GB Refuses To Cover Kingdom Come Deliverance

>"It didn’t come up during the call-in show yesterday. Saw a few people talking about this off-site and thought it might come in the chat room.

>Anyway, a couple of us looked at it around the time it came out and didn’t find it interesting enough to pursue. The head guy’s shitty views certainly don’t help, but I doubt we’d have covered it either way."

Cu-ckold Gerstmann reveals his true colors in not wanting to cover a hugely popular game, which, need I remind you, has already sold 1 million copies, with 500,000+ alone being from Steam.

Stop being a soyboy

Why do people care if blacks are in a game or not? Besides the glitches, its pretty damn fun.

i will report every single one of these threads.

Stop making this fucking thread over and over about some literal nobody and his idiotic views, jesus tittyfucking christ on a stick, holy shit

Who cares Mary Kish.

Not much you can do, the threads themselves are on-topic, it's only the posters that aren't. And mods don't care about spam it's just more traffic for the site.

Why do you keep making this thread faggot.

Who the hell cares?

>being this socially maladjusted
I feel sorry for you.

good. nobody should be playing bland, unfinished shit that caters to the whites-only crowd. perfect storm of mediocre gamer trash.

>whoever that is doesn't care about [game]
>somebody not caring about something is worth a thread


i'll never stop reporting these threads.


Literally nobody cares about this game.

>over 1 million sales
>nobody cares


i wish they never let her go

Is it racist against Trannies?

>nah nvm I'll sell it back to Gamespot because I love money ;$)
LMAO why do people care about this websoyte again?


What are you, Minnesotan?

I like it, a website for soys.

are you from australia

Based Kane and Lynch were right to fuck up fatsos career

this person has a very punchable face. it has a certain quality that makes me want to punch it untill it starts swelling

>le ebin soy maymay xD

I'm convinced these threads are made by a falseflagging lefty who wants to see how many anons on Sup Forums are just a bunch of Sup Forums right wingers.

Sorry OP, this is Sup Forums not Sup Forums your politics don't matter to me. I don't care what skin color or gender my character is as long as the game is good.

soyboy detected

>refuse to cover a game that has sold over a million units because the lead dev had opinions that weren't aligned with your own
>whatever, what other content do you have?
>making people pay for a feature that you can get for free on sites like watch2together

i've become so disinterested in this site i don't even pirate their shit anymore.

name the last game you played where the protagonist was black and you don't commit crimes.

fucking your gf

The absolute fucking state of it.


Is this the new Barneyfag?

>reeee I don't care if you faggots only review a few games in a month. You MUST find time for my game that sold a whole million units

Yes user, it could never be your side being retarded. It's always a conspiracy to explain it away.

I think it's just KC:D devs advertising. My proof? I have none.

1 million sales, yet nobody cares. The only discussion about Kingdom Come: Deliverance is about how buggy and unfinished it is.

>first they came...

t.ign shills

>but I doubt we’d have covered it either way."

Sure Gerstmann, you wouldn't have covered it anyway. Who are these social justice retards trying to fool here?

To be honest, it's probably less because of the devs' opinions and more about the fact it isn't a game from a big studio with a large advertising budget. You know that if GB were getting ad dollars for this they'd be more than willing to talk about it.

Why do you keep posting about this? Why do you care so much?

If you follow GB this isn't really a game any of them would be interested in, so they aren't going to play it.

I don't think any of the current staff even finished the witcher 3, they aren't gonna play something that looks to have even weirder combat and is, from what I can tell, even longer

>gamergators are still around in 2018

Yeah, how dare they support fair journalism.

>>gamergators are still around in 2018

>muh gaymurrgait bullies REEEEEEE

Why? Now you get to watch her play Let's Dance without having to put up with disgusting fat people and trannies.

>Literally looks like a pig

What did his parents mean by this?

You shills spit the same line every single post. Nobody cares about your buggy piece of shit game riding on edgy controversy and appealing to kekistan faggots.