Media Create

01./01. [PS4] Monster Hunter: World - 53.982 / 1.890.273 (-37%)
02./00. [PS4] Girls und Panzer: Dream Tank Match - 46.411 / NEW
03./00. [PS4] Metal Gear Survive - 31.359 / NEW
04./00. [PS4] Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal - 24.118 / NEW
05./03. [NSW] Splatoon 2 - 19.501 / 2.062.345 (-11%)
06./06. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - 17.259 / 1.363.646 (-10%)
07./12. [NSW] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 12.252 / 883.780 (+4%)
08./11. [NSW] Super Mario Odyssey - 11.639 / 1.626.145 (-8%)
09./05. [PS4] Dynasty Warriors 9 - 8.959 / 147.634 (-58%)
10./00. [PSV] Harukanaru Toki no Naka de Ultimate - 8.833 / NEW

>| NSW | 39.696 | 39.303 |
>| PS4 # | 34.775 | 49.502 |
>| 3DS # | 11.236 | 10.160 |
>| PSV # | 5.017 | 4.959 |
>| XB1 # | 274 | 190 |

Other urls found in this thread:

11./10. [NSW] Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle (Nintendo) {2018.01.18} (¥5.980) - 8.634 / 151.225 (-32%)
12./15. [3DS] Pokemon Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon (Pokemon Co.) {2017.11.17} (¥4.980) - 8.614 / 1.566.656 (-8%)
13./09. [PS4] Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet # (Bandai Namco Games) {2018.02.08} (¥8.200) - 6.027 / 94.631 (-54%)
14./14. [NSW] Bayonetta 2 (Nintendo) {2018.02.17} (¥5.980) - 5.443 / 14.975 (-43%)
15./02. [PS4] Seiken Densetsu 2: Secret of Mana # (Square Enix) {2018.02.15} (¥4.800) - 5.336 / 41.378 (-85%)
16./00. [PSV] Tokimeki Restaurant: Project Tristars # (Koei Tecmo) {2018.02.22} (¥6.800) - 4.319 / NEW
17./18. [3DS] Mario Party: The Top 100 (Nintendo) {2017.12.28} (¥4.980) - 4.271 / 165.894 (-27%)
18./20. [NSW] 1-2-Switch (Nintendo) {2017.03.03} (¥4.980) - 4.215 / 403.972 (+1%)
19./17. [PS4] Dragon Ball FighterZ (Bandai Namco Games) {2018.02.01} (¥7.600) - 3.992 / 92.935 (-33%)
20./50. [PS4] Star Wars: Battlefront II # (Electronic Arts) {2017.11.17} (¥7.800) - 3.898 / 89.486

Can't stop this train

>>| NSW | 39.696 | 39.303 |
>>| PS4 # | 34.775 | 49.502 |
Mon Hun W could barely keep it ahead for 1 month

>02./00. [PS4] Girls und Panzer: Dream Tank Match - 46.411 / NEW
>03./00. [PS4] Metal Gear Survive - 31.359 / NEW

Why is Zelda still selling? I thought japan didn't care for zelda

with today, makes 52 weeks (1 year) since Switch released

fuck bros.. the switch is winning again.... and with nothing... this aint fair bros..

It's a good game


Launch aligned weekly chart updated. With this, there have been 52 recorded sales weeks since Switch's launch, meaning that this 52-week chart has been completely filled.

B-but MH isnt gonna have legs in Japan

It barely sold above 5k

Because it's the best zelda

>02./00. [PS4] Girls und Panzer: Dream Tank Match - 46.411 / NEW

Japs love open world garbo apparently. And its on a handheld.

konami btfo

>02./00. [PS4] Girls und Panzer: Dream Tank Match - 46.411 / NEW
Well that's nice. Now bring it to PC, Bamco.

Cumulative chart updated.

>It barely sold above 5k
wihtout any new worthy game out for months, PS4 had MH:W and 3 other release and still "lost"

>not even MH can save the PS4

Are you going to keep this going graph-kun?

>B-but MH isnt gonna have legs in Japan

It clearly doesn't.
Its currently lagging behind MHX and the gap just got wider and wider.

>18./20. [NSW] 1-2-Switch (Nintendo) {2017.03.03} (¥4.980) - 4.215 / 403.972 (+1%)


I chuckled

Is this your first monhun?

Next week MHW 30k - 20K and after that they simple disappear. My predictions where right from the beginning. Kirby will crush MHW

DBFZ is such a huge flop

Kirby preorders are shit

Its having the same Down Trend as G/U had, so next week should be about 39K, and the week after around 28K

Nobody preorders fucking kirby

Re:Newal pretty much bombed, I guess Japan's taste in Senran Kagura has become so shitty not even reskinning Versus will help a game unless it's set in the Versus universe with jackshit happening and Yumi being front and center.

Holy fuck i forgot about that, that shit bombed so hard there

>higher than the Kirby 3DS games which sold 600k+


Japanese prefer portable consoles, who would have thought

False, MH World is the fastest selling MH in Japan, it's selling amazingly digitally

Its over Splatoon is the new multiplayer team game king in japan, MH couldnt beat it

Well that MH bump didn't last very long.

And there isn't even a new fucking Switch game out.

I think so. 52 weeks have been filled out, but this is still just the beginning. There are plenty more sales weeks to track.

Bayonetta 2 had a better hold than it did on Wii U.

>b-b-b-but flop!

they don't otherwise gta and skyrim would sell as much as pokemon you ignorant cuck

>PS4 keep dominating over a month
>Nintensoys don't say anything
>PS4 keeps crushing Switch worldwide

>Switch barely sells a little over PS4

Terrible fanbase

Those are terrible legs for Monster Hunter standards. Luckily the game did pretty well in the west, so we should be taking care of that from now on.

