ITT post best girl of their respective game

ITT post best girl of their respective game

Other urls found in this thread:

I love Reisen!



>wears magical books as a skirt
This is literally the pinnacle of character design

Cute Orie!

>RAPE victim
pick one



too bad the game itself was shit, but I liked her.





fight me

Man, those vagina bones go a long way up


I love Fuuka!



Aliciafags still on suicide watch





Get. Outta. My. Face

I love Junko!




Amazing taste, user.

Xeno2 hairless cat





Berseriafags, tell me, why do I keep seeing this witch being shilled so much?

Was fred transgender all along?

Childhood is idolizing Velvet. Adulthood is realizing magilou makes a lot more sense


Still the best SL out of any persona game

A2 looks weird in that picture


How can one picture contain so much wrong

My fellow man of taste

As if

This is Morrigan Aensland, queen of Makai and my wife.

Say something nice to her, as the saying goes.

She is worst girl by far




>and my wife.

Your lovely "wife" treats me very nice!

How can you dare to compare this pile of shit with Magilou? Im glad she is being trashed everyday in these places

This lovely girl right here.



Best dangan

She is not even the best girl of her own game. She is in my top 10 of worst characters though. Pic related is actual best girl.


>best girl
>when she isn't number one

Who's that supposed to be?



But that's the worst UNI girl

All wrong. Posting actual best dangan

my fucking nigga


>too bad the game itself was shit
fite me

Is this a PXZ reference or something?

Good taste user


Nah worst Uni is Hilda by far, followed by the cumdumpster that is Phonon.
Orie, Nanase and Yuzu are good girls, just Orie is the best.

>ywn be fired out of a cannon by two cute girls

>the cumdumpster that is Phonon.

someone got fucked up on netplay

Nobody plays her in Netplay.
I've literally only seen one Phonon and it was a whiteplate that spamed 3C and j.236B who pretty much forfeited everytime someone I got in his face.

are you a euro? I fight her pretty frequently

The ultimate waifu

Yeah but only because all other girls were complete shit.

Yes but I mostly get 1 bars in ranked which I assume are east coasters.


Best Tales girl coming through

Probably though east coast to eu is usually something like 10f for me.

Only good phonon I know of in Eu is Hiari


Maximizing wrong

I think all Vesperia main characters but Estelle and Karol should be banned from best of anything discussions it's not fair to the others.

Best in all 3 games of a trilogy

I don't follow league since forever, but didn't Riot at one point removed Katarina as the "female face of LoL" and put Ahri in that place?

Too bad she gets by far the least amount of screentime.

>Estelle, Karol and Rita

Probably. Which is unfortunate because Katarina > Ahri. Ahri is the most overrated League waifu except for Jinx.


But that's wrong

Because she's cute and a massive shitposter.


I'm biased, though.

>ITT post best girl of their respective game


Weak bait, Freddy was a dude.
He was a dude, right?

Maybe if i study these examples then one day i too can be BEST GIRL

Renne is miracle