Possibility of Precipitation

PoP thread: it might rain today.

This might be useful.

Bumping with guide.

>enforcer most likely not appearing in RoR 2

He was shit anyway

To be fair, he wouldn't do well in 3D.

I'm very bad at this game. I know someone must have made a Sup Forums guide. Can someone post it.

Just put thrusters on his back and presto, it just works

Plenty of guides here, but they mostly apply to multiplayer.


>not wanting the hardest class to get in
You a casual, son?

why dont you just cheat aswell to take all the fun out of it

is this active

Nothing wrong with asking for tips

sure, but telling someone the optimal way to play the game so they can "be better" isnt asking for tips

Jump more

Just finished a run, don't know it host is still open?

Nah I have to go.

>pop thread


is there a host?

ITT: We come up with possible names for the sequel, I'll start.
2 Risk 2 Rain

risk of rain 2: rainfall

>being a masochist is fun
Also, HAN-D is harder than enforcer

Risky rain 2: electric music

bump for host when



>goat's foot above red whip

Who's the retard that made this

>get thrown back to default movement speed and die

I sure enjoy losing all of my movement speed at the only moment when it actually matters.

Why do people play with the bomb artifact on? It's retarded as fuck when glass is on.
If you're anywhere near the boss during the last shot (which is a guarantee for melee) you're dead.

get good my dude

Host is back. OPEN!!!

Not an argument. Bombs favor ranged characters and it's not fun to have your character choice be limited.

W-what did he think would happen...?


use v
use shield
dont be close lol you have poison
>playing han-d

literally git gud, melee characters have like a million invuln frames and you can use them to not die

Funballs only explode on the ground, so you're safe on ropes, ladders and jump pads. Try to lure the boss there before the killing blow.
Only colossus and Ifrit drop a ridiculous amount of bombs, for any other bosses you can easily evade it.
Most melee classes have an ability that boosts mobility or gives you i-frames, use that at the right time.
And once you have some mobility items, this really shouldn't be a problem anymore.

Usually i never say git gud, but seriously, git gud. Merc and loader are babby mode, you just get unkillable for a second
The really fucked up characters are those that have limited mobility, like Enforcer or HanD

still open

get in here you nerds

>Implying shield does jack shit

>2 seconds of invincibility does jack shit against bombs that explode within 1/2 a second
um no sweetie

I don't think you've played enforcer senpai. Shield ability only covers one side and it doesn't have a time limit.

He's talking about Loader's shield

Not really.
I carry with Han-D all the time, easy shit :3c

shit, I liked his playstyle

Oh, my bad

Not that guy, but Enforcer's shield is legit, just hard to understand the situations where to use it (and after looping starts you're fucked for the most part).

*blocks your run*

*shoots you*

what now fag

whats the point of a guide for items? its not like you pick a loadout at the start, its all just random for the most part

Artifacts son

*jumps behind warbanners*
your move kid

Redpill me on chocolate rain Sup Forums

i could tell this was nedroid just from the bandy legs

You guessed right

Not as good as Funball Rain

You play with Sup Forums without voice commands or voice chat.
You have to stand still to write in chat and standing is the most secure way to die.

Give him a Reinhart shield and hes alright.

No you don't.

>I'm bad with Han-D so obviously that means everyone must be
Jeez user, perhaps the fault is not in the character, perhaps you just need to git gud.
Think about it.

But seriously, when was the last time a Han-D made it to the end?

I saw one last week.
Also, one of the best ends I witnessed had a Han-D and a Loader making a sandwich with Providence while Engi chilled on a corner.

To be honest, a Sniper ohkoing Providence is pretty hype the first times you see it, but it gets boring fast. The best finals are several classes slowly bullying Provi into death.


will shitpost for hosts

u guys need host?

Yes, have mercy on my run

ok i host 4 u my m8:


open come on in


we are open!

get in losers

>posting the wrong one

t. Shapefoam




poor host gittin rekt


t. Metrid

>tfw hosting 0 latency
>gets targeted everywhere
>dies first


hosting is for chumps


>still pushing these fake news
Jetpack is the best red, just accept it

>Wasting a red in a jetpack when feathers exist
Do you pick up infusion too?

we are open:

closed, no joiners. gg.

>need a jetpack to handhold him through the first maps
>unable to survive without it until feathers are available like the actual good players
Literally git gud and stop wasting reds.

sleep tite risky
