I’ll wait.
P.S. i respect his different animations instead of overused wyvern ones i must say
Name a worse flagship monster than S*regios
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All of them.
Seregios was tight as fuck. The rest are all cunts except MAYBE Lagiacrus, but I honestly liked his moveset more in X/Gen than I did in 3. Narga is a nigger.
He's the most unfun fucker in this game, and his variants just make it worse
Depends on how you define worst.
Most miserable fight would be Azure Rathalos.
Most boring fight is Zinogre.
Worst looking of the bunch is Seregios.
I'm sure Narga is worst something, too. Most overhyped only to have a major letdown of a fight, maybe? Zinogre might give it a run for its money there, though.
I didnt count gen, because it has 4 flagship manstars, but all of them are shitty, except Gammoth
Seregios is awesome, fuck you. Honestly all of the flagships are top notch besides Gammoth, Rathalos, and Kushala.
>let’s make another fucking monster with muh spikes
>let’s make it hunt elderdragons even though it doesn’t have anything special to it besides muh spikes
>oh but it has this thing called elderseal that weakens other elder dragons that is hardly mentioned yet supposesly oozes out this nonexistant substance
>oh and it’s got everyone’s favorite overused trope: regeneration
>we’re also going to make all the elemental bowguns trash so it’s the uncontested best Light Bowgun in the game
>meanwhile the fight itself is piss easy because its moveset can’t threaten anyone with more than 5 brain cells
Nergigante is the worst flagship along with Azure Rathalos.
which monster is World's flagship, even.
Yeah, probably. Lagiacrus is also quite shitty
Whats up with gammoth? YOu are telling me hes worse than astalos - wyvern which shoots lighting?
Gammoth is literally the biggest pile of shit of all 4 though.
Worst to fight in his original game maybe? FU hitboxes were all brick walls, and he was a brick wall that could jump.
He's boring as fuck to fight. Astalos is pretty rad all around including armor, and his g version deviant holds the honor of being one of the most difficult fights in the series
Because hes a large monster? Each games needs one
Oh yeah, i agree, also those stupid horns lmao
>RRRR iamevil nothin personal kiddo
>nerg weapons best at anything
Hah, silly casul.
*slots in elementless*
While I did like Gammoth's design and armor, (too bad the skills were shit) he was the shittiest of the four. Literally a walking furry punching bag.
Gammoth was saved by the fact that the weapons, armor, and Gammoth itself all look stellar.
Also World could potentially fix a lot of Gammoth’s gameplay issues such as the heavy nerf to mounting.
>non elemental skill
>Light Bowgun
You’re a special kind of retard, aren’t you?
Confirmed for never played FU, Narga's hitboxes were pretty small. That along with the fast attacks made everything really easy to roll without any Evade skills. Only thing you had to mind was not getting one-shot by the tail slam.
It used to do that, by the way. Maxed out end game blademaster armor you still barely survive it.
Nergigante’s entire concept sounds like it was made up by “That Kid”.
I like gammy ;(
Nah you're thinking of Alatreon
Him too, but not as much. His abilities - maybe, his look is too bland to be edgy
Like every fucking Elder Dragon, you mean?
>monster with weaknesses in its concept
>made by That Kid
Alatreon cannot properly control its elemental powers because it’s so unstable. This is why it can’t use Fire/Dragon in the air and Ice on the ground.
Most of my FU pain was spent against the undodgable ass Tigrex and his charging ass brick wall hitbox that extended out way past his actual model.
Nerg is literally a recycled steve concept. I can't think of a worse flagship besides that time they tried passing off azure rathalos as a flagship.
Narga is an incredibly easy fight in MHFU.
He spams his abusable attacks constantly and with easy tells.
Bro, just roll under the left paw at the start of the charge. It's super consistent.
This. The rest of them stand out at least. Nergigante looks like something you'd fight on the way to the flagship monster. He looks like fodder and does nothing interesting.
I was just terrible at him man, he single handedly handed me my ass in that game.
>All this Nerg hate
Fuck you guys
Seregios is really cool. So are Glavenus and Gore Magala.
Nergigante is lame. He looks and feels so generic. He honestly might be the lamest flagship, even worse than ones like Rathalos or Tigrex, because at least they were "pure and simple". Nergigante is weird, complicated, overly-busy.
he's a shitty monster that borders on being a high schoolers OC donut steel.
Just abuse his constant turning. I don't think Tigrex EVER neglects to slowly spin around to face you except if he follows up a spin attack with yet another spin attack, or I assume you put him into Rage and he roars your ass (Which isn't an issue if you're charging up a Greatsword).
Don't talk shit about Steve
Gore Magala was just a hard act to follow
Your flagship is shit user, along with your rehashed content filled trash.
>spike concept ripped off from Seregios
>literally has nothing interesting visually going on
>oc donut steel powers where he can apparently beat all Elder Dragons because of this special power that only he has (which doesn't even make sense because Elder Dragon is a manmade classification. Ukanlos and Akantor used to be Elder Dragons until the guild was able to figure out what they were)
>generally boring fight with the dive being the only truly threatening move
Nerg is shit
Well I doubt Im ever going back, Im just saying he was always my least favorite from that game.
