What's the best erotic video game out there?

What's the best erotic video game out there?

>most of the lewd are sprite
such a shame


Not anything by Akabur that's for sure

Animal Crossing

How is that a bad thing?


He should really just stick to drawing TMNT porn that's it.

What's even good about it? It's not a parody of anything and the art doesn't seem very good.


If anything I prefer erotic games to not be parodies, they just feel weird

I mean, Rule 34 drawn pornography is much more popular than non-Rule 34, it's probably for a reason.

Gears Of War 1

Lewdest Labyrinth is really fun and nearing the end of development
Kurovadis is hard as fuck but good
Night of Revenge is pretty good but most likely wont see release for over a year
Spirit Master of Retarnia has gameplay but it's slow
Alien Quest Eve is super promising but will probably never see completion

modded Skyrim

The one that allows you to make the lewdest elves.

Four Elements Trainer

It's pretty good. What other trainers are worth it?

>What's even good about it?
the amount of shilling it got when it was new mostly


Everything investagator girl and Forest of blue skin



sakura town - stop man the videogame
>engage in sick pranks like pantsing, theft, and rape

era games - easy to mod text based games
>enrich europe with toehoes, or kill satan with seraph, shadow chie and dante(from the devil may cry series)

Rai 7 - strategy and porn
>cuck the king so bad he blows up a hospital

super177 - jamaican foot race simulator

I need that sauce.

did the lazy faggot finally finish hermione trainer? I don't think I remember that stuff when I played it. is there a second character now?

Free cities is a thinking man's game.
ATF got loli mod for it as well.


He's not lazy, he simply can't draw for real and has extremely shit taste.

Don't learn to drawn western cartoons for a living, just learn to fucking draw first.

Come check it out guys



I used to play Rai 7 a ton, full translation never, ever.


Nice crop, Konstapilous

>Slablands is a text adventure game

lmao what a fucking loser go read a book nerd


It's really good can you just try it please?

Something Unlimited


So is this shit one game or multiple games? I;m lost

What is this? Art looks nice.

>First let's talk about what you WON'T see.
>NTR and cuckolding
Why even bother?

Is there a way to get a threesome/foursome on ember island?

It's one game, like CoC but way better and no futa/furshit

Fuck off of Sup Forums asshole

futa, ntr and bestiality is shit taste fetish


The H-scenes were pretty well made.
It feels more animated, compared to most VN's that are pretty much just 5 frames and the only way I'm getting my rocks off is from the dialogue.

I'm not into the art style though, their faces looks malnourished and it really creeps me out.

It literally says futa can exist
I like futashit, but I can live without it



Women being fucked by dogs is the most patrician fetish.

I don't remember that pare of Hermione Trainer. Did he release a new version or something?


Alright user but only if you kiss my tip.

I like it but the MC annoys the shit out of me.

I don't understand why this piece of shit has a modding community.

The game has no sex.
The mods don't either.

But I literally won't see futa, because there is none in the game.

>separate version for loli
>no unavoidable domming, completely missing the point of the fetish
>no possible netori

Why is this website so fucking GAY nowadays? Who lets these vanilla nazis take control?

erotical night
season of sakura
true love
the maid's story

Nothing wrong with bestiality.

Any answer that isn't Rondo Duo is incorrect.

the setting is good but the animations suck balls

>there's an option to not hug her

Who would do such a thing

I dislike the tweening, the look like jelly monsters

i seriously need games that have impregnation, with or without sprites like these.

That's my problem with half the shit in the not CoC games of its ilk. What's the point of every damn transformation/"fetish"/incident being voluntary (or at player will)? Ruins 90% of the fun.

It just makes it even better for me. It accentuates the softness of flesh. Its an exaggeration of why looking at naked skin is appealing.

>Hugging Azula when she's at her craziest

A dance with rogues.

Drop Factory
Violated Heroine

Vitamin Quest is literally about an elf girl trying to repopulate her race

Would you play a coop porn game where you and your friends have to avoid getting raped?

futa, ntr and bestiality is shit fetish for people with shit taste

I would play a coop porn game where I rape my friends and they rape me.

I'd fucking love to play a full version of that succubus board game with Sup Forums. It'd be like 100% OJ but we're all jerking off

Dodge the rapist map in starcraft broodwar BAM


That fucking cat

Every time some Sup Forumsirgin offers up those things I have to wonder when we left the graces of God

>Shit taste

>zealots chasing infested kerrigan
>something something throbbing rods

starcraft BW customs had its charm

That would be fun but at that point I wouldn't be jacking off so the rape kinda seems null.
I'd still play it though.

>the art sucks balls
>the animations suck balls
>the writing sucks balls
>gameplay is practically non existent
>it's raking mad dosh

I'm salty af.

itt: vanillasoys

>Sleeping Hermaphroditus
>Sculpture by Gian Lorenzo Bernini

About 400 years ago

already played all of these. Keep going back to them, but something new would be nice.

Hizashi no Naka no Real

The limitations made it so much more amazing when people thought up a "workaround" and seeing what units people would use as their various characters in a map was always entertaining. The mass spawner games always were fun just to see what your next form was going to be.

basically they use the gayfag tactic
>spam shitty fetish
>if anyone talks it down, reply pretending that it's normal on the site and that you're the weird one for not liking it, pretending it's always been liked
homos do it as well by pretending Sup Forums has "always been gay lol"
see for a classic example

Whichever one lets me lewd the lolis.

So none of them.

Succubus board game? Why have I not heard of this?

Book of Lust


Night of revenge and its not even done.

Have you played Village of Nightmare? It's made by the same guy

you aren't good at searching are you?


Stick to pink meth, retard

How about a coop versus game where you and your friends play virgins and one person plays the rapist and you have to run away form them? Dead by Daylight but with rape