He killed thousands

He killed thousands...

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>He killed thousands...
What did, dare I say, /ourguy/ mean by this?


Because they raised the price of the McChicken

Maybe, but his reputation is still overshadowed by the great Miami Mutilator.

To kill thousands

When is Hotline Miami 3 with a playable MC Ride

Death Grips sucks you moron

Richter was a good boy. He dindu nuffin and only loved his mama.

Death is a preferable alternative to communism.

nah it was more like a couple of dozens, maybe a hundred

>midnight animal is now a VN
>HM2 mods are ass
>Devs will never make a hotline Miami 3
fuck. I just want more games where I get to be cool like Max Payne and Caleb from Blood.


L i t e r a l l y this



Honestly at the time I wasn't too fond on it but the more I reflect on the story and ending of Hotline Miami 2 the more I appreciate it. Gameplay-wise I still think it could have been better. I'm just impressed the OST managed to live up to the first game somehow.

Only people that listen to music on a casual level like Death Grips. There's so many bands out there that do the same but better.

This game feels really clunky going back to it. Did I only like it because of the synthwave?

Reminder that Hotline Miami will be playable on this Nintendo Switch in Travis Strikes Back.

>just now realizing this thread was made as a celebrate thread for carpenter bruts leather teeth
>not realizing this is a thread for dumping favorite tracks and dank hm memes
You're supposed to develop a thick skin not a thick skull.

To avenge one.

Alright, let's hear them.

>Give me recs
Yeah, i ain't gonna fall for that, buddy.

That's because you have none, casual

Russians aren't people user

A thousand of your kind have fallen before me.

Whatever you say. Enjoy your nu-industrial meme rap, soyboy.

>music "casuals"
>soy meme
>won't post his own taste
Faggot. Fucking faggot.


But he said he was forced to do it in hm1 assault level

Literally the perfect games. And I pray to god Travis Strikes Back makes it a trinity.

Lina is a slut.
There i've said it.


How exactly did they manage to make us go from hating him to caring about him?

to play Hydrogen for millions.

It is possible for a third game right?

He killed me a thousands of times...

They don't want to, and after Midnight Animal, I doubt there'll ever be another fan-game they give their blessing to and give source code, all that shit

god damn, so was it the fans sperging or the creator of the fan-game?

do you not know the saga of Midnight Animal.

You're better off not knowing.
Just know it was a huge, huge mistake.

>supposed 3rd game
>even demo exist
>it gradually becomes persona-hotline miami self-insert game because creator was dumped by gf
>progress gradually slows down
>creator pulls the plug

And keep in mind, this is the most barebones explanation