Will this ever get recognition and sequel it deserves?

Will this ever get recognition and sequel it deserves?
It is a good game.

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Deathhulk didn't do well, a sequel is unlikely.
Shame really.

It's a shitty source engine mess. The only people that say it's good are retarded Sup Forumsirgins who only do that because they think they can replace their lack of personality by playing terrible video games that no one else wants to play. If suddenly E.Y.E. got really popular those faggots would start shitting on it in a second.

missed that one, what was it about?


Now watch this drive.


Like left 4 dead, but on a space hulk in 40k, with these big boys. Not enough content, and the guns lack the punch that eye has.

Begone you double jian

Fucking this so much, easily on the holy trinity of buggy ass unplayable hipster shit.

Jian shitters detected
Meatspace deletion in progress


Remove thyself from realspace, federal scum.

That's really selling the story short since it's a pretty great experience to figure out the story.

no its too wierd

he keeps telling me this what the FUCK do I do you triple jian

Are your legs ok?

In that case, it needs a spiritual successor, which will be a "sophisticated" arpg with same confusing plot, atmosphere, aesthetics and more refined mechanics.

Probably not. It's a sad thing, it showed what PC games could be instead of shitty rail shoters, mobas and clones of like 20 ideas that were new in 90's both on consoles and PC. It's an unpolished raw promise of somehing a bit deeper and broader than mainstream and indy at the time.
Also, a lot of people just misunderstand it and try to play it as a typical linear shooter(once or twice) when the real fun and real story lies in cycling through it, mastering it and your preffered playstyle(s).
I want to dual wield HS 010 in fuller auto mode...

>It's a shitty source engine mess.
Yes. But it's comfy, has character, lets you murder shit and you are a boring faggot who compensates his lack of originality by going around and being a contrarian dickhead.

Yep. E.Y.E. fun is very close to fun from doom slaughter maps, but with a bit more varieties in means. FFS it's a story about a crzy Motoko Kusanagi tier cyborg in powerarmor who stuck in a groundhog day scenraio of murder, demons, betrayal and guilt.

Bumpan with useful info.

does anyone have that dont trust anybody not even your self self E.Y.E. edit


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