Was going full steam with Makoto, but all of a sudden this top tier absolute QT was introduced and now I don't know what to do anymore ;_;
Was going full steam with Makoto...
>not picking Futaba so you have Sojiro as your father-in-law
If you don't choose the romance option with her she gets upset :(
you could land a plane on that forehead
objectively worst girl
I don't see the appeal of Haru. While I don't dislike her she is the worst phantom thief. Morgana was a little shit but at least he was kind of fun especially when you can cuck him
But Futaba is like a sister. Besides, Futaba is for Makoto
I like how the arrow points at her 5head.
Posting best girl right now.
Kawakami>Haru>Tae>Futaba> Shoji girl>Ann>Makoto>Fortune girl
>Ann: chads and normies
>Makoto: redditors and boring people
>Futaba: pedophiles and the mentally ill
>Haru: special snowflakes who want to feel unique
>special snowflakes who want to feel unique
yeah thats me
I'm not a normalfag and I'm certainly not a chad.
Go for her user! She is literally the one that need protagonist-kun the most...
>not picking Futaba so you have Sojiro as a father in law, but also are dating best girl and being her key item and taking the fine NEET queen to pound town
>You will never have a cute emotionally dependent richass gf that just is happy to make shit coffee with you in your comfy coffee shop
It's not fair, why do people that don't exist always get the best shit
>Makoto: redditors and boring people
I chose the shogi girl. Must be her autism I liked
>Futaba: pedophiles and the mentally ill
didn't have enough time to up my stats and romance her. she was the best choice though.
I thought Makoto would have a lot of potential until the game refused to go ten minutes without telling me how smart and cool and independent she is
That just turned me off her hard
Her s link is garbage too
Haru sweet and loving out in the streets, pegging your ass under the sheets Okumaru
This is the real deal right here.
Sae > Tae > Ohya > Kawabunga > everyone else
stick with makoto, haru is full on yandere
Leave Futaba alone you disgusting animal.
second best*
And your point is?... It just adds more wonderful spices and flavors to an already amazing dish.
>fucking psycho
all winning marks of a nearly perfect girl.
>Makoto: redditors and boring people
Can confirm... my reddit friend love makoto so much that he completely baffled when i choose haru and ignore makoto s-link..
The spotlight would stick to you too if you were best girl.
I'm in a tie between Ann and Futaba.
Help me, Sup Forums.
Futaba. Ann is a sweetheart, but Futaba needs the love, be her key item user. pls don't make her cry desu...
Futaba is really cute. Ann is just dull.
Cuck the cat.
>all fine, smashable asses
We truly are blessed
Although best girl is missing.
>tfw you make Ann scream out in bliss as you ram her ass in front of Morgana, whose mind snaps
Feels good. Shouldn't have told me to go to so early on the weekend.
I can't look at her and not think of this dog.
So Joker almost certainly just said fuck it and went back to Tokyo after the road trip right?
I could buy Yu leaving as he might actually have some semblance of a life back home but Joker pretty much has explicitly nothing going for him in his hometown
haru truly, truly is best girl. she's an actual independent woman, unlike that sleazeball makoto who clings to her sister so hard you'd need a crowbar to move her off even an inch
yeah that ending was dumb, Joker had zero incentive to leave, it was just a poor imitation of P4's ending
Haru has no ass.
Let's see, he had
>a harem of literally perfect girls, any of which he could date
>chill and loyal bros
>an awesome adoptive father
>a job
>access to everything he could want
in Tokyo
In his shitty small ass home town? Nothing. He better go back to live with Futaba and Sojiro.
>Haru has no ass
That's why you need to feed her burgers and other junk food. Fatten her ass up a little bit.
I was between Hifumi and Makoto and when Haru appeared it wasnt even a question anymore. I felt bad for Hifumi though, taking her to the beach and all must had been pretty misleading for her.
Wait, that's not a picture and caption of Futaba... Why would you try and mislead the other user?
Because I think he should pick Anne.
I can't fucking believe that Persona 5 ripped off the award winning film: Alvin & the Chipmunks...
