What went wrong? The open world is fun but the RPG mechanics just aren't there

What went wrong? The open world is fun but the RPG mechanics just aren't there.

Critically acclaimed and sold millions, went on to get 6 dlcs. When you say what went wrong do you mean why does Sup Forums hate it? I don't consider that a failing, Sup Forums has absolute garbage taste.

Don't kid yourself buddy, nothing about this game is good

>went on to get 6 dlcs
I only remember 3

It's a Bethesda RPG

>went on to get 6 dlcs.
they announced seaosn pass shit before the game even came out

Fallout fans hate it too

Beth reduced it to homogeneous baby food without any excess. They replaced player agency with settlement building and "5% extra fart damage" diablo loot cancer.

To absolutely nobody's surprise it sold zillions.

Todd and his drones like to pretend that all those mod tier dlcs count like the previous fallout dlcs which always featured new everything.

Nothing went wrong. It's a great game, up there with other great loot games like Diablo and Borderlands.

>le good game, bad fallout game
The open world was one of the main problems with FO4, since the lack of RPG mechanics relate directly to it. I appreciate the new art direction and atmosphere, but in couple of hours since you leave Sanctuary, you’ll realize that the map is very small and every location is turned into a theme ride with monsters for you to kill. You can have different location markers for buildings across the street, and every time that building would be designed in the zaniest and most picturesque way possible. There’s not enough space to actually explore, you move from one cramped, on rails level to another and then go across the street for the next one. The main aspect of the open world becomes going to your base to unload all the shit you collected. This leads to situations like having 3 radio themed quests around Diamond City.
The game feels small and it doesn’t invite you to actually explore, because you quickly realize that the only thing you’ll find will be a thematic building with some ZANY (((environmental storytelling))) and monster to shoot.

shut up nerd

Yeah such excellent and acclaimed DLCs as "Wasteland Workshop" and "Automaton", those were rip roaring good and were received so well.

>Courier's Stash
>Gun Runners Arsenal
Well, at least we know you're not an NVB.

don't hurt me Todd

courier's stash was originally a pre-order bonus though, and gun runners arsenal added plenty of new unique weapons, new ammunition types, and the ability to mod weapons, not to mention there's also 4 other DLCs that all add new areas and stories to the game
>inb4 shilling obsididrone

>literal guns and mods DLC
>this is not a mod tier DLC! No! It c-can't be! It can't!
Obsidiots are the funniest fucks on this board, I swear.

I don't even like NV and I still think you're dumb

There's one of them that adds actuall challenges, against 4 garbage mod content out of 6 of them in FO4, you contrarian retard

> People unironically believe FO4 is a good game

This is why we can't have nice things. Low IQ-niggers ruin everything.

>dlcs full of mod-tier content aren't mod-tier dlc, no! I-I refuse to accept it!
Contrarian looks pretty good compared to braindeadness!

Really the worst Fallout until now. Hope the spin off will be good again, if there will be one at all. Like Fallout 3 alone also was bad, New Vegas did a great job again.

Forced DLCs are forced. No one asked for those.

>Hope the spin off will be good again, if there will be one at all.

Who in their right mind would work with Bethesda after the Metacritic bonus fiasco? There won't be any new Fallouts, get ready for ZeniMax to roll out the Fallout Online with instances and shit.

Yes, sadly. At least Obsidian haven't mentioned anything in this direction anymore. And it would be the only studio who could do a good spin off.

So until something magical happens, this franchise is dead for me.

And by magical i don't want a fucking Fallout & Elder Scrolls crossover game.

You just said what went wrong in a nutshell, RPG's are apparently too hard for the audience Bethesda is going for so they Idiot proofed everything and to save time didn't bother stripping out the RPG elements of the combat (which ruins the combat for me because it makes fights easy and/or tedious).
It's like a sandbox made out of edible sand.

The only thing Fallout-related I'm looking forward to at this point is the NV port to 4's engine

I've played NV for hundreds of hours now and getting to play it with better graphics/gunplay is a wet dream come true. It took me like three playthroughs to find North Vegas, I can't imagine what other shit is still lurking in that game that I haven't found yet.

Nothing went wrong for Bethesda, they intended to make a Skyrim in the Fallout universe and made lots of money from it.

modding is a feature in the vanilla version of new vegas. GRA only added new mods, which for some reason only work with the GRA version of the weapons which are all outrageously expensive.

