stop making decisions
Stop making decisions
>"Do this"
>"Ha that's what I knew you'd say I'm the master of manipulations"
I will fuck the blind sith babe whether you approve or not
And get some side action from your daughter while I'm at it.
I wish you could romance her, I wanted her to fug me. You silly old bitter bitch fuck me.
Why is she such a shit character, and why do fedoralords praise her writing?
My love for yours
Damn it, Freud
>gives 5 credits to the beggar
>her lipstick will never touch your dick
>It's another "OP completely misses the point of Kreia's teachings" thread
You have failed her, completely and utterly.
Yeah I finished the game yesterday for the first time. What happened to my main character? Am I searching for Revan?
Also why the fuck did I not get my Lightsaber back even after I defeated the white bitch? I chose the cool orange colour and I never even found an orange crystal I want my goddamn orange lightsaber burning as hot as the sun with 2d6 fire damage game.
Maybe her methods suck
>literally the exact opposite of what she was saying
Maybe your attention sucks.
It does. Meaning she sucks at keeping things interesting.
Looks a bit like Todd.
>spend a lot of time with blind girl, a nice loyal girl.
>white haired oathbreaker starts hating on her
>tell her blind waifu is not so bad
>white haired oathbreaker spergs out and never wants to speak with me again
This happened to me on the first planet? Will blind waifu also throw a fit over oathbreaker or is it only one way around?
Either be a mad dog single minded retard or actually think about your actions.
Kreia essentially wants you to be griffith par the rape and failure.
Keep striving to a single goal and move whatever you need in your path to do.
If you're saving the universe dont bitch about it, commit to it, no half measures, lie steal befriend and sacrifice your way through it without undue cruelty or self sacrifice.
they have names y'know
*Blocks your path*
Honestly while I like Kreia so far this shit is dumb.
Albino cunt is the only jealous cunt
best girl
Pick one Sup Forums
Visas, duh
Only one?
Pfft, increase your chad level, user.
Visas>Handmaiden>>>Bounty bitch
I'll give Visas the honor, she is nice and deserving. But I'm not giving oathbreaker, weakest of the cunts the satisfaction.
Hanharr > Mira
>select 2
>dialogue loops
>must choose 1 or 3
So this... is the power... of Avellone's... writing...
This is Kotor 1
You fool, don't you know that every act of cruelty or charity has unseen repercussions? Don't you know that by speaking her name, she will go on to scream it non-stop on Telos citadel station? Eventually she'll be taken in custody for being mentally deranged? By feeding her identity crisis you have ruined her life and her bloodline will die out with her, never again will a white haired lady be seen in the galaxy.
this, but what can you expect from pic relateds who LITERALLY didnt understand the point and probably had minimal influence with each character
I did good today
*Charge up her loading ramp
>Never have you wondered, what it would mean in the Echani rituals if the two of you sparred and fought - and you won, completely and utterly?
>If perhaps she would give in, surrender herself to you?
Why would she tell me that when she doesn't want me to teach her?
>Kotor 2 doesn't railroad into being either Jesus or Hitler so that Kreia can lecture you
You picked the clearly inferior girl, that's the problem.
>Game railroads you into one of two extremes so character can lecture you about what you did was wrong
At the very least I remember being able to tell Kreia to fuck off for the most part. I don't remember having that luxury with that rambling nigger Ulysses.
>tell Kreia to fuck off
>can only do it by choosing a dialogue option that makes you look like a drooling retard because someone doesn't want his self-insert to be disagreed with
>tsk, tsk, tsk, Exile, you're such a child, now sit down and listen
I am the last of the jedi, not you!
Did the Jedi teachings lead to the birth of the sith?
Are the Jedi the bad guy?
This is so deep
Brianna wants your dick REALLY BAD, paying attention to other girls has made her butthurt.
Atris is cute
What would Kreia think of based Sheev?
