>11/10 games don't exi---
11/10 games don't exi---
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Why did you post an 8/10?
FPBP. Bloodborne's great but I genuinely don't understand the huge circle jerk surrounding it when it has
>pretty shit bosses
>the runs back to bosses are just a waste of several minutes
>blood vials are worse than estus
>pretty short
>have to teleport back to hunter's dream whenever you want to level up or get enemies to respawn
> don't understand the huge circle jerk surrounding it
It is the only non movie game they have.
yeah, they don't exist.
too bad bloodbored isn't one of them
Step aside faggot.
I'll second this.
since 2005
>shit fps
>shit load times
>still kinda short
its great and the DLC helped it a lot but far from perfect
>6/10 game that isnt even the best of the franchise
was fun until ng+
>pretty shit bosses
really nigga?
Not to mention running at 12-24 fps even on the Pro.
>wanting enemies to respawn
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over my 10 million copies sold and perfect score
>shit load times
PS4 can replace the internal HDD with an SSD, so this is nothing but your fault.
or maybe they should actually take advantage of the pro
Nioh is way better than this desu, I played BB last Jan/Feb and finally picked up Nioh around September
>faster combat
Nioh isnt the best game ever but trying to go back to BB after Nioh was impossible, it was better for me in every single way, if the next souls game isnt 60fps it literally isnt worth buying
switch port when
Deus Ex is 11/10
I'm sorry you have such tremendously shit taste.
I should've probably specified that not every boss fight is bad, just quite a few.
It's a very, VERY solid 8/10. I still watch these lore videos about it on youtube from time to time. And gascoigne's theme is pretty good.
Why are So(n)y boys so delusional, so stupid, and so pathetic?
That's not what he means, what he's saying is that as opposed to dark souls where you can just rest at a bonfire for like 2 seconds to respawn enemies, in bloodborne you have to go through 2 loading screens to do it. It's inconvenient and pointless.
They don't.
A 10/10 would mean the game is completely flawless, which is impossible, therefore something even higher is just ludicrous.
As a die hard nintendo faggot and someone who really likes the souls games, i have to disagree with you here. Bloodborne is an amazing game and definitely worth playing. It has a dozen of flaws but it's still one of the best games i played last year and this is saying a lot. You can't give it anything less than an 8/10 but not more than a 9 either.
Its the only game they have.
If they managed to release the trilogy without the motion controls I would buy a Switch.
>hur hur fuck motion controls
There is literally nothing wrong with pointing to shoot.
only dark souls 1 does that, 2 and 3 have the loading screens and hubs too, but then again 2 and 3 are mediocre games at best
That's only for levelling.
It's not like you need to farm in BB anyway, anything you get from drops is useless other than blood gems and those are best obtained by running chalices, not farming
>running chalices is not farming
There will be times where you run out of Blood Vials.
I mean you don't need to run through one area over and over respawning the enemies to farm them, you just run through a chalice once and reset it.
Not if you aren't bad
that's still farming though
Yes but you need to read the reply chain before making yourself look like a retard.
This, to be perfectly frank with ya.
Nioh had a couple more years of an advantage, but overall after playing it bloodborne was pretty lame to go back to.
>t. Capcom employee
The only game in this thread I've never gone near, is the whole series worth checking out nowadays?
But the game incentivises you to have maximum Blood Vials for boss fights.
first time playing game?
>lel noob you dont need to farm you shouldn't ever get hit in this easy easy game if youre a hard core serious gamer like myself
>everyone should be at the skill level i am at currently fucking stupid scrub
I bet you're the kind of person who gets mad at little kids needing a crossing guard to make sure cars don't kill them, and nervously mutter "git gud" as you march past them in front of traffic.
Any Dark Souls was better than BB, Demon Souls is the best, simply because of the concept being fresh when it came out.
>t. PC.uck
bloodborne is literally the game that has the most incredible bosses in one package with zero terrible ones in the mix
Demon's souls isn't for PC at the moment, though emulation is really getting there
Which you'll always have if you're not bad.
Vials drop like candy in Yharnam and cost virtually nothing before beating Amelia and even less before entering Cathedral Ward. If you *really* need to farm them you can spend like 2 hours ringing your bell for Gaston and spend the souls you get on vials and that will put you near the cap
>blood starved beast
Just dodge to the left and parry. No other option is viable unless you've got a shit load of antidotes.
>the witch of hemwick
Completely dull.
>darkbeast paarl
Nice camera angles.