Hi Todd.

It's a a boring loot and shoot game. Your can't even playing it with your friends so why bother?
It lacks any interesting dialogue and doesn't even give the illusion of player choice other than the typical bethesda "be the good guy and have everyone like you, or be evil for literally no reason", even in the main story. There's nothing the game does thats unique, its just another quest checklist "rpg" with ps2-era animations and presentation with nothing to bring to the table other than being the best looking and newest fallout game available.

I don't know much about mmo's except for playing ESO on occasion. What's wrong with instancing?

Implying I actually like Bethesda games and not stating facts about how Bethesda no longer gives a fuck about the RPG community.

nuka world is a piece of shit
>oh there are raiders in that place? i'm going to purposely fall into their trap because reasons
>uh, I became the boss of these guys i guess
>group leaders give ME things to do as i'm some sort of lackey?
>oh i have to free the park sectors all by myself? and a literal ARMY of high level raiders couldnt do it?

>nuka galaxy: 8/10 cool shit everywhere
>kiddie kingdom: 6/10 annoying piece of shit quest with gmod tier "haunted house"
>world of refreshment: 5/10 literally one big linear dungeon
>safari adventure: 6/10 cito literally kills gatorclaws in 2 hits but at least it was fun
>dry rock gulch: 4/10 piece of garbage subquest, unintersting, literally nothing to see

>ok time to restore the goddamn power
>enemy raider army consists in 10 people in total
>WHAT THE FUCK i have to raid my own settlements? And theres no option to stop it? (without modding)
>even if im the boss gage takes every decision and your only dialogue options are: [explain more] [sarcastic yes] [yes but i dont like the idea] [hell yeah lets kill innocents]

and if you decide you dont want to put up with this shit and kill the group leaders at the beginning, you lose half the quests of the dlc. great fucking expansion, Im about to start automatron, hope the main questline is better than this turd.

Automatron has the benefit of being nice and short.

Guessing you replied to the wrong user? Nothing about my reply is positive. The games mechanics exists in a weird halfway point between a shooter and an RPG, they easily could have had both and done both well but instead we somehow ended up with this shit.

splits players instead of everyone being on the server they think they are on they are in a random instance sometimes w/ low amount of player, desu in eso it has a lot ofppl so this s never an issue, also you choose exactly which cyrodill instance you wanna be in for pvp.

It's absolute lazy development that is directly counter to the literal definition of MMO

Absolutely this

I guess I can see how that would ruin the community interaction. I only play ESO with my brother since we've been playing elder scrolls games for so long that Tamriel is like a second home.
If Fallout went down the mmo path I sure wouldn't pick it up. The gameplay is so unengaging .

Shitty rag dolls and a lack of choice.
Bullets dont feel like they have impact or leave holes.
Like hitting someone in the face with an arrow in kingdom come is orgasmic, blowing someones head off in fallout feels meh. I think its just a lack of feedback and choices.

It's funny how I find the kills in FO1 and 2 to be so exciting and impactful due to the gameplay mechanics but FO4 was just shooting everything on autopilot.

Its already been down that path, nigga

the story might as well have not been added
the factions are fleshed out as well as a skeleton
the visual storytelling consists of teddy bears in wacky positions or skeletons in wacky positions and almost no inbetween
the guns are all designed like someone looked at a gun once and though "how do I make this look ugly as fuck"
the power armor system is nice if you want to be a big stompy sombitch but it doesn't give you any weight limit buffs and nullifies the ones you have in armor pieces
the design of the world looks like someone googled 1950s toy car/boat/plane/whatever and went 'yeah alright this is good'
there's a grand total of two(2) fucking settlements that aren't hostile or able to be player-owned that consists of more than 5 people, with the only actual player-owned settlement with any population being the slog
the gunplay is good at first but irrelevant by level 20 when everything starts to become spongier and spongier

also the dialogue sucks

>Critically acclaimed and sold millions, went on to get 6 dlcs

Are you really implying being a commercial success automatically means that the game is good? Really? Sup Forums was always against that idea to begin with, so you must be new, or a retard.

However, I liked the game, just not as much as NV or 3.

It was fun, I'm still playing it every now and then, current save has like 35 hours played