Gorgeous continent

>Gorgeous continent
>Satisfying, right-in-the-feels quests
>Hands-down best music
>Creative dungeons introduced with a solo scenario
>Fucking MONKS, most fun class
>Great raids full of bosses and neat armor sets
>Excellent patches full of world content (Timeless Isle, Isle of Thunder)
>Cool story scenarios

You have 10 seconds to explain why this wasn’t the best expansion. Pro tip: You can’t.

Other urls found in this thread:


It literally was perfect. I want to go back.

I thought I would hate it but ended up enjoying it quite a lot.

WoD on the other hand had everybody hyped up but was the worst exp by far.

Not the best but close. Deffinitely the best one after TBC tho.
Vanilla > TBC > MoP > WotLK > Cata > Legion > WoD, rated by someone who played and raided in every patch since 1.4.

because Wrath of the Lich King exist
but you need to have played warcraft III's expansion to enjoy it to the fullest


Golden lel

Go away retail cuck. Your kind isnt welcome in this thread


>there are people on this board that think wotlk was good
>there are people on this board that think cata was good
>there are people on this board that think mop was good
>there are people on this board that think legion was bad

music is bad (most of it being generic asian "*gong* yoooo"). Same with most armor. Stupid unfitting monks and dumb pandas thar stoped being relevant after mop. Boring scenarios.

>east-asian aesthetics are unpleasing
give more old norse buildings and architecture

MoP was a great expac with a terrible endgame. I think MoP is the only expac with quests that are actually fun throughout the whole leveling process, unlike vanilla where the questing turned to shit after lv20, and unlike TBC where levels 60-64 are the most boring things in existence.

>t. assblasted wrathbaby

Vanilla felt the best out of them all. You had over 50 zones to explore, levelling to 60 felt like a journey. I remember starting back in 2005, opening the map and wondering what Winterspring might look like. No expansion will ever be better for that reason alone. Also, Naxx40 is probably the most athmospheric raid ever released. Sure, the game wasn't perfect, especially the class design, but it was still something that you just had to experience.

It was good because it felt like it wasn't Warcraft due to the setting and bad guys pre-Siege of Org, but it still played like Warcraft.

Too bad it's overall theme completely clashed with Warcraft.

>implying you experienced Naxx 40

It's the best expansion simply for introducing fem pandas.

I did, tho I never cleared it. Never got past horsemen.

>over 50 zones to explore lol
>never got past horsemen
that sounds about right considering tanks abandoning their guilds to bolster up the big guilds on the server

this 100 times

Official best list:
Wrath > Legion > TBC > Pandaria > Vanilla > Cata > WoD

Thematically garbage but the classes and pvp was the most balanced the game had ever been You dont know what you've got till its gone, I miss u MOP.

i wonder what his vagina smells like haha

>>over 50 zones to explore lol
Maybe a little less, I don't know the exact number, but my point still stands.

TBC was the only successful expansion rest have kept numbers the same or dropped them.

Consider how much of that experience was you being new to MMOs and the resources online being less abundant. You have no sense of exploration because you've already seen all the zones and dungeons in screenshots and YouTube before an expansion even comes out.

>15 fucking months of Siege of Orgrimmar

You went full Kung Fu Panda retard...

Never go full Kung Fu Panda retard!

if they hadn't gone so hard on the daily shit, it would have been the best expansion.
debate me, protip: you can't.

Pandaria was the last good expansion, everything went downhill after...

Wrath was fucking dogshit. The only people who say it's the best expansion are people who started in it, or never played it and want validation.

> comparing your inexperienced self that was more easily impressed to your experienced self 10 years later
and that is why vanillafags like you are laughing stock, just idiots all around
Guess what retard, I also played vanilla 12 hours a day and it was the best thing back then. I wouldn't touch that trash now.
Shit balance, shit gameplay, constant grind that is not fun because gameplay is shit, everything is super slow just to extend the "journey" for the sake of collecting more subbux
There is nothing to explore in vanilla today but boredom. Oh joy oh joy cant wait to stand still for 10 minutes and shoot my want. So much fun.

>timeless isle

gay pandas fuck you furry

The ONLY thing holding it back are the Pandaren, they’re boring. If they continent was called something different and had more of the other races with maybe one village of Pandaren I’d have liked it a lot more. We have yet to get the alt friendliness that we had in MoP again.

Release Cata deserves a spot of its own higher on the ladder.

