whatcha huntan?
Monster Hunter World
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nothing, hit HR100 now I'm waiting for PC and G Rank
How many diseases do you think Vaal Hazak carries.
Diablos but I feel like I'm just shit with him. With hammer he either runs away or just kicks my shit. What weapon should I try instead?
Odo for a gem. I finally made a set that makes it so I don't loose sharpness on weak spots, but now I need to upgrade my master's charm for some more affinity for it to work well.
Just keep practicing with hammer. It fuckkng sucks but when you grab some good arm you can fucking flatten him what rank are you
Does Xeno never get any flavor text in the monster field guide?
Oh my god I formatted that like a retard
R8 my soon to be made HH set. Trying HH in world and making a set currently.
Earplugs Lv5
Weakness Exploit Lv3
Evade Extender Lv3
Evade Window Lv5
Horn Maestro Lv1
Blast Attack Lv1
Slugger Lv3
Thinking about dropping Slugger to Lv2 for a Brace Jewel. Do I need to worry about getting staggered at the head by my teammates?
Lance or Gunlance
For real nigga. I had to farm him for a little while back at the start of HR when I was using Great Sword, and I had the same issues.
Recently got a Tempered Diablos investigation, and I'm now using gunlance. It's almost impossible to die if you avoid constantly spamming combos and play it safe with guarding. Fuck, you can even guard his attack after he tunnels underground.
>Evade Extender Lv3
>Evade Window Lv5
For fuck sake. Either go with EE or EW. You don't need both.
You should be worried about stacking more attack instead of pussing out
I don't want anything to interrupt my performance user. Toot toot
You don't get much out of using evade window, evade extender, and earplugs together. Evade window 5 allows you to roll through roars quite easily, evade extender 3 allows you to roll out of the way so you don't need the iframes, and you can also get earplugs from hunting horn buffs. Horn maestro also isn't that great because the performance moves hit the hardest.
Nothing, still waiting for the good version of the game.
>pussing out
Avoiding hits and roars so I can be more aggressive on the head is being a pussy? Damn brb gonna kys myself
Maestro is there only because there is a lv1 slot on the set. I though for earplugs since I could play a song during a roar would be a freebie.
I'll change somethings then, thanks user.
Ditch earplugs and evade window. Use rocksteady mantle for your 3 major performances and encores, then keep them up throughout the fight, you shouldn't need to play them all at once again.
Add exhaust power and divine protection.
should I get the rathalos low rank armor? or save the plates and marrows for later?
>Haven't been able to join on an SOS in almost a week
The head and chest are nice for low rank, but if you're going through the game quickly I wouldn't even bother.
If you need armor, make armor. There is no reason to horde low-rank materials in the early game.
People will usually say to just dodge through the roars, but that might not even be possible on certain monsters and even when it is it still takes precious time that could instead be spent preparing a powerful move like a Hammer upswing
I think xeno and zorah are the only monsters whos roars are impossible to roll through, the others are just really difficult.
Hammer is fine. I think it's easier to break his legs until he falls, then I go full retard on his head. If you have problems after all try a faster weapon
I'm hunting gleaming streamstones so I can upgrade my fucking armor and had a chance against fucking tempered elders.
Fuck RNG
Stay near his crotch and just upswing all day, don't use any level 3 shit unless he's either stunned or exhausted
is there any reward for completing all low rank quests? or should I just move on to high rank?
There is a quest that unlocks when you complete every rank 1 through 8 quest.
Grinded tempered Valzak most of the day. Got a bunch of pole upgrades so I guess it's time to pick up bugstick.
Depends on the weapon. I really like EE regardless on GS for closing distances between combos.
what quest?
Special arena where you fight a legiana, odogaron, diablos and rathalos all within a 25min timer.
sounds pretty impossible
They have less health and there are traps plus you can get SOS carried.
Nah, they're all high rank and once you've got a full set of augmented armor nothing in high rank does a lot of damage anymore and you can easily kill anything in less than 5min.
you mean low rank?
since high rank is the hardest rank so far
Tempered are harder.
King Beetle A or B?
Oh shit! Capcom has hired YOU to design the new weapon type!
The only requirement: it has to switch modes like SA and CB.
What's your answer?
a whip- or chain-type weapon that changes between attacking and binding the monster
Scythe that can split up to be a chain and sickle.
Hunting Axe, I just copy and pasted Bloodborne's. It even ticks Capcom's checkmark of having an axe and transforms
best early high rank armor?
I think its bow alpha
>bow alpha
*bone alpha
Fishing pole weapon that transforms into a BBQ spit. Reel em in and cook em up.
So we all agree that the Anjath HBG is the best one right?
Farming B52 and Diablos because I am a shitter when it comes to Nerg.
Crowns, the only thing left for me in the game.
And helping my frens when they need it.
I'd copy off of Bloodborne weapons
Perfect, DB wasn't edgy enough for me
In all honesty, sounds pretty cool, sounds like EZmount from the ground
Posted this before, greatshield with a sharp edge, splits into halves that focus more on those edges.
Blast dual blades are so much fucking fun god damn. Running eyepatch, odogaron body and everything else teo with free element and these bone hatchets are fucking ruining monsters
what about a staff that turns into a rapier sort of weapon
So, Sup Forumss biggest complaint is the online interactions being shit. Why don't you guys just make a squad and always enter a squad section? Or is the online so bad not even that is possible?
