Can we discuss this for a second?

Can we discuss this for a second?

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No let’s talk about how WotC shafted standard once again and Dominaria and M19 will be boring because they put the good “memorable” cards in Masters 25.

>wizards of the coast
turbo SJWs aren't going to reinvent the wheel here, it'll just be another hearthstone knockoff and when it stops meeting their quarterly quotas all of your money and time will get sucked up into a blackhole like they did with duels

will there be pedophiles though? it's not mtg unless pedos are around kids.

>purposly never make a good online game since they're afraid it might takes shekels away from the physical format

It seems fine other than the shitty minimalist Hearthstone-style interface
It'd be nice if you could actually read the fucking cards without mousing over instead of it just being the image and the name

The engine is pretty good and streamlined other than automatic land tapping, but the business model is extremely jewish in that you can't trade cards and you can't craft away cards you don't want (it just automatically does it for you when you collect a card you already own 4 of). Also it's only Ixalan which is a boring as fuck set.
It's better than HS by virtue of not being a shit game, but there's no reason to play it over the actual card game or just MTGO due to the jewish business model

>other than automatic land tapping
You can turn it off, if that's what you mean

That's good. I'm not in the beta yet but I've seen some footage and it seems alright so far. It's a shame about the shitty system it has in place though. Unless wildcards aren't very rare then it's going to be like Duels where you have to play hours a day just to keep up with cards.

Short matches in magic are never fun and the format being a mobile game is going to push things toward fast matches.

Why won't they give MTGO a digital makeover to be like DotP!! Ffs

what MTG game allows me to have an authentic cardboard-like Draft experience? asking for a friend.

>Short matches in magic

One of the best decks in Ixalan Block Constructed uses Sanguine Sacrament as its only wincon.

Takes about 30 minutes.

(I know that isn't what you meant)

I think it's the card set, also I find the higher up the ranks you go the longer they get.

Conceed should not be an option, the game is literally full of sore losers who don't like to see their health reach zero

>what MTG game allows me to have an authentic cardboard-like Draft experience? asking for a friend.

MTGO right now, Arena when it comes out.

>Concede should not be an option, the game is literally full of sore losers who don't like to see their health reach zero

Other way around. It's like chess; not conceding is considered rude because you're just wasting both players' time.

Xmage supports drafts

In MtG it's bad etiquette not to concede when you know you have no possible way to win. You're just running down the clock which just fucks over your opponent by possibly ending the match with a draw which means you're both losing points for no reason.

No modern? no sale.

Did they actually confirm this anywhere?

We're lucky this has all cards in standard, there is near 0% chance they'll be adding older cards

>Did they actually confirm this anywhere?

Hands up who wants to program Panglacial Wurm

It might get Modern eventually (years down the line) but the best we'll get in the foreseeable future is an eternal format starting at Origins or something

Fuck off Desolator


Conceding is literally the worst way to play.

I have learnt far more by playing to the end and losing than I ever would have if I had conceded when I was the first to lose 3 points of damage. It just feels incredibly nerdy to concede when you should play for that 1% chance to win because if theres one thing I've learnt in MTG is that anything can happen and if you get that 1 card draw that turns the game around, there is no better feeling whether you be on the winning or losing end of that draw.

He's known for shilling xmage in every fucking video and claiming it's the nest way to play magic. Calling people out as hom for bearing even a remote resemblance is board culture.

sure it's more of an advanced thing, I suppose

When you're playing competitive Magic one of the important things is 'playing to your outs', so if you know that no series of events will turn the game in your favor it's time to concede and move on to the next game.

In regards to Arena, you're not going to enjoy sitting there for a half hour while I cast Sacrament every turn, doubling my life total until you draw every card in your deck and mill out.

>In regards to Arena, you're not going to enjoy sitting there for a half hour while I cast Sacrament every turn, doubling my life total until you draw every card in your deck and mill out.

Well I would consider that being a pretty poor sport to not finish it.

You're a faggot.
> It just feels incredibly nerdy to concede when you should play for that 1% chance to win
This is MTG not HS, 90% of the time you're going to have a 0% chance of winning even with the perfect draw. If you don't realize this then you are just a bad player and you're making the game worse for everyone by dragging games out to time and making the better players lose points because of your incompetence. It's bad form.

That's you being an idiot. It's poor sport NOT to concede. You're wasting both players' time.

t.nerd detected

t. faggot who thinks he can break out of a lantern control lock and forces the better player to get a draw because he can't play quickly and refuses to concede

Calling me a faggot isn't going to change the fact that you're a bitch whos afraid of losing like a man.

>Well I would consider that being a pretty poor sport to not finish it.

That is finishing it. My deck has zero ways to deal damage.

>t. faggot who thinks he can break out of a lantern control lock and forces the better player to get a draw because he can't play quickly and refuses to concede

Oh no, that is actually legit. It is not your responsibility to help your opponent play Magic.

