You fags REALLY should stop with this SHITE by now

1. Phantasy Star II came out in 1989, eight years before Final Fantasy VII.
2. You can't save/resurrect Nei unless you're playing a 2005 remake.
3. Phantasy Star End of The Millennium came out in 1993, four years before Final Fantasy VII.
4. You absolutely can't save/resurrect Alys/Lyra. At all.

5. Both Nei's and Lyra/Alys' death scenes have WAAAY more impact than Aerith's death AND Lyra's/Alys' death in particular is especially unexpected as she plays a pretty significant role and grows on you quickly as a character. In this regard, Lyra/Alys actually make you feel WAY MORE than Aerith ever does.

In the end, this is a FACT: Nei and Lyra/Alys leave a much more solid print as character AND their death have a much more memorable impact than Aerith ever does. STOP this FAGGOTRY for a MUCH LESS significant character death in a video game. Phantasy Star II's and IV's female character deaths >>>>> Aerith's death. Deal with it. Be buttblasted and REEEEEEE about it all you want, this WON'T change the TRUTH.

Other urls found in this thread:

Thanks for spoiling me on these games that I was planning on playing after Langrisser.


The difference is more people played FF7, I love Phantasy Star but the series just wasn't relevant during the N64/PS1 era.

>it's not spoiling if they're old
As someone who enjoyed a few Phantasy Star games, I had never heard of these characters up until you said this, so yes, you spoiled it. Because of their old age and niche nature, I was sure I could go about my days until playing them that I wouldn't be spoiled, because no one ever discussed them.

Says who? You? Don't make me laugh. Phantasy Star was ALWAYS huge, because it's LITERALLY "Sega's Final Fantasy". And it's a fact Phantasy Star did many things FIRST which Final Fantasy and other J-RPG series stole/borrowed LATER. Aerith's death is LITERALLY a very lame attempt at trying to recreate Alys'/Lyra's death. Fucking L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y an attempt of Square's to get a chunk off of that juicy drama pie Phantasy Star did FIRST.

>I didn't watch Star Wars Episode IV so far because it's old

Not the same argument, retard. I said old and niche, Star Wars is not niche and discussed frequently, so obviously spoilers for those movies would be out and about. Notice how I didn't get upset for you spoiling FF7, when I've never actually played that game?

Yes, you can spoil games for people even if they are from 1989 and 1993.

Correct, Phantasy Star was always the superior series, however Sega let it rot instead of getting it out there it like Squaresoft did. It's the reason why people still talk about VII and most kiddies never played a Genesis and Master System PS game.
Just look at the current state of the series. PSO2 in its current state is a fucking abomination and an insult to the legendary Phantasy Star games.
Unfortunately Phantasy Star was a casualty of Sega's incompetence during the 1990s.

>series just wasn't relevant during the N64/PS1 era
Are you even for fucking real, nigger? Phantasy Star is fuckhueg and has a very devout solid fan community following it since pretty much the day PS II came out. Just because you didn't know jack shit on it back in the days, doesn't mean others didn't. It was directly trading blows with FF back in End of The Millennium days, if only Sega didn't fuck up so royally with it's marketing and consoles back in the days, we'd have a direct fucking equivalent of FF VII in a line of Phantasy Star games by the time FF VII came. Sure, FF VII was popular, undoubtedly, but there was always a shitton of other players on the field at the time, some of which (Suikoden? GRANDIA? LUNAR?, Star-MOTHER-FUCKING-Ocean?) didn't lose to FF VII in almost any field at all. FF VII was just over-advertised and overhyped as hell, but it was never somehow vastly superior than other major J-RPG players on the field at the time. It's just dumb uneducated inexperienced kids like you who were made to believe that, essentially were lied to by marketing sharks.

>Not the same argument
No, exactly same argument, you retard.

You can say that, but you're not providing any argument despite myself having laid down my own. You lose. Better luck next time, nigger.

