Would you consider FFX comfy?

Would you consider FFX comfy?

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top 2 comfy mainline FF

>X theme is literally apathy and despair

>X theme is literally apathy and despair
Sums up what the game did to the series very well then.

Hell no. Even Besaid, a comfy village, seems completely different when you realize the last time your left Yuna was getting sent on a death pilgrimage

hey did seymour always want to kill everyone graveyard dead, or did he come up with that after he was unsent and decide to make everyone else the same, if he can?

Unskippable laugh scene comfy

If you consider walking down a straight line comfy, yeah

Always. He wanted to marry Yuna only so that he could be used as the final Aeon and become the next Sin.

the comfiest since 8

>5 hours into XII
>feels completely soulless compared to X and even XIII
Does it improve?

The scene was meant to be awkward, only sperglords who don't understand social queues would not understand this.

he had mommy issues

Wandering Flame is my absolute favourite song in that game, and they totally butchered it for the HD version

not really, you could tag apathy and despair to any rpg game


Besaid is v comfy but that's the only location I really found to be that way.

shit, i forgot that one

remakes usually butcher the music. just terrible

Personally would attribute that to them making mmo's.

>mfw replaying the game after beating it
>mfw all those horrifyingly awkward moments where Tidus says stuff like "after we beat Sin we'll come back here, Yuna!"
>mfw he finds out the truth
>mfw the scene at the end where he tries to hug her, even though he really can't and they both know it
I think there are very few games that actually get better on replay, but FFX is definitely one of them.

>Monster destroys everything
>COmpletely unkillable
>People resigned to just get rid of it for a while
>This is getting less effective as time goes on
>Religion isn't even about hope it's basically accepting Sin as your master
>Not even death can save you from it unless you have a good priest handy

From what ive got from 12 discussions is you either love it or hate it.

Yuna and Tidus basically swap places. She was the one that had to die to defeat Sin, then Tidus as the one who has to go and his whole attitude completely changes. It's kind of poetic how Yuna's name means moon, and Tidus means sun.
The sequel ruins everything.

The game was way too linear like ff13.
Dissapointment. Especially coming from ff7,8,9 back in 2001.

Piano collections of the ost was the shit. Best in show.

For me, honestly, I love the concept of X-2. It just fell pretty flat in its execution. I mean, seriously: the quiet, beautiful girl Yuna gets a tipoff that somewhere, somehow her old boyfriend is still alive. But she doesn't have any summoning powers anymore, so what does she do? She picks up some fucking guns and shoots the living shit out of anything and anyone that gets between her and finding her man. I think that's pretty great, honestly, but it definitely stomps all over how heartbreaking the finale of FFX was.

And then FF2.5 climbs into the bed and shits everywhere. Pic related.

FFX did "linear JRPG corridor with side paths leading to a single treasure chest" way before FFXIII and got away with it. Not defending XIII at all, but it's the same flavor of shit and people still love X

no matter what, i will never EVER consider shitty books written by literally whos to be canon.

The difference here is that FFX only broke one forbidden rule of JRPGs, whereas XIII broke many (leveling up is capped based on how far you are, only control one character, if MC dies it's game over, no armor only accessories, etc. etc.). FFX may have been equally linear, but it made up for it by having excellent side quests and postgame content (vs. XIII "literally all there is to do is the main quest and hunts").
I like both, FWIW, though I like X way more.

Is that even considered canon?

>no matter what, i will never EVER consider shitty books written by literally whos to be canon.

It was the guy who wrote the original. Though that doesn't make them any less senile.

I fucking love me some yuri sluts

>finished the game again recently
>wanted to immediately play through it all over again
Takes a very special kind of game for this to happen.

>The difference here is that FFX only broke one forbidden rule of JRPGs, whereas XIII broke many (leveling up is capped based on how far you are, only control one character, if MC dies it's game over, no armor only accessories, etc. etc.). FFX may have been equally linear, but it made up for it by having excellent side quests and postgame content (vs. XIII "literally all there is to do is the main quest and hunts").

this. if there's one thing XIII did for me, it let me appreciate X better.

>Almost done beating Dark Bahamut
>game crashes


One thing I find both annoying and hilarious, is that everyone in the game, instantly takes a disliking to Seymour, even when he hasn't done anything

He looks and acts like a prick.

>Muh plant peoples racism

yo who wants to go on a pilgrimage across Ohio with me

Do they? I think they're pretty neutral at first aside from Tidus who's pissed because of Seymour making advances on Yuna.