Obviously doing Slow Play is a rule violation, but if we're going to time at 0-0, I'm going to keep saying "Draw, go" every turn until the match ends.

Losing like a man would not include dragging down the better player just because you don't know how to play this game. I guess it's a good thing that you'll never be at any event bigger than an LGS draft.
>Oh no, that is actually legit. It is not your responsibility to help your opponent play Magic.
Yes it absolutely is, and not conceding when you're locked by a prison deck can be considered slow play.

>waaaah the mean control deck beat me I'll get that guy back by being a big fat baby that denies him his win because I'm butthurt about being bad :(
off yourselves

Wildcards are easy to come by. The "dusting" system in this is far superior to Hearthstone's

The mentality of MTG players is laughable, you saying there are legit times to concede and thats correct. But the majority of people in arena abuse the concede because they just want a fast win. You're a joke mate.

But im not denying the win, I merely making sure I have more of a chance to win by playing until the end.

You're just a sad loser who doesnt like it when someone clutches and pawns them. Hell wit is have half the fucking game and people always hold back their good cards. You're just dumb.

This. Idk how the fuck they're gonna sell standard sets now days. All the good cards are all in masters sets. Standard has been weak as fuck for the past few years. Khans was the last good block.

I want complex sets back. Time Spiral-Innistrad was magic's biggest golden age since I started playing in 05, and goddamn cards have gotten exponentially worse from RtR onward. Handful of gems from newer sets but jesus christ so many more cards are trash.

Not the same guy but it's actually more of the fact that every deck on MTG Arena at the moment is Ixalan Block Constructed Tribal decks. As a result every deck is pretty much aggro related so yeah if they don't win fast then they know they've lost so they're not going to bother. You have the odd person playing control or even midrange goodstuff decks but they're not many.

This has nothing to do with Arena, this has to do with shit players who don't concede because they think they can come back in a game where coming back isn't possible 90% of the time when you're behind.
Pro matches only very rarely end without a concession, and if they do it's because their opponent had a sudden comeback or managed to hide the setup for their victory, or topdecked bolt.
>But the majority of people in arena abuse the concede because they just want a fast win.
This is fucking Ixalan. Nearly every fucking deck is braindead aggro where you literally know you're not coming back if you don't get a fast win. Complaining about people saving you time is fucking stupid and makes you look like a retarded cuck.
>But im not denying the win,
When you make a lantern control player go to draw because you didn't concede during the last game after they locked you, yes, you did deny them the win because you're a fat baby and a sore loser.
There literally isn't clutching and pawning in MTG you fucktard. If you know you have an out you know you have an out. You know your deck, you know your opponent's deck by the time you get to the deciding game, and you know the exact limitations. Of course if you're bad or playing at a low level casual event it's different, but in serious play at bigger tournaments games only rarely don't end in a concession since most players present know the game well.

Mechanics scare away Timmy and Vorthos. Just put counters on creatures and swing!

Time Spiral was a massive bomb so that shit is never happening again.

Have you ever played MTG in your life? Nobody wants to waste the clock if they can help it.

Of course not, these are all HS babbies who are used to a game where the majority of matches can be won by getting lucky with some RNG meme card

I'm sorry but a famous pro player once said you should always play for that 1% chance to win.

That is a fact.

>tfw Magic is slowly dying because of really bad decisions made by proud designers that want to please the supercasual, tablet-tapping crowd
This is unfair

I've only been playing for two and a half years and I've already thrown more money into cards than I'd really care to admit. Get this shit out of my life and let WotC die.

Yeah its kinda bizarre, I used to play Legacy, Modern and Standard all quite a bit. Standard fell off for me after Innistrad, Legacy fell off for me a bit after that and now all I really have left is Modern, and even that isn't exactly the best since I don't feel like dropping money on more decks.

Look up timestalling, shitposter-kun.

>Yes it absolutely is, and not conceding when you're locked by a prison deck can be considered slow play.

100% untrue

Hey at least modern exists ao we can pretend to play standard from 8 years ago.

I just want bolt to be the standard by which cards are judged again.

Fuck em. I learned during the thick of it. So can everyone else. Zendikar was a rough time for a noob trying to get into standard. If my dead ass can do it, anyone can.

Time Spiral black as a whole was amazing. MTG is a nerd game for nerds, it needs to be complex, and its at its most fun at peak complexity. Thats why high tier multiplayer EDH is the best format. That or legacy.

>I'm sorry but a famous pro player once said you should always play for that 1% chance to win.
No, they didn't, especially since you can get DQ'd for doing that under the right circumstances.

No trading - no game.