>I said old and niche
Phantasy Star is not niche, unless you are an uncultured, underaged faggot. Phantasy Star II was a must-own release for the Genesis back in the day (and was actually released before the original FF in America).
You are the equivalent of some kid calling the film Barry Lyndon obscure and niche.

Um, hold yer horses there, matey. There is nothing wrong with PSO. Neither withe first one, nor with the second one. The only "bad" thing in PSO 2 is that it was never translated and brought up to bakagaijinner cuntries so far. Content-wise it's a super-fucking-solid entry of the franchise and essentially a massive improvement on every field imaginable in comparison to the first one.

Exactly this.

It's niche by today's standards, which is why I state how no one discusses it. Despite its status back then, no one talks about it, and lots of the people who played it back then don't really discuss it, and not many people go back and play it. Outside of Japan, PS has lost the mainstream eye, making it sorta niche, that even on Sup Forums, a site that loves niche things, it isn't discusses too often, and when it is, it's usually threads begging for PSO2 ie something like that.

>Phantasy Star
>wasn't relevant during the N64/PS1 era

PSO 1 is one of my favorite games of all time.
PSO 2, while doing some good things, adopted a shitty asian MMO model where you spend real money on cosmetics and instead of having some epic space fantasy Part IV of PSO 2 is literally a high school anime that takes place during modern times.

So this is the power of autism.

if you want to avoid spoilers for ancient games, why click on their threads.

Nei is cute.

>first PSO is not Asian MMO

Nei is DED. Until you patch remakes with translation AND play them both back-to-back while transferring cleared game save file from first to second, that is.

>autism = the post

>implying Phantasy Star II was the first game to have a companion character die permanently with no way to rescue or resurrect them
Get off your high horse.

Zio was better than Sephiroth.

No one played Phantasy Star. Only nerds.

I haven't watched star wars yet. Please don't spoil it for me.

What the fuck are you talking?
Just proofs you haven't played any of those. Otherwise you would know that PSO 1 was also a ASIAN MMO.

And PSO2 is great, you are just mad that SEGA Japan shits on you.

IV is super accessible in addition to being one of the best JRPGs of its time. A ton of people have played Phantasy Star.

>a ton of people

Hope you know that SEGA was a literally niche in most countries, and even more a Japanese niche RPG with a even more niche setting (Sci-Fi).
Sales were only in a few countries "OK".

Rika a best.


I don't have any problem with how PSO2 actually plays, but the F2P system it employs is yakuza-tier extortion shit. It doesn't stop at cosmetics.
Though PSO1 didn't even make token efforts to secure data loss against hackers, and made money by plastering advertisements all over your download missions like some kind of crazed autistic telecom marketer, rather than selling premium currency and partnering with lyrical nanowhores, so I'm still unsure which game had the worse business ethic.

Original Phantasy Star was better than any NES Final Fantasy and Phantasy Star IV is on par with Final Fantasy VI. It's awful to see how many great Sega franchises lack mainstream popularity. Virtua Fighter is also amazing, yet nowhere near as popular as Tekken or Dead or Alive.

No wonder they milk the unlikeable hedgehog and his shitty games so much.

I never said or implied that, you retarded piece of shit. I said it was first mainstream (as in - not extremely obscure PC-88/98 hentai "RPG") J-RPG to do it first. Phantasy Star was (unironically) pioneer for very many things which later were either "borrowed" or downright arrogantly STOLEN by other companies for their games.

>Chaz scored this

Why is this allowed?

Well I certainly wouldn't go THAT far as to say something like this, but sheer premise-wise, yes, "Sephiroth killing Aerith" scene was almost a 1-to-1 copypaste of Zio injuring Alys/Lyra.

>that CD drama where he fucks the combat-numan project and is mindwiped while waited patiently for later
He cheated and had an in with her father while she was still being made.

Actually Sega was bigger than Nintendo in several countries at that time, but I'm speaking more about modern JRPG fans who have looked backwards and wanted to see how the genre evolved and how those games play today.

