Do you play with inverted controls, Sup Forums?

Do you play with inverted controls, Sup Forums?

I don't know how people do that shit

Why the fuck would you play like that? It doesn't even make sense

Not in first person games but some shitty rpg must have had inverted as default for camera controls because I prefer it in that case

I play first person with traditional look and third person games with inverted controls.

I cannot play properly if the Y axis is not inverted.

Only in airplane games

Invert only in aircraft. and boats

Never played goldeneye confirmed

If you had a joystick on the top of your head and someone pressed it up your head would go down. How does it not make sense?


inverted naturally makes the most sense. This whole debate was decided way back before video games when they were inventing airplanes. They were trying to figure out what was the best, most natural control scheme, and they decided on having it so that pulling back on the stick pulled you upwards, and pushing forwards on the stick made the plane dive downwards.
They could have made it work the other way, but the inventors and professional pilots realized that inverted was the most natural. In every single country across the entire globe.

what kind of stupid pleb uses a joystick to play FPS games?

Because I dont have joystick on the top of your head you nigger

Yeah, it makes sense, but only if you have a joystick on the top of your head wich is not the case

It's not your case r-right?

Only flying games

do you invert your mouse direction when using a computer too?

I can see arguments for boths, but really it's a case of left/right handed. Your brain is just wired to think about and do things in certain ways. There have been small studies into inv/default based on left/right hemisphere dominance etc.

There's also the matter of which you came across first. Pre Halo 1 what we call inverted now was commonly the default option so many gamers that got started with console shooters before Halo learned on inverted.

There are good arguments both ways, but it's just about what feels natural. The only argument I don't particularly like is the "hurrr up is up" argument, because nobody holds a controller vertically. You push and pull the stick forwards and backwards.

You control the crosshair, not the head of the person
End of thread


I used to always use inverted then Wind Waker forced me to use normal. Now I usually use normal but can use both.

The rational response that I was waiting for

This argument is retarded. If this were how it is, then pushing left would make you look right.
This guy gets it

Normal x axis, inverted y axis

Yes. I'm guessing Dirge of Cerberus was what started this for me.

No, I play the ONLY way that makes sense

I'm not homosexual enough to use a controller.

It translates to the camera in a game though. Go tape your dildo to a camera on a tripod, grip it, and push forward. The camera will point down. It literally makes perfect sense.



Kill yourself.

How it "felt" had nothing to do with why planes controlled like they do you absolute mong. The aspects of how the elevator worked made it more mechanically efficient to pull back to ascend and push forward to descend, nothing more.

And pushing the stick left/right rolls your viewpoint while pedals are used to actual yaw it left/right, aircraft controls are nothing like FPS/TPS controls.

BTW it's pull because of immense force needed to pitch up in a plane with purely manual controls compared pitching down because of gravity.

I never understood until my 3rd run of Bloodborne, I was struck with the idea to invert, and it works great. It's the only game I've done it on, though.

>1 inverted axis, 1 normal axis
This I cannot fathom.


you almost never manually aim in goldeneye

No I don't play with inverted controls but I don't see why people care. It's like being right or left handed, who gives a shit.

That only works if you also invert the X axis.

Only with a mouse, not with a controller.