>doesn't call you hot stuff
>doesn't call you her key item
>doesn't want to game with you
>doesn't want to to go shop for computer parts
>doesn't have glasses
>isn't autistic smart
Ann is wonderful, but Futaba is the clear choice. Ann is a great friend who you would hug and take out for cake and such when visiting. No hate here on her, just to be clear.
After he finishes school? Who knows, most of his friends could had left the city after that point, then whats the point. Also his parents arent made of money, not gonna let him live in tokyo while on school.
beep boop
How's Kawakami fit into that list?
Nothing you just said sounds appealing to me, sorry.
>Sojiro was cool with him chilling in the attic of Leblanc OR he most likely could live in with Futaba
>all his friends and their lives are centered around Tokyo, it's not P4's cast of characters
>he friends would most likely be more than happy to keep him living there in Tokyo
Hey, it's all good user. I am glad you have Ann as your women. Still good taste!
His parents have the final say on that, paying for school must not be cheap, Shujin seems to be for the rich. And again, after he finishes high school who the fuck knows where everyone will end up to.
Fuck you, Sup Forums, this thread is making me want to start the game all over again.
Same. Not sure what it was.
Same thing happened to me in P4, I planned to go for Rise but then I found Yukiko and she was perfect. I romanced Rise to stick to the plan but she just wasn't as good as Yukiko so I romanced Yukiko in NG+ and all subsequent playthroughs. Sorry Rise.
Do it user, embrace the wiafu super hero sim again!
I'm not though.
What do you want from Kawamommy then user?
This is a huge improvement.
>Ohya above anyone else
Wow, that's actually so much better.
Fluff, chillin, and master/maid roleplay sex after marriage
>not having a forehead fetish
>not wanting to cum directly onto her forehead
>wanting to cum on her forhead
Disgusting user, her forehead is for gentle, loving kisses only.
Yeah, I want to play SNES with her while cuddling
>master/maid roleplay
>sex after marrige
Well, I was going to say we could be friends, but now I know that can never truly be
Looking back, I flip Kawabunga and Ohya. But she's still better than everyone else. It's just her personality. And I like short hair.
To each their own, I suppose. Mommyfags are cancer, I hope we can agree on that.
Am I the only one who thought Mishama was going to die when he was throwing up in the toilet in hawaii, which then proceeds to turn to a cutscene of the old guy saying "Yes It's time we dispose of him"
You aren't the only, I actually thought the same thing. Thank God he lives to be roasted by Futaba in her S.Link.
God that scared me bad! Got him to Rank 10 as soon as we got back.
>Tae: People with taste
>Worst phantom theif
>Literally the most OP and broken party member in the game
I both loved and disliked Mishima. Loved him because I understood him, and wanted to be his friend. I disliked him because I couldn’t have him be my personal sex/stress relief
>Worst Phantom Thief
Have you ever seen her triple shot!?
I guess they didn't do this or else there'd be no competition.
I suppose you'll be more likely to add Hair-u to your hair-um with no hair-sitation if she looked this way.
how tf am i supposed to max Haru if right after I meet her I have to do Shidos palace? Is there more to the game after December? A simple yes or no will suffice.
i want to cum on that giant forehead
Why was Joker so perfect? and why do I want him to mind break my straight ass and make me his personal pleasure slave?!
You have like 60 days to max Haru after her confidant is available. Doing Shido palace will not end the game/
>not maxing every link
It isn't that hard in p5, also if you didn't do her link than you probably don't have her in your party and you probably use Morgana in your party and Morgana is the worst party member in the game, so yeah you fucked up dude.
>cucking your best bro
Does anyone have the picture with the three suave dialogue choices for each mature romance? The one with Joker's eyes getting more intense.
Got you desu
Makoto is like the main dancer at a show that isn't even the best dancer participating. It just happens she is sleeping with the producer and so she gets special benefits while other good characters get tossed to the way side because they aren't the producers love project.
Don't know how any one can still be a Haru fan after seeing the GDQ trans comparison. It was spot on.
I'm not letting a cat get between me and love.