>Being THIS mad of a delusional reality-denying piece of shit
Yep, a typical buttblasted Fecal Fartassy faggotring idiot, indeed,

I vaguely remember that, I thought it wasn't canon?

Got a link to a translation?

Tubby fair, half the point of the game was his growth into the sort of person that would deserve a waifu.

>not Fal

She's 1 year old. Kys, you pedo.

Also - a daily reminder to literally every Millennium fag ITT that IV never happened and is 100% uncanon, which was confirmed by PSO and Zero.

The original project page is gone, IIRC, and I don't know where it moved to(if it moved and didn't just vanish forever.)
There needs to be an site devoted to preserving shit like this, really. There's a lot of scattered translation work on things like this, xenosaga, shining, tales, etc, that just has no fallback plan.

You are not forced to pay anything at all on PSO2. So i don't see a problem at all.
I played since the beginning, and only invested a little last year, just to give something back to SEGA. Otherwise you are completely fine without paying.

Actually the setting is a sci-fi/fantasy crossup, and sci-fi was debatably more popular as a genre than fantasy in popular culture at that time anyway.

Creators of PSO said themselves PSO was a different timeline, not that it never happened, so you are the one that needs to kill himself.

Pfah. Pity. I remember I read it once, got very confused, and chalked it up to nonsensical noncanon side bullshit,like the Resident Evil novels, or Dante showing up in Persona.

How far can men fall who have forgotten how to google?

Final Fantasy was always the worst RPG franchise.

I don't need to bother when I have toadies to do it for me, so thanks boo. ;-)

I don't even get who you are referring to. Also English, do you speak it?

>PSO was a different timeline, not that it never happened
Stop being such a reality-denying delusional imbecile.
PS III's Moon ending happened. Zero is a direct continuation of that ending, and PSO is a sequel fo Zero timeline-wise. It's not "different timeline", it's RESETTED timeline. PS III's Moon ending completely resets the events, PS IV and II never happened (yet, that is, as PSO takes place quite before PS/PS II/PS IV comes even close). It's literally a fucking reboot. PS IV doesn't exist, as well as PS II. This shit never happened yet, in the reset timeline. The universe is the same, but timeline was RESET, not parallelized. It's NOT different worlds/universes, it's LITERAL fucking Back To The Future III.

>talking about a imaginary VIDEOGAME story

Dude, the only one here who is denying reality is you in here.

I always knew Fecal Fartassy idiots were total autists, but this is beyond retardation.

>this crazy faggot again
I liked PS threads better when you weren't shitting them up with your garbage.

>"REEEEEEE" the post.

you better should see a doctor, srsly

Except that the creators of the game EXPLICITLY SAID THAT IS NOT HOW IT WORKS.

I don't know whom you're referring to. Also - educate yourself, you dumb reality-denying piece of shit who doesn't know jack shit on the series.
This is a FACT: literally each and EVERY single Phantasy Star branded games SINCE and AFTER first PSO fully acknowledges the Moon ending of PS III. Making the Moon ending of PS III the ONLY 100% canon ending of that game. Which in itself automatically makes PS II and PS IV nonexistent, as PS III takes place BEFORE PS II and Zero continues FROM PS III's Moon ending. If you can't grasp such a simple concept, a concept of the fact that Moon ending is canon and ALL Phantasy Star timeline is now being built off of it (LITERALLY rebooting the franchise since first PSO), you're a total fucking moron that should off himself right here and now on spot.

>he keeps trying so hard


Except that is EXACTLY WHAT THEY DID TO THE ENTIRE FUCKING FRANCHISE and this is EXACTLY where we are RIGHT NOW in the series' timeline. PSO takes place before PS/PS II/PS IV in the NEWLY created RESETTED timeline.

This was a fine thread until that selfreflecting "Fecal Fartassy"-idiot-Autist came in.
Was nice guys, see you later.

Off yourself. Now. Do it.

Make me you impotent little bitch. =)

Phantasy Star III takes place after II you idiot, they evacuated Parma because of PSII's events.