I agree OP, and most people in my guild do to. It was glorious. I really hope someday Blizzard can bring back the magic like MoP did, it had so much character.

And so people complained and we were given WoD.

I can’t wait for everyone who plays classic to run into this. Nostalgia is a huge factor for why everyone thinks older things are better. With the exception of WoD every expansions has improved the game, WoD even had some great stuff in it too but that’s often overshadowed by how lacking it was in content.

>there are people on this board that think bc was good

>he didnt like ganking his own faction

wotlk>bc>mop>legion>dogshit>dogshit for pve
bc>mop>wotlk>legion>dogshit>dogshit for pvp

This is the final list

nvm I fucked it up, swap legion and mop for pve

>naxx 40
I never understood this shit argument, everyone did it but nobody cleared it, hell no guild got past horsemen due the insane gear requirements for 8 tanks.

>>Satisfying, right-in-the-feels quests
How could someone ever defend World of Warcraft's quests when god-tier RuneScape quests exist?

dumb frogposter

Cata was the knife in the game's back. It was all down hill from there.

The gameplay aspect of all classes were best in MoP/WoD.
Legion kinda made all specs feel the same. Like paladins are literally just warriors that deal holy damage now instead of having a completely different playstyle.
I wish we could go back to how classes were in MoP/WoD in BfA but instead blizzard chose to continue trying to "fix" these inherently boring classes.
Can't make something fun that's boring at it's core.

They tried to make the game more action oriented but they fucked it up.

Release was great. Areas, quests, professions, class balance, heroics weren't piss easy like WotLK and even raids were better than shitty Naxx rehash. Everything after first patch was dogshit though.

BC was good

Wotlk was pretty good

Cataclysm was alright

MoP was a disgusting cash grab pandering to the chinese market, with stupid quests and characters (how does anyone who takes story telling seriously have someone like Loremaster Cho in their game?) - the raids were great mechanically

I literally forgot that Warlords of Draenor existed while I was typing this, and had to go back to mention it. Good raids and good zones, but ultimately forgettable. Garrisons ruined it.

Legion was pretty good, although the Artifacts and Mythic Dungeon shit ruined it pretty hard near the end. It really felt like there was more grinding than even in BC. It had the best levelling and quest based storytelling, I didn't do enough of the raids to give a fair opinion on them.

All customization was killed from cata moving forward. It is now designed for kids who can't make choices so everything is funneled into a "pick 1, 2, or 3" system. The game is ruined as an RPG. It is now just an MMO for neets and furries.

>Cataclysm was alright

>Never added new dungeons, just boring scenarios no one really likes
>1 year of SoO and literally no other content

That was the only downfall.

Wrath is only good now, with the new level scaling and new class mechanics and not-broken game with spiky-ass numbers. And you can skip the raids. Northrend is finally decent.

Prove me wrong.

>Kung Fu Panda expansion

never ever

Remember in BC, when people first started forming groups for Heroics? It was serious stuff, you had to focus and bring your best to get through one. It felt good to be in one of those early groups.

Shattered Halls and Shadow Labs were daunting as hell.

WotLK > TBC > MoP > Cata > Vanilla > Legion > WoD

I still remember how disappointed I was when MoP was revealed. Fucking pandas, really?

dumbfrog poster

>Mythic dungeons

They’re some of the most raw fun content this game has ever had. Kill yourself.

I have thought about that a lot and have come to the conclusion that Blizzard aknowledged that they can't balance for shit. WotLK was a mess of every patch nerfing something to the ground while something else got overbuffed (several hybrid builds being over ther top until getting deleted by Blizz). Healers were piss easy for the longest time, requiring little skill to play , hunters got streamlined, shamans worked only by wearing tiers, retri palas either did nothing or destroyed everything, DKs were broken beyond all hope. And before that in TBC and vanilla entire specs were useless, while blizztards accepted the fact like it couldn't be any other way.

I blame the autistic neets and tweens who sit there for 10 hours a day playing every nook and cranny of the game, crunching every number for every possible thing.
You can't balance something that big if you have people willing to dedicate their lives to picking it apart.

It's not autistic neets and tweens that do that. Ion Hazzikostas, the current lead designer was the founder of Elitist Jerks. He did it while being a Trial Lawyer, a 70 hour a week job at minimum.
The thing is, WoW is a pure numbers game, everything has a numerical value, so anyone who is good at math can find out what you have to do to get the best value, and they can do it quickly. The simple reality of it is that the people who play MMO's tend to be vastly better at math than the people who create them.