I don't think he's bad overall, but I wish he wasn't the flagship. Just doesn't have that zing.
Rathalos and Azure Rathalos are total bitches and the wet dream of Ryozo.
Personally I consider Brachy ugly and blast a super crutch so I say it is worse than Sergio.
>Nergigante happily beating the shit out of an Akantor
>When miles away, the classification committee finally reaches a verdict on reclassing him from Elder Dragon to another shitty wyvern
>Suddenly elderseal stops working and Akantor destroys him
Alternatively : Who is the BEST flagship?
I'd say Gore.
definitely gmags
shaggymaggy was just even better and I loved chaos maggy too and his weapons
Virus was such a good story thing and gameplay mechanic.
I like Nargacuga best, but I know I'm just saying that because MHFU was my first MH.
Yeah. I wanna say brachydios, but i hate him
I like Astalos the most. He's really vicious and angry and his animations make it feel like he really want to kill you. Shame his gear was pretty garbo.
Kinda feels like World wanted to be more subdued and 'realistic' to match the nicer graphics, so they chose a bland, mostly colorless monster as the flagship. Odogaron or Legiana have a bit more color to them and would've been a little less shitty. Vaal Hazak is also pretty unique looking.
All of them
Except for Nergigante
Brachydios. Best fight, best design, strong&deadly as fuck, cucks all the waifutards, best theme.
Congrats, user. Don't let the fucking shitposters that respond after this take any of your joy away.
>Name a worse flagship monster
Lagiacrus, you fucking cunt. Seregios was loads of fun and that bleeding mechanic was scary at first.
Brach is hard for the wrong reasons though. His fight is a joke until he goes into rage mode and gains nonstop AoE cancer on his basic attacks.
My favorite is lagi, but I think gore did the best job overall
Pretty much every flagship since tigrex has been good though
Pay attention to it and Ass is just a Diablos that flies sometimes.
Also, he's not that vicious. It's like dead weight until he charges fully and then he is just as vicious as charged sparkledog and stygian sparkledog but with smaller, slower hitboxes
Rathalos is easily the worst flagship ever.
Rathalos has never been fun. Ever. He has had 5 generations to become a good fight but he has refused every single time.
Well, I guess he's okay in World.
>cucks all the waifutards
>Not having a threesome with Brachy and the Guildmarm
He's got three pounders, you could even throw a fourth in there.
>Pay attention to it and Ass is just a Diablos that flies sometimes.
Disregarded your post. Their fights are nothing alike.
Lagiacrus > Brachydios > Mitzutsune > Valfalk > Glavenus > Zinogre > Gore/Shaggy Magala > Gammoth > Rathalos > Nargacuga > Astalos > Seregios > Nergigante > Tigrex
Going purely on ascetic here
It's ground moves are the same but slower except for the tail slam which is like the first diablos slam then releases lighting.
I didnt even catch his spikes when i was fighting him for the first time and i was wearing free plesipth low rank armor
narga maybe a let down in terms of challenge, but its still an enjoyable fight.
glavenus is a bullshit aimbotting cockstain though.
Apex was a shit mechanic, but this scene was awesome. Loved how the Apex throws the dead one at you just like how the first Seregios you fight throws a Genprey
>That high
Brachydios, fun/obnoxious as the fight may be, is one of the stupidest looking monsters in the entire franchise.
He has a fucking dick on his forehead.
Forgot to post it
>generally boring fight with the dive being the only truly threatening move
It's threatening for shitty reasons too, like relying on a roar stun to guarantee a hit and requiring superman diving to reliably get outside the AoEs range
He's only okay in world because they made him far more approachable when flying while also making it really trivial to knock him down
The metal raths are inevitable but I really can't see how they'd surpass the 4th gen version of silver in shitty awfulness without going full frontier on his moveset
Valphalk > Nerg > Brachy > Mizutsune > Massacre Demon Diablos > Seregios > Gore > Glavenus > Narga > Astalos > Zinogre > Tigrex > Lagiacrus > Gammoth > Kushala > Rathalos
>Spike concept ripped off from Seregios
What? Seregios's scales work completely differently from Nergigante's spikes. They're not even remotely similar. At all.
Not even visually.
Whether or not Seregios was a good flagship he was extremely disappointing as the 4th generation Deviljho.
Deviljho is a big scary fuck off monster who is legitimately scary, at least the first few times, when he bursts into hunts out of nowhere. Seregios doesn't inspire any sort of OH SHIT moment at all and is really just annoying and easy to ignore.
Beetlejuice is a much better successor to the intruder throne.
Not as bad AoE as Bazelcunt
The real difficulty of Brachy is he constantly hops behind you so if you take time to adjust the camera you'll get hit for it
When you think of him as a boxing greaser with a pompadour it's way better