That's not how timelines work. PSIV is in one timeline, PSO is in another, PSU is in another, and PSO2 is in yet another, they say it themselves in game with all that subspace shit.

love Phantasy Star and always dream of a remake. But why you people have to fight for everything? Not all things have to be a competition. I never played Final Fantasy VII or have any intention. But provoking them is pure waste of time. If you are so into Phantasy Star and want to prove it, start a Kickstarter campaign and ressurect the franchise. I am pretty sure that Sega Will never give a fuck or care. Just like with Streets of Rage. I bet they would even sell the rights now days

>Deliberately being an utter fucking idiot, total cretin which denies newly established AND fully confirmed timeline/story of Phantasy Star franchise, a thing DEVELOPERS abide by since first PSO days
How much more moronic you can actually get, I wonder? Because, you know, ARGUING WITH DEVELOPERS AND WHAT THEY DO is the last state of schizophrenia, if anything.

Phantasy Star III is before PS II, you dumb fuck.

PS IV is direct continuation of PS II.
PSO 2 is direct continuation of PSO.
PSU is sequel to Zero, a midquel between Zero and PSO.
Zero is direct continuation of Moon ending of PS III's, a resetted timeline and rebooted franchise.

It goes as this:
Original timeline PS -> PS III -> PS II -> PS II Gaiden -> PS IV

Resetted timeline/rebooted franchise:
PS -> PS III -> Moon ending -> PS II and PS IV never happened -> Zero -> PSU/Ambition of Illuminus > PSO -> PSO 2.

>ps3 is canon
I might be a pathetic faggot and a pedophile, but I'll never be THIS sad and delusional

PSO2's actually done pretty well for them.
I don't know about user numbers(meaningless for f2p games really), but it's been making them enough money to keep going on collabs and blow dosh on some pretty elaborate iRL event sets.

PSO2 is very big in Japan. Many people know about it and play it more than FFXIV

Zero is canon.
PSO is canon.
PSO 2 is canon.
ALL of them fully acknowledge the events of Moon ending of PS III's. Don't like it? Hate the FACT? Cry summoar, you reality-denying piece of shit. The franchise's timeline/story was fully reset with PS III's Moon ending, and Zero continues off of that, and PSO is a sequel of Zero.

>takes time to shit his pants and rage around his room, powerless and unable to make user do what he wants
>comes back and keeps at the same tired line of shit
Don't forget to wash 'em, buddy.

I'm not even trying to make you stop being an imbecile, though. I'm just pointing out to you that you're a total fucking moron and presenting harsh factual truth of reality to you.


You're wasting time. The stink's setting in while you're pattering on here.

Yeah yeah, go resurrect AeriS, or something, you dumb piece of shit. Like I care.

>Also - a daily reminder to literally every Millennium fag ITT that IV never happened and is 100% uncanon, which was confirmed by PSO and Zero.

I sure hope you're not THAT guy, no one can return on a PS thread after making a fool of himself by posting a fucking fan fiction to support his argument.

Everything you just said is either willful ignorance or trolling.

PSZero doesn't take place on Earth, but on Coral, they just call it Earth because they forgot their own planet's name because of The Great Blank. It has nothing to do with the Moon ending of PSIII.


Even if you were right on everything else, it is explicitly said in Phantasy Star Online 2 that the events of PSU happened in another dimension, so that fucks your fantheory over the Land Master right there, compadre.

Really? I did not know that. But, anyway. I don't play MMORPGS. So, doesn't matter for me. I want a really good game. Maybe Sega has not the money to risk something like Final Fantasy XV, but even a 2d classic like Sonic Mania was would satisfy me. It is just sad how abandoned it is besides this online thing.

>Some literal whos
>More important than Aerith
Have a (You).

no one cares m8

>much more memorable impact
the difference is the popularity you retard, people actually played and remember VII no one played phantasy star so it's had no impact on modern gamers/creators

I forgive all the trolling in this thread because I stumbled on some nifty concept art of an XCOM/PS crossover while googling shit because of it.

