>fuck gog
fight me but the facts remain, steam is better and always be
Fuck gog
why is there even a fight?
>I love drm!
lmaoing at your life
steam offers no useful functions unless you are retarded
yea I don't see the point here.
>One time activation
>Offline mode
>The game is registered to you and only you
>No activation
>Paying for a pirated copy
>Only offline mode supported
>You only get the download link, the game isn't registered to yourself and every copy is the same
I'm tired of this thread, GOG users are truly retarded who also probably use linux for "gaming"
Because OP is a stupid shitposting faggot, as usual
For (you)s. Unlike OP, you deserve one.
Gogshits completely BTFO and are throwing around non-arguments in meltdown mode.
>only offline supported
Yeah that's why I can play my anno 1404 online on the official ubi servers.
because gog is shit
But I already play DRM free games on Steam.
What makes the GoG client so special?
>you only get the download link, everybody gets the same
Yeah cause valve is setting up a dl server just for you retard, on steam everybody gets the same files from the same servers too
>offline mode
Gog doesn't even require me to install a client lol
>Offline mode
Dude I use steam a lot but you have no idea what GOG is offering, clearly
No one cares about GoG. It's not even a fight.
>Steam is DRM, it's intrusive and it COULD prevent you any time it wants, to never let you play your games.
>giving money to the most lazy company, pushing for paid mods and with the worst support in history.
>he defends gog, he must hate steam
>skub thread
>unironically shilling for valve
why are there 3 gog vs steam threads up?
>use steam for modern games and easy multiplayer through steam friends
>use gog for the old Ass shit since most of the stuff comes with a configured dosbox
Both are good in their respective field, how much of a subhuman do you have to be to validate your "superiority" through choice of retailer?
Last month, I just downloaded every game I had off GOG and put them all on an external hard drive. If I ever want to play any game I purchased there, I just need to load them off the hard drive and install them. I don't need to fuck around with an internet connection. I don't need to fuck around with a login. I'm not screwed if EA suddenly decides they'll take all their games off GOG. I'm not screwed if GOG suddenly shuts down tomorrow.
On the other hand, I cannot even play Steam games if the login servers are down, much less download a bunch of files to install the games whenever I'd like to wherever I like.
I'll always pick up a game through GOG given the choice. The fact that GOG games are almost always guaranteed to work, while literally anything can be put on a Steam storefront, also favors GOG. The main reason to still use Steam is because a lot of companies will release on Steam as their only PC version.
> dogshit quality control
> DRM, you have to run steam to play your games
> can lock you out from playing your games any time they want
> takes ages to download anything
> quality control, aka not flooding the market with millions of shitty greenlight games
> NO DRM of any kind, download the game, install, enjoy
> I can download a game more reliably and quicker than on steam
What is the pro of Steam?
That part about steam is a lie, you can play offline (given it's not some mp only memegame). In offline mode even 2 or more people can play from a family shared account (which can only be used by one person at a time)
Steam: Is DRM
GOG: Is not DRM
Which one is better, faggot: Freedom or Not Freedom.
Simple fucking choice, retard. Keep acting like "facts" are on your side though
Some games can, some games cannot. It depends on if the game relies on the Steam loader to start properly. And you still cannot install any Steam games without logging onto the Steam client, regardless of what mode you are using.
>In offline mode even 2 or more people can play from a family shared account
In GOG any number of people can play any number of games without silly restrictions, because I bought the games and am free to play them how I choose. I don't need to buy Quake four times just to play the game with four friends in my house.
Getting more newer titles, getting old and new JRPGs.
Steam is more practical, has much better interface, much better servers, refund policy, ways to get games without spending a dime on them, much larger and better library, supports indie devs, encourages modding, clan and group creation, has integrated voicechat, game guides and tons of shit GoG would never able to offer. GoG it's either for hipster and poorfags who pay for old ass games they could download for free in less than a minute.
>Which one is better, faggot: Freedom or Not Freedom.
If you want absolute freedom why not pirate everything?
Piracy isn't freedom, its slavery to the will of the buying public.
If you like a game, pay the developers so they keep at it.
>Everybody is on it
>Better support
>Return policy
>Less cluttered store
>Easier to use
>Better prices
Just because I defend steam from your shittalk doesn't mean I'm against gog, I use both