why do people have faith in kojima and in death stranding after he made this?
Why do people have faith in kojima and in death stranding after he made this?
it was konami's fault! they rushed him!
If there's ANYTHING in MGSV I can without a doubt attribute to Kojima, it's the fucking jeep ride. That shit would have been in the game if he had 10 years to finish it.
Because they're still naive and not cynical like you
kojima fucking sucks, hasnt made a good game in 10 years, and i expect death stranding to suck.
Kojima does not look like that!
Old enough to remember games before MGSV.
I don't. The man's ego knows no bounds.
also they blame mgsv being bad on konami
they will soon learn the truth
honestly, anyone who trusted him after mgs4 is a fool
it's like you don't know what an auteur is
MGSV isn't a mainline entry. It's structured with small missions instead of a flowing story and the freaking credits roll after every one. It's a glorified psp spinoff more or less.
look at this brainwashed kojimacuck and laugh
He did not want to make MGS5 in the first place.
Thankfully, the game is not necessary to play at all, the full story is perfectly complete without it.
>MGSV isn't a mainline entry
>user never made it past the denial stage
Were it so easy.
(different user)
It is a mainline entry that can be easily ignored.
Kojima needs more constraints, now that he has none he's going to make the all time biggest pretentious clusterfuck.
The Jeep scene was unironically kino
It doesn't even matter. The only significant thing it does is make sense of there being 2 big bosses from the old ass games.
They think they're smart for liking him
Because not a single one of his games was outright bad?
Because I'm not a jaded faggot who starts hating on people and their work just to get epic points from users on a taiwanese car selling forum?
I haven't played MGSV, but to me, the jeep scene feels simply unfinished. I saw a screencap of some guy on Sup Forums claiming that the jeep ride was supposed to take you to Skull Face's base and his Metal Gear factory, which I take with a massive pinch of salt because it's a guy on Sup Forums, but it would make sense, considering how rushed MGSV was.
It's not unfinished, it's just Kojima wanting to do the entire part as if it was done in one take. The "Metal Gear lab" part makes no fucking sense.
Some people don't like to prove themselves wrong. When you've spent your every waking life shilling for a dev, they don't just want to go "i don't really like this guy's work anymore" because they'd be committing an ego suicide.
They have faith in Kojima's work because they'd rather have that "favorite dev" they've committed to when they were children and it's been too long to start having second thoughts about their lifelong fanboyism. They can always lie to themselves about the quality of the work and keep their idol untainted in their minds.
>Name one(1) game
it's Konami's fault, they killed every ip they own!
Honestly the jeep scene is fucking hilarious
>tfw you realise that Sins of the Father starts playing because the driver turned on the radio
>doesn't think that this shitbird practicing a speech for years only to deliver it to the wrong person who obviously doesn't give a shit is the best
what, too subtle for you?
The KIDF is loose tonight bois
>you can't defend Kojima
>if you do you're a Kojima drone
>even though you shit on at least 2 of his games constantly
I fucking hate this place.
>what, too subtle for you?
Yeah this was way too subtle for anyone, for sure, Kojima.
Loud and proud
that's a fucking masterpiece, what are you talking about?
PW was the real mistake. TPP was just a followup.
why does Sup Forums give this faggot a pass for making movie games?
Cause his games also have fun gameplay.
Because it’s still a fun video game
Why do you guys pull the shit out of this scene to shit on Kojima? There is a lot wrong with this game, mainly it being half of a fucking game, but you choose such a small scene.
Odds are they didn't sync up the walking right, so they're left with three extra minutes to get to the metal gear. So they just added in some music to fill the silence.
Also, this can be chocked up to Konami constantly fucking with the development of the game. We'll never know whether or not it was, but with the shitty ass track record that Konami has, I think it is.
Basically that. When the movie stops, actual gameplay begins.
>half of a game
How did this meme start? Did one fag pull that shit out of his ass and people started believing it?
>out of sync
Definitely not. Like I said, the driver turns on the radio.
>Kojima makes a ton of good games
>Suddenly MGSV turns out to be shitty
he's always been a hack
There was literally a chapter three, its not all tinfoil, you see what the game cut in the little documentary with the collector's edition.
We were supposed to find an island and fight Sally and Liquid one last time with different enemies and everything.
If anything it was a return to form after MGS4 and Sleep Walker. Not quite as good as the original trilogy though.
When your gf cheats on you once, you never trust her again.
>Kojima makes
Budget restraints and Konami meddling prevented Kiefer from voicing lines for this scene. Game needed another 20 million to achieve it's full potential. Either way, the story was always going to be lackluster, so I'm not sure this is anything to whine about. Go ahead, call me a Kojimadrone, I ain't buying your dead game, marketeers.
Did you really need to see and play that, that would have been much worse than just ending it where it did. I absolutely see that act being cut as the equivalent of deleted scenes from a movie.
And as far as the Jeep scene goes, if you were driving somewhere 11 minutes away it would take 11 minutes - forcing Venom's experience driving around with skullface is the entire point of that sequence.
Bros, she’s going to Kuwait just for the convention right? She’s not like those other whores that let Arabs shit on and gangbang them for thousands. R-right?
Kingdom of the Flies was supposed to be a DLC separate from The Phantom Pain, released standalone like Ground Zeroes. It was not Chapter 3. If anything it was part of Chapter 2, as the datamined game files suggest that it takes place before Mission 43.
As for Chapter 3, there's just nowhere for the story to go to. My personal opinion is that the Paz scenes and the Wandering Mother Base sideops from Chapter 1/2 were supposed to be Chapter 3: Peace.
