Do what feels good


That's gay


Was this worthless thread really worth the 3 day vacation?

>he thinks banning works in the era of phoneposting

Frotting > Anal


Is frotting where you smack you hard dick all over their face?



get this gay shit outta here, fag

Check this 6


Fucking sissies in the butt feels good

Thanks OP

tfw no sissies in texas to pound





no it's when you rub dicks together
it actually does feel better, and you don't have to douche for it

rarity best pone


no its where you smack your hard dick against her hard dick

what the fuck

Every phone ip is rangebanned though

Older Sup Forums was a fucked up place boyo

why do white people enjoy sticking their dicks into shit?

that's absolutely false

Here it is

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

wanna see her asshole




thats a dude

What it is called when you smack your hard dick all over their face ?



Stop this immediately

Been here for five years and never seen this shit. Is this /mlp/ after hours or some shit?


fluffy threads still pop up every now and then.
people just moved over to the booru and rest quit because everyone is such a faggot with anger issues.

not to mention it stems from abusing those touhou balls + MLP.


What the actual fuck

My nigga

Has it actually died down or have I been desensitized?



I don't like this.




Fucking die in horrible pain


The abuse turns me on but the pony fluffy shit turns me off

Jokes on you I’m still turned on

Look who is asleep again
>all these underage newfags getrin shocked by stale /mlp/ memes
we need to bring gore posting back