>you will never tell Atris that she can make lots of little Jedi with you so she doesn't need to be the last
Her point is to make decisions that aren't constrained by blind obedience to morality or to an organization.
>tfw fighting naked IS NOT part of the actual echani training
Brianna used me!
>dude be apathetic
>but apathy is death lol
>think about the consequences of your choices
>but you can't forsee them anyway but it's still your fault lol
>don't you see that the force is the reason everyone in the galaxy is suffering
>but ignore all those big players having zero force powers fucking over the galaxy at every point lol
>so let's destroy the force alltogether that way nobody is suffering anymore btw 99% of all suffering will still exist but whatev
I would have 20 children with visas
>I'm going to wait for someone to talk and then say the opposite of what they said
Your character learns about the Sith Empire or whatever it was going to be before it became the Sith Empire in SWTOR and runs off to find Revan.
S-source in-game? I think i missed that.
>Her point is to make decisions that aren't constrained by blind obedience to morality or to an organization.
To truly believe in an ideal you must be willing to betray it
I really don't like how this is "the moment" where she teaches you her ways. It's a moment set up because your character either has to be ultra nice or an ultra cunt. Even though it does a pretty good job of letting you be fairly neutral and passive everywhere else. It was way too heavy handed.
stop teasing me
>The failure is yours. No longer do your whispers crawl within my skull, no longer do we suffer beneath teachings that weaken us. And now you run in search of the Jedi... They are all dead, save one. And one broken Jedi cannot stop the darkness which is to come.
t. drooling retard
Exactly. You have to be able to reach beyond the petty constraints of your ideology and "betray" its tenets if you want to see it blossom to its fullest potential. That's why she, a hater of the force, uses it nonetheless.
If you mean training naked, then talk to her.
This. It's one of the only really stupid moments in the game.
I don't recall her wanting you to be apathetic. It's always turning events to your favor, like making the droid give you a discount without the mechanics knowledge.
I fucking love that image.
Which is rich coming from her. Someone who forces obedience into people via blackmail and threats. And who you lose points with if you oppose her teachings without saying you'll at least "consider" her way of thinking.
Handmaiden is for ____________
abandoning in that temple with the dead body of her former master and her sisters all around her.
Fedoras love her because she's essentially Ayn Rand.
To this day I still cannot figure out what the Jedi Council even planned to do.
>job so hard you cannot even defeat Darth Meatbag and his apprentice Darth Stupidname, even with the Republic's help
>assume you can beat Darth Meatbag's Sith Empire, Outer Reach Sith Empire AND the Mandalorians at the same time WITHOUT the Republic's help
>>job so hard you cannot even defeat Darth Meatbag and his apprentice Darth Stupidname, even with the Republic's help
Remember that the Council didn't even believe the Outer Reach Empire was a thing.
>Council decides to retrain Revan
Could that fuckwit Vrook been more obvious?
>"It is such a quiet thing to fall, but far more terrible to admit it"
Um, not everyone picked on that the first time...
Yeah, she's a hypocrite at heart whose main goal is to influence you in some way just like she influenced Revan. In any case, she doesn't expect you to be an extension of herself, rather she wants you to be an interpretation of herself that improves upon her ideas (or at least the baser motivation behind them) in some way. The blackmail is her exerting her will on those that are weaker than her and thus don't deserve to make decisions in her eyes. They're followers blind to all that isn't you, making them worthless as decisionmakers but useful as tools in her eyes.
I honestly believe the Jedi Council is just fucking dumb, even the prequels support it.
Vrook was cautious because he knew Revan was dangerous. They also point out they had no idea if you would ever overpower your reprogramming and if you did god knows what Revan would do. Nobody knew why Revan did what he did they just knew he was damn good at pushing their shit. Basically what I'm saying is Vrook may be a salty cunt but he had a point. It was super risky.
