>The sandman was nerfed but not this
Fuck you, Valve.
The sandman was nerfed but not this
>the GRU was nerfed but not the powerjack
>scout mains actually mourn the loss of the sandman
Pyro is underpowered and she deserves it
Do people even use the Backburner? I don't see it too often these days
Is Powerjack just a straight upgrade? I can't see a reason in using anything other than the Homewrecker if you're going Pybro
Remove increased airblast cost and give it slower rate of fire instead.
Backburner synergizes beatifully with the new jetpack, especially on PL defense.
>Is Powerjack just a straight upgrade?
Yes. The speedboost is great for rushing in and most pyros never use melee.
>I can't see a reason in using anything other than the Homewrecker if you're going Pybro
I can't remember the last time when i saw a actual Pybro. Everyone is just a W+M1 retard now.
Someone needs to make a vagineer version of this. I'd send them a scrap their way for one.
I sometimes use the maul/homewrecker to help engies. I sometimes even hammer people with it instead of burning them to death.
Backscrather is a viable choice too if you prefer survivability over mobility
>want to play a round of any gamemode
>5 pyros on each team
>Everyone is just a W+M1 retard now.
That is how you play Pyro though
>install tf2
>pyro and engie still in the game
>uninstall tf2
Yeah but now it's more viable than ever, and when you have games like it's just fucking carnage
t. shitter
>equip targe as demo
>aim pills at pyro
>switch to bottle and melee pyro to death when they get close and survive burning
i like the neon annihilator if i have a friend playing milk scout or it's a map with water since it also does the homewrecker's job, but worse. Powerjack has been my favorite since the hat set though
>charge off the afterburn
pyros btfo honestly
It's viable yeah, but I don't like it because I prefer being ready to play around a medic whenever one pops up.
Wtf? Engie is both fun to play and play against as spy or demo.
Though I think TF2 would undoubtedly be a better game without Pyro.
this is what a failure in game design looks like
semi-scout main ere. never used the sandman seriously. still miss it though. it was okay for it to stun for like 7 years then valve thinks takin away the stun will save the game.
there should be a gamemode without pyro, engie and sniper
The backscratcher is better than the powerjack in every way.
Oh boy it's another episode of "red got stomped so they built 30 sentries on last" this is so much fun to play against!
Upward last has that underground passage for a reason, man. It flanks all feasible sentry spots.
>we will never get a team fortress 3 set in the 1850's with the original mercs
Kill me now.
A sentry on the balcony will shoot you there
Shoot him from a distance and he's no longer a threat.
wtf is pyro's role even? every class has a distinct role, but the same can't be said about pyro.
When you get good with it, it's quite a lot of fun.
>there's a heavy down a narrow walkway
>normally scout would lose this battle in a half second flat
>bonk heavy with sandman
>heavy has to watch helplessly as I unload my scattergun into his face point blank
There's no other feeling out there.
>That pic
I literally can't tell which class is what.
I only use it because mine is vintage and I have to stress my superiority over people that played past f2p
Offense, retard.
Depending on loadout either ambush or frontline support.
Ambusher or something.
Top 4 from left to right: Sniper, Spy, Medic, Heavy
Bottom 5 from left to right: Scout, Demo, Soldier, Engie, Pyro
We were flat out told Lincon was the pyro
>Promised to make a genuine rework/balance on Pyro
>Valve literally just fixed some bugs that should've been fixed 10 years ago and called it a day for "Pyro balance"
>Created new bugs in the process
The sad thing is that it's not THAT hard to fix Pyro as a combat class. Drastically increase the length of the fire whilst decreasing hitbox size to 2-3.
Boom, not perfect but now you basically have the Lightning Gun from Quake and actually viable.
>inb4 muh realism
>inb4 muh style
Fuck off, Rocket Jumping and double jumping ain't realistic and TF2 had its art style raped a long time ago.
Starting with Crockett
>sniper spy medic heavy
>scout demo soldier engi pyro
Some weird pseudo support and ambusher?
They are really pushing him to be an offensive class but it's just not happening, due to how hard it is to make a Flamethrower work in a PvP game and the dev teams own ineptitude.
>Just always stay out of range of the second fastest class!
>use phlog/detonator combo
>spam detonator to charge mmmph meter
>activate phlog behind a corner and det jump into an enemy team
>get a medic to uber me while doing it
pyro is so retarded now than its actually fun
Why are you even in his range anyway? He's supposed to be taken care of at a long range, if you fail to do this: you will be punished for it.
>second fastest class
He's the third fastest class together with engi and sniper.
>Scout: 133%
>Soldier: 80%
>Pyro: 100%
>Demoman: 93%
>Heavy: 77%
>Engineer: 100%
>Medic: 107%
>Sniper: 100%
>Spy: 107%
Yeah, by not walking into his range in the first place, retard.
Seriously, just take corners wide. Half the time I see people getting flanled by pyro it's because they were hugging a corner.
He's third and 6 of the 9 classes can outrun him.
>be engaged in a deadly duel with some random of high or equal skill level to yours
>some random f2p 9 months old f2p pyro appears from a side passage and burns you down in 0,2 seconds flat
I do enjoy single duels, but they rarely occur or end without outside intervention
Actually scratch that, 8 of the 9 can outrun him since Rocket/Sticky jumping exists.