Who/what the fuck are you babbling about, you autistic piece of shit? Get a fucking grip already, you imbecile.

Coral IS Earth, you DWEEB.

>PS III is after PS II
It's NOT, not after PS II's ending, that is. My point was about full story, not mid-term intersections. PS III ends BEFORE PS II ends. And PS III's only canon ending is Moon, which LITERALLY fucking RENDERS PS/PS II/PS IV as nonexistent, or, rather, not-happened-yet events, because it's like, what, 14000 years BACK in timeline NOW?

>it is explicitly said in Phantasy Star Online 2 that the events of PSU happened in another dimension
Not dimension, Galaxy, you dumb fuck! It's SAME Universe and SAME timeline, just different Galaxies. Also, Nova, bitches.

Generations had more endings so this discussion just got deeper

Holy shit it is you. Listen mate I appreciate the PS thread, as I love the series, but could you tone down the autism just a little bit?

>I'm 15 years old
You really should've said so right from the very beginning.

These are just remakes of PS and PS II. Considering that franchise's official timeline/story now has roots in PS III's Moon ending, PS and PS II didn't happen yet (and won't for a while), so it doesn't matter what endings PS's and PS II's PS 2 remakes have. Literally the ONLY two appeals of these remakes are greatly updated graphics and option to resurrect/save Nei in PS II's remake. That's basically it. Everything else-wise these are almost exactly same games as their original releases.

Will you fucking stop with your cretinism already? I don't know who the fuck you're talking about, you DEBILE.

>no one played Phantasy Star
>it had no impact
0/10, you need to try way harder than just that. This is literal kindergartner-tier of trolling you're doing there right now, kiddo.

Coral is Earth.


I'm sorry, I just don't have the time to explain how utterly stupid of a concept that is. I get that you have a hard-on for the new canon, I think the new games are cool enough myself, but this has reached new levels of idiocy.

The new shit is in a separate continuity. You have fai...


Why the hell am I trying to be civil about this?

Dude, you're just wrong. Not even the creators of the game agree with you.

It's always amazing that people like him can somehow.. stay alive.

Read this:

Alys Brangwin was better Aerith before it became kEwL/mainstream. Proper education and manners, learn 'em.

Okay I'm not that guy, and I really shouldn't be engaging with you but I'm bored. So explain how PS3 came before PS2 when the catalyst for PS3 starting is a planet that blows up DURING PS2s EVENTS?

Can we just ignore him? Why can't we have nice things? We get maybe 1 phantasy star thread every 6 months and 90% of those are dedicated to the PSO-era games.

It's NOT a separate continuity, it's a RESET timeline of SAME continuity, you dumb shit!
After they crashed on Luna due to going through black hole AND 14000~some years BACK in time, EVERYTHING was fucking changed in humanity's developments cycle as species. Salvaged technologies from the crash site and other shit changed course of Earthlings' growth tremendously, and THIS WAS CONFIRMED BY PSO! Zero's Coral IS Sun system's Earth, BECAUSE IT WAS RENAMED FROM Terra/Earth at some point in the timeline between Moon Ending and Zero, WHICH Zero confirms AND explains! Zero's "Pioneer"-type ship is one of the first kinds of such ships which LEFT EARTH to settle in further space, it's NOT "Pioneer I" or "Pioneer II" of PSO, though, as these came later in the timeline.

Retard. You are a total fucking retard. Clean and simple.

Sega are still huge dicks. When the streets of rage remake came out a couple of years ago it was taken down within days. Thankfully it was done by that point. Although I haven't really kept up with the news on it, did they ever do another release with online multiplayer?

>love Phantasy Star and always dream of a remake
They already did it, kid. The fully working translation patch is also available.

Oh shit I found the old thread with the post, this is pasta worthy.
Do you really think people would forget after only two months ?

This has nothing to do with me, though. Different people. But nice try anyway, here's your (you).