Any game where the protagonist's laughter can cause my ears to bleed is not something I'd consider comfy.

Every Final Fantasy is comfy to me. It's a pretty relaxing series I've been playing since I was like nine.
Lots of pleasant memories and good times I've had with it over the years.

Would you consider Wakka a chad?

Which character d'you think is the comfiest

He wants to gas the al bhed and doesn't care who overhears him talking about it

why would anyone wanna gas this?
In the original game she was in the market for a husband at 15 since people in Spira married young

> Actually just sing a song!
> It's super effective!
> You can beat it after all

Probably Tidus. He gets shit on but he's a nice guy, and tries to do the right thing. Also unlike Cloud, Squall, etc, he's not an emo bitch boy. He's very polite.

Bartz seems like an okay guy :c

>Never played FFX back in the day
>Bought and played FFX HD Remaster
>Finished the whole without consulting anything beforehand, including how everyone says the remaster has shit OST
>tfw played through with Remaster music
I feel like I missed out on something.

Definitely. Second best FF by the way.

The remastered music is far superior. I'm not kidding - it's mostly nostalgia fags. Compare a few tracks and you'll understand.

IIRC the song was only known by the dream Zankaland guys and only doubly effective because Jecht liked it too.

Real talk about to go fucking down.

Why do people like FFX but not FFXIII? FFX was an incredibly linear, follow the straight path JRPG that ushered in this era of shit. FFXIII was the same exact kind of game, albeit with a better soundtrack.

So why is FFXIII hated and FFX praised? Nostalgia kiddies?

some tracks like Wandering Flame they really screwed up with. It has a completely different vibe. It sounds like something that'd play in some ice cave than for a sad dusky scene.


FFX had proper towns and rest stops, in FFXIII you're always on the run til you hit a barren open area, then you have a fish out of water character with plenty of exposition, so you get better acquainted with the setting. FFX overall just flows better alongside its narrative structure, it's a pilgrimage and feels more like a journey rather than this chaotic tumbling down the hill

I don't think FFXIII's battle system would have made FFX any worse.

Because FFXIII is shit and FFX isn't.

>So why is FFXIII hated and FFX praised?
Well as a 13 hater and someone that stopped enjoys all the FF games prior to 13, I'll explain.

>Can only control 1 party member in battle
>Every single character except Sazh is absolute garbage
>Summons are transforming vehicles now
>Story is absolutely awful unless you take the time to read the logs and spend some time on the wiki. Then its just "ok".
>The game isn't just linear, everything leading up to Gran Pulse feels like a 14 hour tutorial
>No victory fanfare, but other than that has great OST.
>Great graphics
Whereas for X, its basically classic FF gameplay with a twist where you can see turn order and plan shit out. There is monster arena, monster hunting, all kinds of meh to great side content, and characters and a story that are actually worth caring about.

X is a fine game despite its issues and linearity. XIII is a pretty good looking game with a wonderful OST, a single good character and everything else is fucking terrible.

FFXIII was pretty good, but not as replayable

I can fall asleep mid-battle without having to worry about a game over, so it's automatically comfier than the others.


It's almost like linearity isn't bad in and of itself, but can be bad based on how it's executed.
Or something.

>except Sazh
He was awful.

I want more games like dungeon siege 1

Yet you can't pose a counter-argument at all, or any kind of examples defending yourself. Makes ya think, huh.

>Every single character except Sazh is absolute garbage
Confirmed for having not played the game. Sazh was a whiny fucking cunt the whole way through, even with his kid on the line. Snow is pretty much the only level headed and likable character in the game.

His name is Seymour and he sounds like Winnie The Pooh.

>entire game filled with chill orchestral music
>your face when this plays


>level headed

I'm not even a big fan of that kind of rock/metal but the moment swept me in, and I was totally in the boss battle hype.

that kinda rock music was the meme at the time

>Heaven or Hell, Let's Rock

He's the only protagonist who is self-confident, doesn't whine and freak out every five minutes, and generally has a plan.

So yeah, level headed.

>generally has a plan

Coz he's a fucken douchebag
Wakka for sure. Just a simply small town boy with faith and wants to play ball.

Snow's theme song sounds like something out of an SNK fighting game. In fact he kinda reminds me of Terry, and his gang looks like some KoF shit

Snow definitely looks like a Terry

No, it's linear and restrictive, the antithesis of comfy.

>cherrypicking a scene at the very beginning of the game

He grows out of that phase like an hour into the game. I really don't know why Lightning fags have such a hate boner for Snow.

best FF story?