Enlighten me with some evidence

>playing burn in modern vs. grishoalbrand
>had a bit of a slow start, so opponent is at 23 life after a couple shoals
>at 4 life and have a goblin guide in play
>opponent has a full hand and Borborygmos Enraged in the graveyard
>I have no cards in hand
>he holds out his hand like I'm going to concede
WTF is this gay shit? I dont concede, what if I'd topdecked 8 lightning bolts???

>reserved list
>wizdrones will defend this

In tournaments where you have decklists and your deck factually has no way left in it to win, you can get issued a slow play warning if you don't concede because they can consider that you trying to time out your opponent.

>not just waiting for him to drop to 3 then dropping a bolt on his dome
that deck fizzles so much to itself on the first 2 gris draw 7s

Only finance jews defend it

If he has 7 cards in hand and borb in his graveyard then you have a basically 100% chance to get bolted to death next turn

>going within burn range of burn and passing turn
What kind of fucking mongoloid does this?

ah yes because pro players are known for dropping themselves to 3 life before passing turn without lifegain in hand against a burn deck

evidence, not you making shit up

>No, they didn't
Yes, they did.

Nope, they did not.

Nobody but the jewiest of jews can defend it, but wizards could get sued for damages if they reprint and tank card investor value. Its fucking awful.

They need to at least make a rule that proxies are legal in tournament play for cards on the reserved list.

There's a chance they don't have shoal and wurm/borb

There's basically no chance that they have a completely dead hand and even if they do they can literally just durdle until they draw goryo's vengeance

>Draw too many land, lose the game
>Draw too few land, lose the game

Defend this, MTG babs

>play any card game
>draw bad hand
>lose game

Build a better deck so it doesn't happen regularly

I watch an unhealthy amount of PT/GP footage and this happens less than 5% of the time in eternal formats

play a better deck

Quote the section, nothing in there helps your case

(unsurprisingly, since you are wrong)

Aside from the last part about stalling which literally says you can be issued a penalty for stalling the game when you know you have no outs just so you can hit the time limit

you don't think this part of the scenario is relevant?

>Adam thinks for some time before deciding to sacrifice his fetchland. He takes time to find a land. He loses several seconds before untapping. He thinks before drawing a card. Etc.

Just read the actual rules

Stalling requires you to intentionally slow down the pace of the game in a way you otherwise wouldn't. If you just say 'draw, go', you are in the clear.

If you get locked, "draw go", get locked, "draw go", get locked, "draw go", then do this every time you play a prison/control deck at the entire tournament the judges are not going to have that shit unless they simply don't notice at all.

Yes they are, because Stalling requires slow play, not bad play

>4.7. Unsporting Conduct — Stalling
>A player intentionally plays SLOWLY in order to take advantage of the time limit. If the slow play is not intentional,
please refer to Tournament Error — Slow Play instead.

Intentionally forcing matches to go to time repeatedly due to a refusal to concede is intentionally playing slowly to take advantage of the time limit. Judges are not going to buy your "muh honor, i cannot concede or i would bring shame upon famiry" explanation and will just think it's an excuse unless you actually commit sudoku when they tell you that you need to start strategically conceding

Find me a single example of someone ever being penalized for this.

Because people would sure as hell write articles if it happened.

I can't because matches that have both players bad enough to not concede when they know loss is guaranteed as well as high level rules enforcement aren't recorded.
> people would sure as hell write articles if it happened.
It doesn't happen because the people with enough sway to write articles don't write articles about shitters being penalized for rookie mistakes and it doesn't happen in notably high levels of play because pros aren't bad at the game.

You are 100% allowed to make your opponent kill you as long as you don't play excessively slowly to do it.

I used to fap to earthbind back in high school. What are some fappable cards. I heard WotC/Tor took the soy-pill though, so there might not be any new ones

Not conceding when your deck no longer has any possible way to win a game is stalling.

This game is 10/10 awesome, and I will be playing this as my primary game, but for the moment I want more sets than just Ixalan block.

They manage to sneak in some cheesecake every now and then, but the minority and non-binary sexuality quota is #1 priority.

>Short matches in magic are never fun
standard retard

>Q. What happens when my cards rotate out of Standard?
>A. The focus of MTG Arena will be on Standard card sets. We're working on fun ways for players to play with cards once they rotate out of Standard. We'll talk more about this later in the year.

just play pauper on mtgo

92 / 3 / 27 / 5
Holy shit is mtg THAT dead?
Is everyone brainwashed by hearthstone?

Standard hasn't been fun since ISD-RTR

>Is everyone brainwashed by hearthstone?
It's fair to say that most people here have played both MtG and hearthstone. It's also fair to say that both games have become shit and that's why everyone is jaded when it comes to card games.

>become shit

It was too simple for it's own good, and the extra doses of RNG certainly didn't help.

Build your deck better, hell there's programs that do the math for you if you're too bad at doing it yourself.

I played HS, I dropped it after an hour, its just too simple, MTG is a real thinking mans game.