ITT: Post characters that you share your name with

ITT: Post characters that you share your name with.


Do people call you gerald all the time?

who the fuck names their kid witcher

Which character is that?

His name isn't actually Geralt, doofus.

Well, my name is Gerald so it's basically Geralt with a different letter at the end.
Also, my brother call me Geralt since I really like the series.

The same kind that name their kid Dovahkiin or Sepharoth.


Is "Witcher" a common name in America?

>Well, my name is Gerald
Then it isn't fucking Geralt, is it, fuckface?

>Do people call you gerald all the time?
>His name isn't actually Geralt
>Well, my name is Gerald

fuck. beat me to it. have a (you) fgt


are you baiting, cuz Geralt is pronounced with a hard G.

i cant believe there's a character with my name

My name is Gerald too but it isn't Geralt


Also known as the greatest Jedi that ever fucking lived.



My parents love me.
What can I say.



I can't believe they're still supporting this game. More devs need to be like them.


I go by Marc tho

user what sort of Satanic baby were you for your parents to "honor" you with that name? Were your first words that you want to destroy world or something?


hearing my name is weird because i'm usually called by my nickname. thankfully i've never heard my nickname in a game.

25% of people will call me jake by accident

nobody has my name


One that gets named after lunatic from JRPG obviously.
Is not that bad desu.
When somebody remarked anything about my lovely name, Franz was at top of their tongue and not psychotic clown.

im a male tho

guess you could say it's "kefkaesque"

Deanonymisation: the thread

you say with it a J sound
hard "guh" G sound like in "goat" also it ends in a T you dumb shitbitch



Not trolling, my name is actually Hope.

I don't believe I'll ever find another being fictional or otherwise "Sened" to be honest.

are you a cute grill

Geraldo Rivera

Cartagobro here, I have a friend named Sened (It could be you tho)

Name a single video game character named Ryan

Geraldo do Rio.

your name is raiden ?


Fuck I just started playing this. Going go saying his fucking name.

The sphere wrinkles in your hands, the skin of the sphere peeling away into tears and turning into a rain of bronze that encircles you. Each droplet, each fragment that enters you, you feel a new memory stirring, a lost love, a forgotten pain, an ache of loss - and with it, comes the great pressure of regret, regret of careless actions, the regret of suffering, regret of war, regret of death, and you feel your mind begin buckling from the pressure - so MUCH, all at once, so much damage done to others... so much so an entire FORTRESS may be built from such pain. And suddenly, through the torrent of regrets, you feel the first incarnation again. His hand, invisible and weightless, is upon your shoulder, steadying you. He doesn't speak, but with his touch, you suddenly remember your name. ...and it is such a simple thing, not at all what you thought it might be, and you feel yourself suddenly comforted. In knowing your name, your true name, you know that you have gained back perhaps the most important part of yourself. In knowing your name, you know yourself, and you know, now, there is very little you cannot do.


pls switch with me nick sucks so hard

If you're german they sound very similar.



I share a name with Goku except instead of "G" its "M" and instead of "oku" its "icheal"
but its pretty much the same though



I prefer Jimmy.



>a fucking grave robber


>well my name is gerald


is it jack or john?

So Vladimir or Vladislav?

but your name is wyatt...

My name appears extremely rarely and only as a surname.

Only fat amerifats get named Hope or Stars and Stripes or School Shooting

Naming your child a euphemism for a penis should be considered an act of abuse.



Unless you consider Marcus and Marcos the same name, there aren't any.

Your name if Big hat?



That sad feel when there's no cool video game characters named Sean.

At least none memorable enough for me to remember.

The only Vidya character I can remember that I share a name with.


His in game name might not be named Sean, but voice actor of character is.


What is your nickname? Vodka?

I share his last name, beat that faggots


best name reporting in

Find me a single Cale in video games


inb4 london


>all those legos

>top kek
I envy you.


i didn't think girls would be okay with that kind of meme

I wish I has his 90s hair, it's kawaii as fuck.


Dude, you fucking share your name with the main character from Don Bluth's last great film.

Not that user but most of that shit (except Sonic, I was primarily a PC gamer growing up, lots of CRPGs) was my childhood.

Also, I've accepted the fact that I'm an autist. Else, why would I be here?

Huh, always wanted to watch Titan A.E. Maybe soon