It may end up like Planet Robobot tho; horrible 1st week but surprisingly good legs

we only have digital for 1 week and is likely due to lack of physical copies at the time.

still for the taunted "best capcom game ever", then yes, is has no legs whatsoever

>Japs love open world garbo apparently. And its on a handheld.

Literally not true. BOTW is probably the best selling modern open world game in japan right now

>hasn't seen Japanese analysts freaking out because MHWs Japanese digital sales are nearly 1:1 with physical
World is literally the best selling Japanese console game since the PS2 era.

You are the only dumb one here if you actually believe its a competition
PS4 and switch markets barely overlap

>so we should be taking care of that from now on

I got tricked into buying this piece of shit by my buddies. I won't ever buy another MH game in my life.

That seems terrible for Senran. It deserves to tank desu

>>PS4 keeps crushing Switch worldwide
Terrible liar.

>>| NSW | 39.696 | 39.303 |
>>| PS4 # | 34.775 | 49.502 |

It is tho

Why didn't you liked it?

>>PS4 keep dominating over a month
>7 weeks out of 52
>1,7M units behind Switch during the last 52 Weeks Period
Truly Pathetic

>b-but my world wide VGChartz REEEEE!!!
make a thread about fake numbers then

>world became the best selling digital game in japanese history within 3 days, combining with physical to reach two million and three thousand
Uh-huh, sure thing Famitsu.

It's always worth to try out something new. I discovered I don't like Animal Crossing, but I don't regret buying the one that made me realize it.

UK =/= worldwide

>It is tho
>loses in Japan
>Loses in USA
>Switch setting records in Several Europoor countries
thre is a limit to how much you can claim UKeks is saving PS4

guys you are dumb this is phisycal only immagine how many ps4 they sold digitally :^)

>moving goalposts
>probably a falseflagger
Take your (You) and run off

>3 kusoges launch
>All PS4 games
>They top the charts
lmao the state of PS4 players in japan

I dislike pretty much everything about it. Running around looking for footprints, being forced to watch those shitty cutscenes, having to play alone all the time before I can join my friends or they can join my game. Everything feels clunky and badly done. Why is it such a hassle to start a simple multiplayer session?

>Loses in Japan


>Loses in USA

Both consoles are selling pretty much the same


It's still selling the more there

>04./00. [PS4] Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal - 24.118 / NEW

Lmao those sales, should have released on the Switch too.

You don't actually believe that Capcom sold 1.9 million digital copies in Japan, do you? Do you have a CO detector in your home?

They made a profit, have you seen that game

>PS4 loses week after week

>PS4 gets pushed just a little bit by MH sales for 3 weeks

Terrible fanbase

And the Switch is supply cucked so it didn't even accomplished that.

They don’t care for Metroid.


I don't think it has shortage issues anymore

Are you retarded? Switch released on March 3rd

>04./00. [PS4] Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal - 24.118 / NEW
what the fuck does that even mean?

And they used to sell a lot more with way worse budget games.

>portable selling better than a stationary console
>comparing a console released 5 years ago with a new one


they are not as bad as on release, but Switch still flies of the shelves and some places still hold raffles

Adapt or die, I dont see the problem

Regarding: New whale

It was during the first weeks of MH, dunno if it is still.

Those are decent sales tho

Anyway, it will sell well on the west

Ah the typical "it´s an handheld that´s why it sells" argument...

That reminds me, why did Japan have to abandon this flag? It's so much better than their current one.

Not at all given how much SK used to sell.

You dont understand shut if you think those numbers are bombing

They didn't abandon it. It's still the flag of their navy.

Are you a different guy? Otherwise I'm not really following your line of thinking.

it crushes SFV no contest. People don't seem to understand SFV didn't reach 3M worldwide sales, and it was supposedly the most played game of its genre

after 52 weeks
Switch 3,757,776
PS4 2,054,131
Difference 1,703,645

>Kirby preorders are shit

The US forced them to. The rising sun flag was the symbol of staunch, and aggressive Japanese imperialism, but when they were defeated in WW2, I believe it was McArthur that told them to change their banner. The new flag is now an expression of Japanese humility I suppose.

And to think people doubted this game. It's all but confirmed to get a sequel now.

Nintendo consoles always blow their load the first year. Expect sales and games to decrease along the life cycle.

Nah they are terrible, the franchise is clearly a sinking ship.

Nearly every asset is reused from the voices to the art cg. Bombing for renewal is sub 5k

and comparing release year

Switch 3,757,776
PS4 1,118,805
Difference 2,638,971

Still less sales than they would have had on the switch.

sure, so after Pokemon release, you want you dicks and crow plain or with Sauce on top?

Wew we are moving from decent sales to not bombing unless this made up number, at least you understand.


Thise are great sales desu. I was expecting 10k for a non remake remake of a game that came 4 years ago.

I would agree with you if it wasn't for the fact Pokemon is most likely not coming out this year. If they don't have a killer app ready for 2018 that's not a port, sales of the Switch will go down like whoa

This definitely would should have been a Switch games, even the cheapass 2d fighter on the 3ds sold 100k first week.

MHW was never meant for the Japanese market though. It was Capcom's attempt at pandering to the west. It did what it was suppose to do, with the copies sold in Japan as a bonus. All that's left now is to wait to see the fallout at what Capcom did to ensure MHW succeed at any cost.

>Expect sales and games to decrease along the life cycle.
They already did, no? 2018 looks barren as fuck and Bayo 2 is a total flop.