When did you realise that literally the only cunts that bitch about "muh excrusives are ruining Le business" are...

When did you realise that literally the only cunts that bitch about "muh excrusives are ruining Le business" are LITERALLY and unironically ALWAYS PC faggots?

when did you realize that national socialists are oppressed by sjws?

>when did you realize that the only people talking about problems are those that can see them?

That´s impressively philosophical from a nazi retard.


fuck off antifa

I don't see the connection between exclusives and being politically correct...


There's nothing wrong with being a Nazi though. They carried us to space. The Nazis were a great people who have contributed much to human civilization.

>it's a Sup Forums unironically believes their lives would have been better if Hitler won episode

shit thread, just bitching funboys. Please kill it mods

I actually believe life would be better for everyone if WW2 was never started.
Saying Germany wanted to conquer the world and kill everyone is a lie so stupid you have to be retarded to believe it.
Hitler's real war was against Communism which he always viewed as being Jewish. He had enough respect toward British and American Empires that he would have easily let them be as they were without disturbance. His major grief with Poland was entirely along territorial lines regarding what parts were German, as was the same with the Sudetanland. Britain never guaranteed Polands independence anyway and left it to be raped by a Communism that would have never existed had Germany been able to go full force into destroying it.

The invasion of Russia wasn't a side-track, it was the main event.