Why does Sup Forums suddenly love FFXV now?

Why does Sup Forums suddenly love FFXV now?

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because of the pc demo that just came out

sfm when

he is still a kid

It's actually pretty sad considering they invaded every FFXV thread on here since release and called it shit, even worse than 13. It just proves that PCbros hate whatever they can't have regardless of quality

didn't stop doujin makers

Because it is on PC now.

It's just released on PC. So now PC fags have stopped pretending that it's a shit game.

They're so fucking pathetic. I couldn't even discuss the game here 6 months ago without manchildren PC gaymers spamming memes

>game comes out on pc
>raging consolenigger tears flood the board
Feels good to be white

because its not plagues with console issues

It is a shit game. They're now pretending that it isn't shit because they can finally play it.

The real version is about to be released

I dunno the hate for 13 was reasonably justified.

Coz its on PC now.
We've always known this.
If uncharted ever came to PC they'd be raving about it.

No one with console is mad. We've played and enjoyed it and now its funny seeing PC users suddenly talking about how good it is after years of false threads talking about how its crap.

>enjoyed it

why do you save reaction images?

>he doesn't save reaction images

I sure as shit would, but it would only be to piss off the fanboys because free (You)'s......

Because it came to computers.

>It just proves that PCbros hate whatever they can't have regardless of quality

Came here to say this. When FFXIII was ported to PC, they did the same exact thing. FFXV is truly one of the worst games I've played.

I played it on PS4 and hated every second
But I'm a PC player too and it's still fucking terrible.
It's a disgusting stain of a videogame on the mainline series of Final Fantasy.
How they managed to make a game worse than XIII is beyond me.
That said, the demo is actually the best part of the main game too. It's just all downhill from there.

I fucking hate 13 but 15 is worse. Not by much tho.

Why does OP make stuff up and pretend it's happening?

you cringy fuck. if i ever actually met you i would not stop making fun of you and you would take it because you wouldnt have any other friends because you save reaction images

>It's a disgusting stain of a videogame on the mainline series of Final Fantasy.

Yeah, I feel you. FFXV is undoubtedly an ambitious game, but it falls flat in so many areas. To see people act like it's good is mind boggling.


OK. Stay mad.

Love a strong word, but when you spam that it's trash for so long, people are gonna be pleasantly surprised no matter what.

PCfags are a fucking blight. You wouldn't believe how many people on Steam love Zestiria just because it's the first game they got to play within five years of release.

It's still shit

it's an action rpg with hardly any hitstun because tabata didn't like pressing buttons

it's garbage

The ridiculous thing is that Sup Forums has started loving XIII in the last couple of years. It was weird enough when a few years before that people started coming out of the woodwork and claiming XII was good but now XIII too.

Is it just younger people growing up and finding this board of contrarians? I can sort of understand liking XII even if personally thought it was shit, but XIII? Come on.

XIII was hate-bandwagoned by people trying to fit in. At its core though it's a traditional FF game.

XII was justifiably hated on because it deviated too far from the series' original gameplay, and XV is exactly the same. These two, and the MMOs, just aren't FF.

I actually feel that XIV has more of a final fantasy feel to it than any game since 9.
The story is slow at times yes, but is very much laced with a final fantasy-esque story and feeling.

It's a shame it's an MMO and bogged down with everything that comes with that, were the mainline story streamed out for a normal game and presented as an FF, it would be so good.

>XV is exactly the same

So wrong.

Apart the battle system, you couldn't possibly do something more FFish than XV.

It's similar to what VI, VII and VIII all did.

The core of any series is its gameplay and XV gameplay is totally different. If it was good and totally different that might be acceptable but it's shit and totally different.

>Sup Forums has started loving XIII
never happened, fag

XV was so little FFish, it was completely done the wrong way around.
You doss about in the back garden of your grand city for a bit then you get completely shackled to a completely terrible story guiding you through scene after scene of shallow and boring story elements.
There's no feeling of adventure or wonder because you're being pushed through all these areas with no chance to look at them.
The final few areas are a fucking joke and feel like some low budget corridor beatemup game.
The game has so much promise in the first open world area, then does a solid 180 and fucks every expectation you have.
I've never witnessed a game take such a huge fucking nosedive before.
The moment Leviathan attacks and you have a pretty exciting boss battle - the whole game falls into an utter mess.

>game out on PC
>suddenly good

Same thing with XIII.


>pre-rendered custscenes on PC are still more compressed than glorious nippon bluray

something something Oedip

I'd like one bait, please.

it's a marketing campaign


We always loved XV.

it was the nomura shits/ff13 fanboys that tried to shit on XV

PC bros have always been bros

get real ffxv-kun

You never played it.

There is a ton of hitsun though

learn how to play


fuck off barry. You're the reason this board had a hateboner for it in the first place

XV is entirely an adventure feeling. You're absolutely full of shit.