Range attacks and mobs that take of half of your health - longwinded pain in the arse.
>The One Reborn
Just stand still and hit at it, it won't fight back.
Spend most of the fight not actually fighting, making him a chore to re-fight if he manages to kill you with that absurd AOE attack.
>Celestial Emissary
Literally no challenge at all. Not even a boss, just one baby in a trash mob.
>Moon Presence
I'll just get all my health back while you stand there, thanks.
There's a difference between not being bad and almost never dying.
Holy fuck your strats are awful. You must really suck at this game.
>it was the only good game ps4 had for ages
Literally a meme
He's right you know
Also apart from the dialogue and/or music, bosses like father gascoine and the cleric beast are pretty shit gameplay-wise, also they reused cleric beast's theme a bunch which was a bummer since it had such an impact
Dying doesn't make you lose vials. if you're spending enough vials that you actually run out you're either never spending souls on them like a retard or you're so bad you're burning through them faster than you can earn souls.
Bloodborne is overrated and I truly believe it's because at the time it came out the PS4 didn't have any game worth buying the console for.
I agree with this, but still prefer Bloodborne to Souls. I take them for their quality at their peak, and then gauge their quality of consistence after that. BB has much better high points than the rest for me, and breaks even everywhere else. The only thing I disagree with is;
>blood vials are worse than estus
I like the idea or finite healing wares, and I both vials and estus need minor tweaks. As it stands, vials are too easy to obtain and estus is just too reliable. There's no real concern to running out of either, and estus recovery at a bonfire allows players to learn paths, use the bonfire, then rush past everything with no risk.
all of these are still better than 99% of bosses from gaming, both stylistically and mechanically
FPS is a legitimate complaint but it never affected my experience. The load times were fixed with the first patch. It's a solid 30+ hour RPG if you fight all the optional bosses and play the expansion and Chalice Dungeons.
Absolutely. Start with 1, as it's still got stuff to offer. Best atmosphere and good to see how far the hack n slash genre has come from the foundation 1 set. Keep in mind that this was the game that was initially Resident Evil 4 so it features a number of elements from the series.
Avoid 2, don't even touch it for curiosity's sake, trust me.
3 is where it's at, brother. Best in the series and genre for numerous reasons I'm too lazy to expand upon.
4 is mechanically superior to 3 but was only half finished so the second half of the game has you literally just backtracking.
I'm an idort and you're a delusional retard if you think any Dark Souls compares to BB
Regardless of the game's quality you can't seriously expect to be taken seriously when your reasoning is sales, can you?
As someone who detests modern Sony, I think Bloodborne is one of the best games of the decade.
Agreed- Dark Souls is clearly superior.
>make a few attempts at a boss learning its patterns and how to beat it
>run out of vials
Although I don't agree with all your points, I do agree that it is a 8.5~9/10 at best
Evaluating it any higher is just edgy kids praising it for the goth theme and "muh fast game"
Yeah, if you're braindead I guess you would prefer a game with worse music, worse lore, worse level design, worse game mechanics, and worse art design.
>don't be bad
>never run out of vials at any point in the game
I bet you complained about only starting with 5 estus in DS1 too
>One Game
>One Game and some Sideplates
>Two Games and plenty of Sideplates
If your "intel phase" requires you to chew through all 20 vials each try and after a mere "few attempts" you're clean out then you're simply bad at the game for letting the levels tear through that many of your vials.
>Dark Souls
>worse level design
>worse game mechanics
>worse art design
You're retarded if you really believe this.
>You're retarded if you really believe this.
Damn, this fucker is hard.
>soulsborne shit
Fuck that.
>not if you arent bad
No offense but this is a pretty silly argument. Youre essentially arguing that the system doesnt suck if your never forced to actually use it, which doesnt make the system any less shitty. Blood vials are unabashedly a worse system then estus in every way. The fact that you can avoid the caviets of using the system by never actually taking damage or dying does not change that its an inferior system that goes against the very principle the games try to reinforce.
>youre going to die but keep retrying
>oh but now you're out of vials so stop retrying and go farm more vials
Its just creating problems that the series had already solved. i say this as someone who actually really likes Bloodborne, but the blood vial system definately a step back compared to the Souls games
best game of 2013
Yeah sure, tell me about that excellent level design that is "a big open pit filled with lava and a bunch of enemies thrown in it at complete random" or "a volcano on top of a windmill with enemies placed in locations where they frequently suicide during regular play"
Or we can talk about the art design being good only in concept and completely botched in execution with areas like Sen's looking like muddled messes or basically every single thing in Dark Souls 2.