It's that bad. There's no incentive to even do that because the hub world is so unnecessarily big
dead game
guys help everything takes me like 40 minutes to kill i just fought silver rathalos and i almost died IRL theres no way i can possibly farm anything when every single battle is a narrow victory after an extremely long time that leaves me feeling physically terrible
Too bad, thats how hunting Silver Los should make you feel.
Trying to topple this big piece of shit. The closest I got was getting him limping, and he carted me with his fucking dive. But that was also with unupgraded zorah gear and the first Zorah hammer. But I’m probably gonna try farming for the odoggo set and upgrading my Diablos sledge.
Does anyone have any tips besides relying on the sonic spin? I feel like a shitter relying on it.
its not just him though every single thing in high rank goes this way
Fuck lad I dont know what to tell you. If HR Silver Los is reaming your asshole then have fun in G my man. Don't worry though, we all started off as 30+ minute shitters, the best advice I can give you is to just keep at it, try different weapons if you're struggling with what you've got. You'll get it, I believe in you
Gauntlets that are fast and deal decent damage, sorta like the Insect glaive, but with each hit they charge up.
You can use this charge when you change them in to "Booster Mode" where rockets are revealed, now your attacks are very powerful but slow.
Rockets can be used to maneuver a bit.
Boomerang Claymore.
Size wise I guess it would be about the same length of a Greatsword and maybe half as wide. Has a hinge joint about half way up the blade.
In sword mode its a 2 handed sword, faster but not as heavy hitting as the GS. when switched obviously it curves at the hing point so its a giant boomerang, can be thrown, but also has some melee combat moves that still makes use of its heft, like a horizontal spinning swing and such.
Take bombs and shit to craft more bombs, if you can get him limping it means you are getting him to the stage where he sleeps, drop a shit load of bombs around his head.
>mfw carting to fucking Anjanath
Sweet mother of Jesus, I fucking hate the Ancient Forest. Anja in the desert? Fine. Rathalos in the forest? Fine. Anja in the forest? Pure cancer.
I've been doing that for flashpods but not bombs, goddamn I feel dumb as shit.
redpill me on charge blade
Trying to hunt down the rare bird that spawns on that pig's back.
Never wants to fucking spawn
does anybody like damage?
Flashes are also important. Flashing him when he's in the air, before a divebomb, will knock him down real good.
I got mine in Rotten Valley, near Odoggo's lair.
Nothing really wrong with it other than its used by everyone and it takes a bit of practice to stand out from the pile of bads that normally answer S.O.S.s. imo the funnest weapon is full burst gunlance
i got really burnt out on the game when i got it and played it for probably five consecutive days straight and i haven't played it much more recently
Was unable to play yesterday, today I will take on the double Rathian/Rathalos that the smith vendor asked me to, kill one or two diablos for the sake of getting better at the fightand because it's fun as fuck fighting him, my favorite hunt in the game so far, fight flow is really great and fair, I just get mad when the pain train stunlocks me to carting and then will probably go on with the main quest by taking on zorah
i hate damage
if my hunts don't take at least 45 minutes then i feel like i wasted my time
Hate to be that guy, but how?
switch axe on Diablo good?
Not that guy but so far I'm good at LS and SA, redpill me on the Gunlance because it's seems fun and I want to learn another weapon or should I go with something else?
Lagi, went back to 3U. Got to HR 65 in World and got bored.
I fought him on low-rank this week, used the Legiana SA since his weakness is ice, worked wonders, Axe makes very easy cutting his tail and blade mode wrecks his shit on the other weak spots
he keeps his Spikes when you Flash him there and the Timing can be a cunt when you get staggered by the roar before it. guy's better off learning to super man dive consistently for the dive
Farming teostra and i hate all fire based monster.
doesn't the axe
does not the axe what?
it does
World feels like a tutorial with no actual game attached to it. You can't do that, there has to be something that challenges your newly developed skillset.
World is Very Low Rank.
why does no one play horn when you get such excellent and helpful song lists like this?
heroics, that's not even max yet, have to tinker with it a bit still
>i got burnt out
sensible chuckle.gif
Horns like that have always been there. I remember using an ice horn with these songs against actually threatening fire monsters
because the damage isnt that great and people refuse to git gud with HH. the few i see on tempered hunts are either trash that dont Hit the monster or literal gods, no middle ground.
That's actually what the leading horn for speedrunning had in Monster Hunter XX.
Sadly you have to hunt Redhelm for it who, despite being the first deviant is basically Apex tier.
Nothing, I got bored and put the game down when I realized there was nothing left to do besides kill tempered nerg a billion times hoping for gems that weren't trash
When's deviljho
Nerscylla is the best poison-user in the franchise. Fight me.
Nerscylla's one of the best monsters in general
I'm genuinely mad it wasn't in the rotten vale
that would require effort to make that skeleton and moveset
meanwhile just do the same shit but change them slightly to have the same fucking wyvern shit over and over
Nerscylla doesn't work if you can move while using items. Its entire shtick is immobilizing you with poison/sleep/web, forcing you to drink an antidote/energy drink/cleanser and get rekt.
meant to say axe able to break off horns too