Which is why I don't play them anymore. I only did in high school because I had friends from school to play with. But the number crunching ruins the experience. It is an RPG, but I never pick apart any game that much, doing math does not equate to a good game.

And yes, the fanbase are all autistic neets or tweens.

It's usually those who didn't play during MoP or those that claim " muh pandas!!!111!" that dislike the game.

MoP had a tonne of content.

New Race
New Class
New and different theme
Treasure Hunting
Story time (the mini scenarios that retold stories by that guy in the valley)
Dinosaur island
Isle of thunder
Timeless Isle
Wpvp including faction v faction
Fuck tonne of different reputations
Loads of different mounts, not just generic colour schemes
Rare hunting
The fucking Klaxxi
Very good raiding experience including ToT
Proving grounds
Challenge dungeons (this may have been introduced earlier, can’t remember)
Brawl’gar arena
Pet Battles
Black Market AH
Also I thought the dungeons were good as well, with a decent amount of trash compared to boss ratio

You don't even need to do the math yourself anymore, it's completely automated now. You just download an addon that gives you a text string that summarizes your character then paste that into Raidbots.com and it tells you literally everything you need to know in about 15 seconds, including your stat weights and which piece of gear is better.

>blizz ends up making a decent xpac with mop
>fags complain
>"ok if you want garbage then we'll give them garbage"
thus wod and legion are born

Come on they couldn't even balance the most basic shit. Hunters at the start of WotLK are given shitty final talents on all three of their specs so of course every plays hybrid Readiness-Bestial Wrath build. It immediately gets nerfed and they buff Survival's new shitty skill Explosive shot, which previously was barely worth casting, into a skill that could crit one shit players. Priests could raid heal and main heal at the smae time by spaming CoH. There must be about a hundred examples through WotLK if I think about it.

Then why play the game? Back in the day I tried to play healer and most groups were pissed because I refused to get "auto-healing" addons. What is point of paying monthly to install addons and follow people around?
The game is shit, and the playerbase is shit. It is a dying game, so much so that Blizzard refuses to show the sub count anymore.. because things are looking grim. That's why the announced Classic in hopes of making a wave of cash from the 'member berries.

Then why do you keep going into threads about it?

Because games like this always have potential, but the most dedicated neets ruin everything. People can't just play a game anymore.
And I'll keep posting wherever I like, faggot.

tbc had the best writing

>No Cooldown Fan of Knives with a 100% chance to apply a 70% snare and a 50% Mortal Strike debuff that also interrupted spellcasting of anything it hit

That was possibly the most retarded thing that ever made it into the game

very dumb frog poster

I likes BC more, but post-cata Pandaland was easaily the best and be it only for the green fire quest

Of course they were pissed. They probably couldn't fathom the fact that someone could play without those addons. I had every spell mapped on my keyboard (not the default ones) and used blizzards basic UI to easily outperform many other players, but I know people who refused to play without an addon that automatically choosed for them what spells they should use in their rotation. They simply believe that is the way for the game to be played.

>based pandas
if fixed your post for you

How about zero cooldown Divine Storm?

Nostalgia aside Vanilla still had the best feeling out of all the xpacs cuz it was something new. i was underage when it Came out but had people age 30+ in my guild that were just as baffled and amazed with it as me, so go back to your garrison 2.0 and gimme a call when you have a real arguement, faggot

Wasn't it something like 1% of all lvl60s managed to get past one boss?
And only a tenth or less of them managed to clear it?


>everybody has an opinon about all expansions
I can't belive there a single person in Sup Forums that really played all of them, from the begining to the end.

Less than 2% cleared, like 10% killed at least Anub.

go play mature games for mature adults like you

I sure did. There were times where I played a lot and times where I went full casual, but my sub is running since vanilla. They even sent me a fucking statue for it.

