Can the Japs put an end to his reign?
Can the Japs put an end to his reign?
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Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with this literal nigger? I'm sick of seeing his furry OC.
It's just FGC fags
They'll never not be mad that a furry is their king
SonicFox is 100% Sup Forums‘s guy. If you hate him, you need to go back to r/kappa.
>Sup Forums's guy
>not a Weeb
>not even a trap
Perhaps it's you that needs to go back
Oh shit, are they actually going to fight at Final Round? Like in an exhibition/grudge match I mean.
Yes. Go1 and sonicfox called out each other. First Go1 called out Sonicfox then when Sonicfox won winterbrawl, he called out Go1. Not exactly a long set exhibition, but really beat each other in top 8. The Japs and the western FGC have been hyping it up
>wins fame and fortune being one of the biggest newbloods in the most skill based esport, all while wearing his fetish gear
literally living the dream
No one can beat sonicGOAT. He's the kusoge god.
He's the most talented person to have ever picked up a fighting game.
The LeBron of vidya
So is Chris G going to hit up the hyperbolic time chamber and whoop his ass at Final Round?
>t. btfo tourneyfag
Yes. Chris G is a very emotional player. That's his weakness and strength. Whenever he loses, he bitches about it alot but he backs it up by being stronger than before.
In the first set of grand finals he lost one game due to a stupid mistake and one game by dropping the easiest possible super to kill. After that he just fell apart emotionally and couldn't win. His gameplay before that was pretty solid and they are evenly matched as long as he doesn't tilt himself with something like this.
Strap yourselves in boys, we’re in for wild ride this year.
>overpowers his opponent
>opponent Oozaru's on him
>gets Zenkai'd
>comes back stronger
>gets overconfident and makes a fatal mistake
>opponent turns Super Saiyan
>Final Fail'd all over the place
So he's basically Vegeta?
Pretty much. I like how he also uses Vegeta in his team; like he needed to disprove Sonicfox's claim that Vegeta is a waste of slot
>did fighting game get an arcade release?
>if yes - Japs win
>if no - Japs shit
Christopher "if you can't do a DP you aint gettin' this D from me" Gonzalez
he's so brave for using the best assist in the game
He actually used him beyond an assist slot.
and yet, Sonicfox thinks Vegeta is ass despite le assist meme and Bluegeta is better
Does he get jobbed as often as LeBron does?
Chris G demonstrated that he could have, but choked in Grand Finals of Winter Brawl.
Nakkiel probably could.
Nakkiel is so used to setplaying people online and at locals that he chokes whenever a good player puts pressure on him in a tournament setting.
Setplay is proven to work in tournament settings. Kane Blue River had a decent run in Marvel 3 because he introduced set play with a team that nobody knew how to counter.
what is this? street yiffer 2?
Them's Fightin' Herds
Sanicfax has been top furfag of almost every vidya he's been in for ages. I'm pretty sure if he got gud enough at SFV, he'd cause even more salt by winning it all there too.
Still, I find it amusing that for all the shit talking, shitposting and screeching about this black furfag, no one has yet to be able to stop him. And that is why this is the greatest running joke to ever exist in the FGC. Not even the combined might of thousands upon thousands of top level arcade-playing Jap players can stop one furfag from being king of their fightan vidya.
I really like this art, the GoD sonicfox is a cute touch I never considered
This, japs ain't shit, they need months of extra playtime to stand a chance.
His gross mustache pisses me off more than the whole furry thing desu
Real question is why the fuck do they indulge him by putting it on promo shit. I mean E-sports is a fucking joke as it is, but this really isn't helping them trying to make it out to be some serious thing.
furryfox is a giant autist, in more than one sense. but i can't say i'm not interested to see who'll come out on top here.
>being an esportsfag
nobody cares about being serious
>Sup Forums supports a literal dog fucker.
I just want him to use Beerus so it's lore-friendly
Pretty sure it does a bit of mental damage to the opponent too
He tried sfv and didn't win shit, he only plays baby games.
He played FENG in SFV to try and prove some silly point.
if you're not good at sfv you're not good at fighting games
I want to pet that fox-like thing