

Other urls found in this thread:


useless trading cards every time as i have no steam friends


wow its fucking nothing

>It's an shitty skin
Fuck you Tripwire

>10% off some game

I've got like 5 or so coupons that I'm never going to bother with.

>chink ir russian wants to be your friend

need steam frens, will add gays at this point i dont care


>friend request from some collector with 800+ friends

>shitty friend request from someone called Mohammad
No thanks faggot


Instant report.

Can I just say that I don't get it

This thing where user laments getting a notification on steam

This is the umpteenth thread with this theme and I don't get it

Is it because you don't want to talk to people, or because it happens so rarely that you feel bad when it does happen or what

Does getting a message from someone on steam really make your day?
I'm actually curious, hell I might even message some people if it makes them happeh.

>when it's a comment on one of your reviews

It is because they are autistic and can't make friends

Lurk more redditor


No, it just doesn't fucking make sense. Why feel bad about *getting* a notification then. Why not about never getting one. Why is it that when you see a notification you go "oh boy that sucks", isn't that backwards

holy shit

It's about the hope that you may actually be noticed for once and being let down. That's worse than being ignored completely

>another comment on one of my steam guide/walkthroughs thinking they know better or complaining they cant follow the directions listed

>bot spams you with messages for scam sites
>block him
>you can still see the notifications that he sends you
>only way to get rid of green symbol is to unblock, check messages, then reblock

what fucking ape coded this shit?

Beat Hazard booster pack

>xiv on the monitor
so true it hurts
why do i still play this fucking game

>being so low test that a name scares you


Last letter is just above failure.

It's another useless trading card of course because
>using the social media aspects of Steam ever
My only friends are my actual friends and family

>Machine above the planet tree

He just doesn't want to get honor killed because he reloaded his clip with ammo still in it.

>it's some fucking russian scumbag who commented on wanting to trade an awp skin for all my cs:go crates ad grafittis on his """alt account"""
>last online 79 days ago
seriously I swear I saw this exact same message and format a month ago and I don't know where these faggots keep coming from


First letter is above average, but not quite at the top. Just getting around to redeeming a humble bundle from a while ago and it seems I have a bunch of the games from a similar humble bundle a long time ago.

So the idea is, the notification is not someone leaving a message or sending a friend request but a trading card or whatever? And you're sad because it's not, like, a stranger going "oh hey I noticed you and thought we should be friends".

It's stupid, sorry but it just is. People don't just message you out of the blue and go "hey random person do you want to be online buddies", no matter how cool you are, unless you're particularly "famous" and have weird stalkers. The people who do that, you don't even want to get to know them.

It's real hard to sympathize with that, like I feel sorry for you guys for feeling bad but it's kind of vain really and shows utterly unrealistic expectations

>the ass you retard

Useless? You can sell it for a few cents.

>admits that the guy is a woman

I don't even bother with that because there's nothing ever worth getting for that little.

Dude you have autism

Woah sick rip, go on have your pity party I won't stop you

this is grotesque

Who even makes these


9 and 8.

>First letter is above average, but not quite at the top.
the fuck kind of hint is this

t. brainlet

he's fast

>post a negative review about warhammer regicide about how they were making races paid dlc when they promised to give it for free to prepurchasers
>go to bed
>wake and have 37 notifications
>it's downvoted to hell and there's tons of rage and hate replies
>one the devs replied and called me a liar and then posted on the forum asking for my review to be raided


It's the capitalized letters of HuniePop, but reversed. The game the code is for is HuniePop by the way.

It's the fleeting hope of ambition and possible feeling of company. You don't have to act like a mucho tough guy when you reek of newfag. Fuck out of here

>implying my internet friends come over

Hahahahahaha someone release me from this hell


Shorthand for that icecream chain.

huge if real

>it's a booster pack
>you can't sell it because Steam banned the dev
Why is this allowed?

there are so many



If you multiply anything by it, you get it.

Somebody's probably already gotten it by now.

>yfw it's a foil

I have too many activation attemps now FUCK

damn, you niggers are fast

Post the review and the dev post.

>It's another crate

I'm not buying expensive fucking keys to for a mystery price Gabe


The first letter of the better ASSFAGGOT

>Only worth 40-50 cents
Miles ahead of the average card but

Steam code giveaways are for shitters. First post to reply to this post with
>a link to their steam page
>any game they wish
Gets that game.

I shouldn't even have to say this, but if you post something retarded like the Train Simulator DLC or anything over $80 USD your post is getting ignored son
>inb4 "he won't do it"

Yeah terribly sorry for not understanding your particular flavor of mental maladjustment. I'm probably not telling you something you haven't heard before when I let you in on the fact that there are better ways to find company than waiting to be added by someone on steam. It's like checking the mail and being disappointed that it's only advertisments and bills and not someone you don't know randomly sending you a holiday card. I'm sorry you're lonely but who the fuck do you think you are


Dark Souls 1 pl0x

won't do shit


Vermintide 2 collectors edition please

it's 2018 user

Call of Juarez Gunslinger please

Holy shit you have literal autism. It's not only about a friend request. It could be a comment on your profile or a review or maybe a reply to a forum post. It's not only about friends you autist


At least I only have the bachelor's in CS

I tried


And that's it from me. The letter at the top left of your keyboard and the letter at the bottom right. Enjoy weeb catgirls.


Wait turns out I had A Magical Highschool Girl already too. Missing is the letter that made me look in the wrong spot in my library when checking.

Thanks for NEKOPARA Vol. 2!

>all this reddit spacing
>I dont understand because I'm too much of a normalfag
It's time to go back

Jesus Christ never post again

The first dude's game was pretty cheap, so I'll do two.
Fuck you

Well then educate autistic me instead of throwing me names with every reply how about that. It really really doesn't click in my head. Why feel bad about a comment on your profile or your forum thread. How is that a bad thing, isn't that you getting noticed...?


Man, I have a lot more of these random weeb games I never play than I thought. Hint is it would be jackpot if there were a third in a row.

It's not a bad thing. You WANT the comment/reply/whatever but what you get is some bullshit discount or a trading card

that was quick

i dont trust you

why is the left one making my weewee hard

Love you user

this is amaazing

Every time I see this image, I find myself transfixed.

This picture hurts to look at. It gets worse the more you look at it.

Someone buy into the breach and post codes I'm a poorfag pls

>some fag add you on stead
>hey do you want to sell me your pubg skirt

I only post reviews with visibility of "Friends only" these days. People get so upset when you don't like their favourite games.

any nekopara pls, ill trade any of my trash inventory

Alright. Well I really wish you could get more of that and less trading cards and bots, sorry that you probably won't. Just know that it doesn't have anything to do with you.

thats not dark souls

Cuz you want her to sexually dominate you and kill you. Literally killing two birds with one stone

Region locked bullshit

And looking at another old bundle page.


65 in Roman numerals.
Do it yourself.
Counting down starting from 8.

You're not half bad for a newfag

This guy was the real deal, thanks man. little brother is gonna be so happy