Get out nomura turd

Fuck off nomura shitstain, you are why everyone hates nomura fanboys because you constantly go out of your way to desperately shit against XV because it's better than what Nomura could have done

I like the game you dumbfuck. I can't say I like the game without being accused of being you.
Fucking off yourself you deluded faggot

We don't, it's paid marketing. Nobody in their right mind would buy it now after seeing what a shitshow the game is more than a year after release.

Nice try nomura fanturd

literally what does that even mean, you japs are a weird breed man.


I can't even load up the fucking game now. Whenever I try to load up a save the game suddenly starts to use 90% CPU load and 10gb of RAM at the loading screen. Computer feels like it's dying trying to load the save. When it finally did get in it was running at 1 fps. It was working great before I exited the last time.

>There is a ton of hitsun though
Why lie?

show me a picture of your settings outside the game, from the main menu

XV-kun is samefagging hard this thread. Just let it die.

Why are you? learn how the game works before lying about it somehow not having hitstun

It's complete at last. Early access on consoles ends on March 6

7r-kun going all out after being destroyed in the previous thread.


>It's complete at last
*does not include the 4 dlc episodes to come

>posting asetonis joke video when he himself loves XV and has multiple actual combat guides on his channel

wow you rekt yourself 7r-kun

I always liked it, I just thought it was incomplete on release. Could have been better.

Those are brand new stories that were never planned and are being done instead of sequels, playing as the main villain with their own combat system isn't something you did in any other FF.

Nope, no it's not.
First bit is, then it has 0 adventure, 0 world.

I ditched the save and started from the very beginning again. Loaded fine and is only using 2.5gigs. The save probably somehow got fucked for whatever retarded reason. Just lolconsoleport things.

Yes it is, it's full on adventure full on world.

>posting asetonis joke video
Yes, it does show how much of a joke the combat is.

still sound weird. I wanted to glace at your settings because i was curious to see if that was the reason. Sometimes changing them outside the game and then starting may cause issues. Like for example changing the resolution to a point your card cannot hold it will cause a spike in consumption and it will all freeze and crash
This port is pretty bad, but it's impossible to discuss it because you get sumberged by cindyposting retards and falseflagging spam

You're literally showing a webm of the beginning part of the game, the only small open world bit.
2 large open fields, that's all you get, a 15 minute drive from the main city in the game.
There IS no adventure, towards the end of the game you go to the fucking CAPITAL CITY OF THE EMPIRE - does it feel like it? No. The game falls short in giving any sort of feeling past the point you board the fucking boat. It's a joke.


>Why does Sup Forums suddenly love FFXV now?

the mustard race got a port of this game. They always love it when they get scraps.

wait are you implying? source? Shota usually feels too gay but I'm homo for shota.

this desu

>using ring rng in an rpg is a joke for some reason
Not an argument.

>Nioh and Horizon rated that high

I bought FFXV on launch
I'm not going to say I like the game until the dlcs are included in the main story. The fact that this hasn't been done yet even though you can already play as the main characters in the story is so dumb I can't even think of a good word to describe it.

The disjointed story of FFXV isn't helped by adding dlc that can only be reached through the main menu that also fails to be effected by your character in the main game (levels and equipment doesn't carry over). I can't think of a single good reason why the dlc isn't incorporated into the main story for the royal edition, it wouldn't even be hard to add in.

That's duscae which is where you do stuff in chapter 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8. The world is more full than any other FF and it is quicker to drive from Hammerhead to galdin to wiz chocobo post than it is to walk from kalm to chocobo ranch to junon in FF7, and it's even faster in XV with fast travel. It's all adventure

XV is better than all those games. Review scores are meaningless.

Literally because it's on PC. PC only faggots have the absolute worst taste, fuckers think Tales of Zesteria and FFXII are also great.

XV was always good.

>Literally because it's on PC. PC only faggots have the absolute worst taste, fuckers think Tales of Zesteria and FFXIII are also great.


>I'm not going to say I like the game until the dlcs are included in the main story.

are any of the DLCs even worth it if I didn't like XV's combat?

This. They're like starved african children. A piece of slop they'll praise.

I'm in the exact same position of liking the game but not being able to post anything positive without being called XV-kun.

Another amazing XV thread
I'm glad PCfags have to deal with this autism now

I'm sorry for your disability

Cheers man

>XV is better than all those games

>XV is better than all those games.

I'm in the position of liking the game but hating xv-kun and so i'll never be allowed to talk about the game here without being called some dumb username

FF XII is fantastic you quadruple nigger.

as long as you don't post retarded walls of text and don't insult people, or call people imaginary boggiemen (aka anyhting ending with "-kun") or falsely accuse them of not playing XV, you should be fine.