>And as far as the Jeep scene goes, if you were driving somewhere 11 minutes away it would take 11 minutes - forcing Venom's experience driving around with skullface is the entire point of that sequence.
Jesus fucking christ, look at you.
Kiefer doesn't speak during this scene because Snake almost never talks during gameplay (apart from commands). This scene is not really a cutscene, as you can use the idroid.
>Kojima is innocent
Kojimadrone detected
All those beta orbiters in the comments... disgusting
What the fuck kind of convention is happening in Kuwait, user?
Use your critical thinking skills for just a minute
The game is long as fuck. Not the greatest fast travel system either.
Every video game in existence has cut content. Every movie has cut scenes. It’s part of the creative process.
>makes a near perfect game
>makes an ever better technically sound game
>he wants to stop
>makes THE perfect game despite him wanting to leave
>has to make another game
>makes MGS4 trying to tie everything together
>tasked with making a portable MGS, its actually not too bad
>makes PT blows up over night, people all cum in their pants, finally branching out
>making MGSV, gets fucked halfway through, its half a game, but amazing on a technical level
>implying mgs4 wasn't a return to form
he descended into new levels of hackery once his dumbass son hurt his feefees due to preferring monster hunter to mgs and he's currently stuck there
I hate to reply to my own post, but I forgot to say that you guys really need to buy a copy of Metal Gear SurVive. It's in stores right now. Please just buy a copy. It'll help me out so much. With 500,000 owners, half being on Steam, there's tons of fellow operatives to cooperate with during your journey. Good luck, solider, we'll see you on the battlefield.
Except it was intended to be in game, it was literally the fucking end. not like a cut scene in a movie.
>half a game
Prove it
And don't forget MG1, 2, Snatcher and Policenauts
Relax bro, she’s still a virgin.
Wow so cool!
>it was literally the fucking end
It fucking wasn't. It is nothing like an ending and it chronologically takes place before a number of Chapter 2 endings.
The actual ending is in the game, Mission 46, as it's the furthest point in the story chronologically and it's how the game starts, you fucking imbecile. The Phantom Pain is a flashback story.
I actually got around to replaying MGSV recently, and now have a better opinion. But Holyshit the Vocal Cord Parasites is the most dumbest thing in the entire franchise. It really ruins all the horror given from the rest of the game.
There is actually an uncut version of this. Konami thought it was too risky for general audiences and removed it from the game. It makes sense that they cut it out but it also comes across as strange in the final game because it wasn't replaced with anything.
I'm sure Kojima absolutely loved GITS 2: Innocence. He is like Oshii, Lucas, Spielberg - if they don't have someone actively challenging their ideas, they pump out absolute shit
Kojima said exactly this in interviews from that period, this shouldn't be too difficult to understand as the guy is obsessed with film.
>Oh SHIT Boss! Some kids took a huge fucking Metal gear that can destroy countries! Guess we'll see them later huh?
>we never see them again
>"its not the end :^)"
>Some kids
Yeah so they lasted a day or two at best then got picked up by the US, I think it's pretty clear from MGS that episode in Liquid's life didn't last long.
Look up the mgsv true ending on YouTube. It has mission 51 where Snake goes to take Sahelanthropus back from Eli
Do you have a critically thinking neuron in your brain? You don't see people's issue with the jeep scene?
If you had paid attention to a single moment of the game you'd realize the majority of it was set up the same exact way as the jeep scene, this is also why Venom doesn't talk - once again Kojima said this in an interview.
The cut scenes were made , then cut, its a missing ending.
>game is a team effort
>retards still praise Kojima as a saint
every time
The mirror scene takes place long after everything else, you fucking retard. Everything in the game, including the ELI mission, is a flashback.
Will you do the same shitpost with Cuckstranding, Kojimadrone?
>you'd realize the majority of it was set up the same exact way as the jeep scene
I'll give you one guess as to why that's not a good thing. Exercise your gray matter. Come on, now.
>it's a missing ending
Yes, it was part of the smaller endings in the game, like Quiet and Disarmament.
>chocked up to Konami constantly fucking with the development of the game
>Konami rushed him!
Like clockwork.
>separating the lead creator from the rest of development
>putting the lead creator in a closet
>Konami was also known to make people janitors because they didn't want to fire them, hoping the people would quit in shame
This doesn't hinder the game at all.
>"lead creator"
>takes over a Konami franchise and then only wants to write Big Boss fanfiction while shitting on Solic Snake
Hate to reply to myself again, but I seriously implore you to consider purchasing Metal Gear SurVive. Please, my job is on the line. I have to pay my rent and this is my only means of income. Just buy the fucking game already.
The cringe is unbearable
>Kojimadrone shilling MG Survive for free
like 4
I need to reply to myself again just to get my fucking message to across to you troglodytes... BUY THE FUCKING GAME
MGSV was sold for the brand
the story was fun until there were missions after bringing the metal gear back to base, then it got weird
idk about that long pause with the car driving, the first time i went through it I thought my game glitched.
I just look at it like it was a fuck you to Konami in hopes they don't try anything extra besides survive with his story. They called a lawyer to say he wasn't even allowed to accept an award for his game. Kinda fucked up.
>takes over
U fucking wot? He created all Metal Gear games you fucking tard.
Daily reminder that MGSV was released only 6 months past it's initial deadline and made huge profit. Whatever it would cost Konami to finish the game is fucking nothing compared to how much they lost in reputation.
>when the retarded newfag talks to you back
>when Kojimatards are this fucking retarded irl
if a building turns out well people praise the architect, not the bricklayers or plumbers.
Fun fact: Donna Burke voiced Angela in SH2.