Or let's talk about how the """tactical""" gameplay is actually just slow and boring if you aren't a fucking lobotomite incapable of playing action games
No I'm saying the system works fine because it functions exactly as it's supposed to (giving a use for souls in a game with less things to spend them on than the rest of the series) and you're a shitter if you ever run out of vials since that means you're too retarded to grasp the rally system which is the entire point of limiting healing in the introduction of the game
Stop. You're bad if you run out of vials, full stop. You are literally normalfag cowadooty player tier if you run out of blood vials. Just fucking stop posting and making yourself look like a casual faggot. You're exactly like the dumb niggers who bitched about losing their HP when they died in Demon's Souls
>It's not a bad system if you never use it.
It's not a bad system because it's not a system. If you're using it it's to farm souls and you absolutely deserve to be shat on for grinding in any videogame.
>worse level design
Yeah in my opinion Bloodborne had better level design the DS1. DS1 had an incredible world but some of the level design was definately questionable. Lost Izalith, Crystal caves, tomb of the giants and seethes place are all pretty dogshit
>worse game mechanics
Definately bloodborne. Im sorry bloodborne players but Bloodborne is the least deep combat of any souls game. Worse magic, no blocking, same basic two attack buttons. You just dodge and press the attack button and occassionally parry on certain enemies. On top of that the lamp system is worse than bonfires, estus is definately better than blood vials, way less weapons, no hollowing, worse online.
>worse art design
This is wholey subjective in my opinion. Both games have fantastic art design. I would say Bloodborne's art direction and atmosphere are superior personally.
No, I actually like Estus a lot.
I got round to Bloodborne after beating every DaS game and I didn't like Blood Vials and I found myself running out against certain bosses.
I wouldnt have to grind jack shit if they used a system that wasn't forcing you to backtrack to yharnam just because you took too much damage while exploring.
Then maybe you shouldn't be shit at videogames.
>b-b-but muh casual infinite healing system with no punishment for being bad!
No buts. Go play an easier game instead of bitching about this one being too hard, casual faggot.
emulate metroid prime wii trilogy on pc and bind the wii-mote to your mouse and the nunchuck to your keyboard.
almost feels like a real FPS. still retains that amazing adventure and discovery feeling.
>g-get gud loser!
Look, you can try and pretend that there's something wrong with struggling at certain parts of a video game and having to replay those parts several times to learn how to progress through them, but in actuality this is a very normal thing and I don't like having to spend time in between attempts grinding out instead of spending time trying to master the different aspects of the fight to get better.
>nightmare frontier
8/10 at best my lad
There's a difference between struggling on a videogame and somehow spending 400 healing items on the same boss repeatedly.
>this is a very normal thing
If you're shit at videogames, yeah, it's normal to have trouble with games more difficult than babby mode.
The rally system doesnt change the fact that its a completely inferior healing system compared to the previous entries in the series. The game doesnt even actually incentivize you to use the rally system at all anyways by making blood vials essentially free to use in combat combined with an absolutely stupid 20 at a time. all the rally system does is add a little risk/reward back the combat but its virtually pointless.
Its easy to dismiss flaws in a game by just saying that another persons bad but nothing I said about my post indicated that this was about my subjective experiece with the game. i merely pointed out what are objective flaws in Bloodborne that didnt exist in Dark Souls. Blood vials are awful and the whole argument of "just dont use them and dont die" just reinforces this.
Why are you people seriously trying to argue that blood vials are good? Are you just incapable of critiquing things you like?
>lol what free healing? that's gay I don't need to use that when I can just use a healing item lol
Ok, so you're just an actual retard.
>Its easy to dismiss flaws in a game by just saying that another persons bad but nothing I said about my post indicated that this was about my subjective experiece with the game.
You mean aside from "this game is bad because it's too hard for me" being your "argument"?
One day youll understand that its okay to admit flaws in things you like user. You really dont need to project your insecurities onto me.
>400 healing items
Nobody has that many Blood Vials spare, that's just absurd.
Bloodborne is probably the best game I've ever played. I just wish it was longer.
>this game is bad because it's too hard for me
I think everyone in this thread has said BB is good. You can like something but still take issue with certain aspects.
game runs at 15 fps. it's fucking garbage and cringe to play
I didn't say it was garbage though. I said it was great but it has flaws.
post bad bossfights in the game
I'll start: ROM__ seriously fuck him
Already did
You can parry BSB?