
>But millions of people use it and have never gotten a virus from it
My mom has been terrifyingly bad with technology her entire life and I have to babysit her and fix all the random shit she does with her phone and my dad is so paranoid about viruses he has multiple antivirus programs that constantly fight each other.
>my dad is so paranoid about viruses
My dad unironically pays 60 dollars a year for Norton and refuses to believe me every time i fix his computer and the problem was caused by Norton.
>mother was an IT trainer for the police
>very tech savvy
>built my sister and I a PC each
>bought us boat loads of games
Considering how many people seem to have complete luddites for parents, I think I got lucky.
My parents dont understand shit about computers and gaming but they've always supported my gaming habit by buying me games and hardware
>both parents were always into tech and know how to use computers
I think I got super lucky
>pirating games is bad its stealing and you'll get bad karma
>parents go off to buy 150 in 1 bootleg movie DVDs and copy it for all their friends
Too long
>dad is a senior executive at a software company
>generally pretty knowledgeable about computers and hardware
>STILL thought it was because of my games that the computer was slow as shit, and not the fact that it was made in 1994
At least he didn't delete them or anything, he just used this excuse when I complained.
>My grandfather bought himself a top of the line PC
>I had to go over and teach him how to use it
>Had to set literally everything out step by specific step down right down to the individual click
>I'm a shitty and impatient teacher and I couldn't stand how slow it was
>Every so often he'd buy some new shit like a professional tier CCTV camera and I'd have to spend a weekend setting up some arcane networking shit to get it to feed to his computer then work out how to explain interfaces I could barely navigate to him
>Would have to go over and "fix" the PC because he got an ad popup saying YOUR COMPUTER MAY BE INFECTED
>Find out he'd been sick the whole time I'd been teaching him this and his hands were wracked with arthritis which is why he was so slow at typing and mouse control, but he never complained during our sessions
>When we were clearing out his house I found meticulous notes he'd written of all the things I'd shown him and various study guides he'd bought to self learn
>Realised he probably didn't really need the PC at all, he just wanted something for us to bond over, but he was too proud to ever just say that