>mfw learning the true lesson of strength
It was worth picking Hanharr over Mira for that alone
>Some Twi'lek tells me he's seen Atton around here before
>Ask Atton about this out of curiosity
Jesus christ Atton, calm your tits.
Yeah, but my main point is he says this right in front Revan. For all he knew it could cause him to remember more and become closer to the truth. As you said there was no guarantee Revan wouldn't be capable of overpower his reprogramming. I just don't think it's a smart thing to say right in front of the guy himself.
>read this in normal voice
>sounds pretty good
>read with Sion voice
>feel retarded
I don't know if it was Sion's character, or his voice actor, but he always seemed a little off in the head
It wasn't Revan themselves they were afraid of, it was the manipulative prick Revan that somehow managed to coerce a fuckload of new Jedi recruits to his side. Vrook probably realised you can remove the Revan from the Sith but you can't remove the Revan from the Revan.
Playing Pazaak in your head again?
Passes the time. It's better than listing off engine sequencers, memorizing hyperspace routes, or counting ticks in the power couplings.
[Repair] There are no ticks in the power coupling - it's fixed.
Of course it's fixed. And that's why you should count the ticking in the power coupling, too.
That doesn't answer my question.
"Silent, looks at you, frowns."
Why do I play pazaak? All right, I'll show you.
Let's play.
"Atton and the Exile play pazaak in the Hawk's main hold"
Good match... now, what are you thinking about right now?
Thinking about why I was playing this stupid game.
Fair enough. But that's why I play pazaak in my head.
Because if you don't, you've left the door open. And anyone could walk right in.
You play pazaak to shield your thoughts.
No, I play pazaak in my head.
But while I'm doing that, it's a lot harder for someone to walk in.
Is that something you can train me to do?
No. I can only teach you to play pazaak. Do you understand what I'm saying?
Then I want to learn to play pazaak.
Good. Now you understand.
All right, I'll deal then.
If you're ever fighting someone who has the power over your mind... whether light or dark... play pazaak. Start listing hyperspace routes. Recite engine sequencers.
And when they try to use their powers on you, suddenly it's not as easy as they thought.
Because you'll be right here with me, playing pazaak, where they can't reach you.
[Atton has taught you to play pazaak in your head as a way of resisting mental domination.]
Atton deep down is a real human bean
The only correct answer.
Who is the worst party member personality wise and why is it Mical?
literally every obshitian game ever.
>The first Republic droid intelligence intended for Citadel station was lost. Or was it?
>...It was lost, yes. It was given an impossible order. It was told to calculate a means by which the Republic could be saved.
>It could not fulfill its primary programming - not by abiding by the laws of the Senate. And so, like the Republic... the droid broke.
>It made a simple decision - preserve the Republic, or preserve the laws of the Republic. And I still believe it to be the correct decision.
>You do not know know the indignity of being compelled to save something you do not believe can - or should - be saved. It is beneath me.
>To clean up this mess caused by your kind, you Jedi, another catastrophe caused by mismanagement and waste.
>It was clear that the goal the Republic had for me was saving the Republic, to allow it to become stable again.
>There is simply no way to do this... with the conditions they put into place. For the good of all, I was forced to abandon the legal structure of the Republic.
>So all the crime... everything you've done for the Exchange is actually because you want to help the Republic.
>Do not mistake me - I believe it is possible to stabilize the Republic, but there must be action taken without constraints, immediately.
>Sometimes people must die. Illegal shipments must be used to bolster planetary economies. And the Hutts must be occupied with me so that the Republic has room to recover.
>That is my goal as well - to help the Republic, help its people.
>Perhaps you misunderstand me. I "care" for the Republic, but I have no choice. It is somewhat frustrating to be forced to love and care for such a mess of a government.
>Some of it may be blamed on the Jedi Civil War, the Mandalorian Wars, but not all. There are so many bad decisions that build upon each other that it is a wonder the Republic is intact at all.
The Disciple
Pazaak was my favourite card game, you can make pretty easy money at it