Undertuned garbage you only did for valor
Just something you pulled up on wowhead and had in an hour
>scenarios again
Still shit
>Dinosaur island
Literal nothing for a mount recolor that took a day to get
>Isle of Thunder
Standard issue daily hub
>Timeless isle
Afk hub
Dead in all zones but timeless isle and then they nerfed the censer.
None of which did anything of importance because LFR tie outpaced valor gear
>lots of moubts
Literally not content
>rare hunting
Which is 99% afking and 1% flying between points. Wow
You already listed reputations
>raid experience
Completely butchered by the existence of LFR
>proving grounds
Quite literally the most irrelevant thing they ever implemented
>challenge modes
If you're not a disc or brewmaster it wasn't fun
>brawlers guild
Only good addition held up by shitter stomper hexos
>per battles
Lmao Pokemon but worse. The fact that since MoP it's still been capped at level 25 is hilarious
Yea because we really needed more raid gear for gold.
Not one expansion has done a worse job on dungeons than MoP. Trivially short and easy and outclassed the day LFR released. MoP dungeons were the worst this game ever had

then I apologize, and I am sorry for you

>TFT came out 5 years before KFP
>somehow the pandas in WC are a copy from it

>being condescending towards a gaming habit
>on Sup Forums

get the fuck out

After Cataclysm, I had come to dislike what modern Wow had become, to the extent I was confident I would never touch the game again. I returned at the start of the SoO patch in MoP though, and during those months I had one of the best wow experiences since TBC. MoP felt ambitious and inspired, I believe it’s the first and the last time we ever got a new continent, a new race, and a new class in a single expack. The levelling areas were beautiful and enormous: I still look back fondly at helping farmers in the valley of the four winds with their everyday problems, and Kun’lai summit, with its vertical design, climbing the map from the small river at the bottom to the snow clad mountain peaks. The new races and continent meant no reliance on old lore or rape of well-established characters. Classes played great – although I still believe cataclysm fire mage is still the peak mage class design – and I would play through raids on my characters just because of how much I enjoyed playing on them. The world was teeming with life, little cottages positioned on hill tops, fishing villages on remote islands, pandaran farmers going about their work, rare spawns that encouraged going out and exploring the world. Even sunshine ranch, a precursor to the much more laborious and skinner’s box like garrisons, was enjoyable. Professions were fun and rewarding, with stuff like the noodle cart. The expansion wasn’t perfect, but I really feel it was the last time WoW was really good. And then came WoD and killed it. I remember how much worse the game got even with just the prepatch, all fun was sucked out of raiding.


>Undertuned garbage you only did for valor
Still content man, I enjoyed the stories from them
>Just something you pulled up on wowhead and had in an hour
your choice to cheat and do that, meh
>Literal nothing for a mount recolor that took a day to get
Still content, plus pets and the hunter pets as well. Also the trolls on the boat dropped loot
>Standard issue daily hub
Meh, it had a good vibe and environment to it.
>Dead in all zones but timeless isle and then they nerfed the censer.
Timeless isle wpvp was unreal for a while, true they nerfed it tho
>None of which did anything of importance because LFR tie outpaced valor gear
not everything is about gear buddy, rep, titles, pets, mounts, transmog, ect ect
>Literally not content
Mounts are mounts, a decent amount of people collect them, it's still something to do. Just cus it isnt raiding doesnt mean its not content
>Which is 99% afking and 1% flying between points. Wow
Again, they dropped pets and items, it's still something to do, and hardly afking since there were so many there was more than one to camp.
>You already listed reputations
Not just the reputation, but their story, quests, lore, ect ect
>Completely butchered by the existence of LFR
Ah, you're one of those guys.
>Quite literally the most irrelevant thing they ever implemented
Bet you never got gold on dps.
>If you're not a disc or brewmaster it wasn't fun
Again, I argued it was content, which is it. Some people enjoyed it, some didn't. Its still something to do.
>Only good addition held up by shitter stomper hexos
>Lmao Pokemon but worse. The fact that since MoP it's still been capped at level 25 is hilarious
A lot of people took pet battling serious and it adds something onto for pets
>Yea because we really needed more raid gear for gold.
Get gear that you couldn't get before. It's an interesting addition that really goes to show how expensive stuff is alongside how much money people have.

>TFT release 2003
>KFP 2008

Jewgle is really fucking hard to use.

Provide the proof that they are in there.

It's a bit more than that. I think the journey from 1-60 was genuinely difficult if you weren't following a guide and a lot of the quests that were non elite required groups to be complete just die to mob density and how much more damage they did.

The gameplay in all mmos is shit, and but coming across other players and grouping up because you are on the same task and working together to compete them is what is fun. That is what modern mmos are missing Imo, even in tbc it was starting to dissappear because most people were flying through the air instead of being on the ground where you could find and interact with them.

So you've never played TFT, are utterly unable to spend one bloody minute to look it up, and probably don't even know what TFT means, right?

I have played it and it seems you are making up stuff without proof.

TFT had one character, thats it.
MoP took whole world/setting from KFP justifying this with "we had one in TFT".