Sup Forums btfo ahhahahahh
Sup Forums btfo ahhahahahh
>/x/ at the bottom
nice bait
hey I'm smart I read a book the other day, 500 pages
thats a lot of coloring if you think about it
*not at the bottom
fuck me
Sup Forums is not that intelligent though
Wait, how does this graph work?
/trash/ is far beyond to right
post like these are exactly why Sup Forums is bottom of the barrel
you're only proving his point sam
>/k/ is on the right side of the bell
Literally jewish communist propaganda; Sup Forums is the brainiest board
It's a bell curve. The average is still complete morons .
What are the axes are?
how is /jp/ the second smartest board, over /sci/ and /lit/?
Pick one. This is coming from an exercise science major. Its broscience and r9k spillover.
/d/ should be at the very right, only a man that has transcended human intelligence has a flattening fetish
wheres /mlp/?
All the "broscience" people probably don't give a shit about IQ and didn't participate.
Throw Sup Forums in between Sup Forums and Sup Forums and this will be perfect
If the average IQ is 100 why does everyone seem to score at least 115 and above?
>Sup Forums that far away from Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>are are
Sup Forums at top
It's almost like someone can make this graph...and put the boards he likes on the top...and the boards he hates on the bottom...wowo...
I don't recall participating in this or seeing any information about this. Thus I do not believe the legitimacy of this
What European country would Sup Forums be if it was IQ matched ?
>hiding the x value
on /sci/ this would be a joke
on Sup Forums, where people have never heard the word mu or understand a normal distribution, you get memes
>All these brainlets not able to read the graph
Holy shit it's actually accurate.
Looks like you proved their point
>Thinking the graph is read from top to bottom. That's why Sup Forums is where it is.
/biz/ here, guess we are so smart we dont even fit on the graph
how can you enjoy kino without 200 IQ?
It’s not supposed to make sense
Italians and Greeks have a lower IQ than Scandinavians even though they started western civilization
tfw negative IQ
>at top
Civilization was a mistake.
>that high
You fucking wish you pseudo-intellectuals
>can't read bell curves
well I am on Sup Forums after all
Italians and Greeks are greasy Arabs and roaches. Modern 5'5" shitalian arabs have literally nothing in common with Romans.
>Sup Forums
italians copied from greeks, greeks copied from egyptians.
>tfw 67 processing speed
I don't want to type the rest I'm sad
I'd assume Sup Forums is so intelligent it's literally off the charts
Egyptians copied from (((aliens)))
Niggers and Mestizos bring the average WAY down.
holy shit what is going on at /x/
How do read bell curve Sup Forumsros I am not dumbie dumbie I swear
Egyptians predate ((()))
I find it hard to believe /r9k/ is up as high as it is
And /x/ is at the very top, fucking why?
Wait a minute, this graph is implying /x/, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the most populous boards
Is such a thing even possible? Yes it is.
Some guys ask to each board make IQ online test, now some idiot add /jp/ and /s4s/ as smartest
the higher up the better you dumb shit
Link to the test?
>understand bell curves
>everyone talking about /x/ being too high
>realize that on this particular chart they're right below average
>see /s4s/ as the highest
Either that board is wrapped in 900 levels of irony that I can't understand, or this chart is a scam.
Pretty accurate otherwise, imo.
This is the true extent of the intelligence of BING BING WAHOOS
never change, Sup Forums
No, of course not. It's a 3 data graph. The x is IQ of the entire site, y is frequency of appearance and the labels are the mean IQ of each board.
(you) for effort
but what's with the horizontal vector?
>Either that board is wrapped in 900 levels of irony that I can't understand
It's one. It's exactly one level of irony, Ramanujan.
Unless SAT is taking a survey on Sup Forums, nobody can legitimately come up with an accurate data
Egyptians were ((()))
>Retarded ranking of intelligence
>People playing dumb to play into the ranking
>IQ online test
Data is a joke, some times just post threat "Post your IQ".
If Sup Forums is one of the biggest boards how can it be all the way to the left? Are you saying that somehow the 0.0001% most retarded people have miraculously congregated on this very board? Incredible.
This graph is retarded, why is the blue line for ?
Where are the values ? What does each axis represents ?
I hope this is fucking bait I knew that education here in the US isn't the best but this is first year highschool shit if people are legitimately having a problem with this we can't call ourselves a first world country
Egyptians were Macedonian. Their slaves were ((())))
Only inbred mouth breathers are entertained by something as childish as a videogame.
/x/ is really an interesting board
Consumerism Sup Forumseneral near the top.
This , it's a normalized bell curve from the composition of every individual board's bell curve. You are the retard.
Top being the most int
bot being the most tard
left and right are negative and positive
So.. are we negative yards?
>Sup Forums
And it was so belivalbe until I saw it.
Has to be bait at this point. Or Sup Forums might really be the most retarded board.
/lit/ is one of the dumbest boards
>Their slaves were ((())))
this is what (((they))) telling you.
Tom Hardy is such a god, I don't want to meet a man who doesn't want to be as cool as him.
most Sup Forums play overwatch
must be true
wtf with this image its so scary
I can never tell if /x/fags are roleplaying or just really superstitious
Look properly at the image you mongoloids, it is supposed to be looked from left to right
>Sup Forums
>more intelligent than Sup Forums
As if.
Where is /his/?
From my experience
>Underage meme spouting retards
Sup Forums, /s4s/
>Underage, angsty retards
/vp/, Sup Forums
>Angsty retards
Sup Forums, /k/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums
>Underage retards on drugs or with psychological issues
>Underage, angsty contrarian retards
Sup Forums, Sup Forums (Both populations are almost exactly the same)
>Underage, angsty contrarian retards, but now they're homosexuals
/vg/, /lgbt/
>Underage angsty retards but now they're desperate white knight betas
/r9k/ and /fa/
>the same as /r9k/ except these actually have females on them
/soc/, /adv/, and /cgl/
>Desperate white knight betas that are also stupid and insecure
>lonely bitter pseudo intellectuals discuss things they don't actually participate in or care about so they can dick measure with other people who are the same
/sci/, /lit/, Sup Forums
I'm from /ck/, and that chart is bullshit.
Feel free to come by any time; I hope you like fast food and hot sauce.