So yeah, you're just bad at games.
Because every map is a giant open plane with no cover
>Yeah, by not walking into his range in the first place, retard.
Let me just turn on my wallhacks so I know where every pyro is at all times
>Just take corners wide
This is the most retarded thing I've read today. Just how short do you think flamethrower range is? If you're close enough to do significant damage to the pyro he's close enough to kill you.
>let me turn my wallhacks on
Let me stop you right there, you fucking retard. You know there's a Pyro. You know you have a team. Your team can call out where the Pyro is. You can pay attention to the spots the Pyro likes to wait for kills at. If you take corners wide, you won't take nearly as much damage— if any at all, depending on the size of the area— because you'll see the pyro around the corner. You can also listen for the loud screams of pain from classes nearby, pay attention to the killfeed, or listen for any Pyro voicelines/flamethrower sounds. Lastly:
IF YOU KNOW THEY'RE GOING TO RUN AT YOU AND HOLD M1, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Heavens to fucking murgatroyd, I always fucking hear cunts like you whining about W+M1 when the simplest solution is just to expect W+M1 and hold S to get the fuck away. It's not that hard, and if you're paying attention you'll either be out of the Pyro's range or at the edge of it, where you will almost certainly be able to outdamage the Pyro and kill him unless you're a heavy or can't aim worth shit.
In a perfect world sure you can always beat pyro at range but the overwhelming majority of stock maps do not give you enough range to fight pyro safely. Nearly every objective is behind a chokepoint and you can't push into it because one pyro can melt your whole fucking team by flailing his mouse around.
>Spy is a celestial slope with a fu-manchu
T. Shitter
t. shitter
>Pyro is CLEARLY Abe Lincoln
FemPyros ETERNALLY BTFO. How will they ever recover?
>people complaining about pyros when a heavy can kill mow them down in seconds before their flames even reach
If you get ambushed, it's your fault. Get good.
>You know there's a Pyro.
More like 6 because every pub shitter mains him now that he's the most effective class with the least amount of effort put in.
>You know you have a team.
And they're worthless against pyros because it takes much more skill to beat pyro than it does to play him.
>our team can call out where the Pyro is
Things that never happen in pubs and why should it take multiple players to beat pyro now? I don't need my team calling out the position of soldiers or scouts to kill them even if they're highly skilled but oh shit pablo.hernandez2005 with 300 ping picked pyro now he's the most deadly player on the enemy team. Why should I be terrified of a retard who just installed TF2 5 minutes ago? Oh right valve doesn't want bad players to uninstall so they'll buy skins
>You can pay attention to the spots the Pyro likes to wait for kills at
And do what? I can't push him because if he gets in flame range you're dead.
>If you take corners wide, you won't take nearly as much damage— if any at all
There is no map that gives you this much space around corners
>You can also listen for the loud screams of pain from classes nearby
Again now you need multiple players to kill him.
>Pyro is easy to kill if he's distracted raping your teammate!
Like what? Unless you're scout he outruns you while backpedaling. Holding S worked when pyro didn't get full DPS (which got buffed with the update) at all times and flame mojo made his range shittier than it actually is but that's no longer the case
>where you will almost certainly be able to outdamage the Pyro and kill him unless you're a heavy or can't aim worth shit
You're calling me a shitter while defending the class THAT LITERALLY DOES NOT HAVE TO AIM. You're another garbage pyro player defending his crutches
>bbbut I can't get kills without him! I don't want to have 0:30 KD again!
Tough shit faggot maybe minecraft is more your speed
>Pyro flanks you because he's not slow and loud like heavy is
>Lose because flames block 90% of your screen now making it incredibly difficult to track him
>Like what?
shoot him
>bbbut I can't get kills without him! I don't want to have 0:30 KD again
You seem to be the one mad that you can't get kills, here
Whats your most favorite Class and why?
Whats your least favorite and why?
What class/weapon needs a improvement the most and why?
What Class/weapon needs a nerf and why?
>actually citing flame mojo as a good thing
You're a shitter.
You would think Abe would be soldier since he invented rocket jumping. I guess he's multitalented.
And die because he can weave and do full damage at all times while I have to track him while being blinded by flames and aimpunch from afterburn and I only have one second to do this before he kills me with his 180DPS.
Yes you're right I'm bad, I can fight soldier and scout mains with thousands of hours all day long but I can't beat pyros who just installed TF2. Clearly it's not the class that's the problem by lowering his skill floor so far that a person playing him for the first time is as deadly as a highlander plat pyro it's me.
I'd rather pyro not be in the game at all than what we have now. If valve had listened just fucking once and gave him a LG like every competitive player asked for then no one would be complaining but nope, gotta pander to the retards so they will gamble on skins!
It actually makes perfect sense
>Perfects Soldier to the point of inventing rocket jumping
>Sees the glaring flaws in the class
>Knows it's on him to become the one true counter to all the shitters who think they can out Soldier him
>Becomes Pyro
A true gentlemann
>Whats your most favorite Class and why?
Demoman. Powerhouse class that is created to carry teams and can be a God when played correctly.
>Least Favorite Class
Tie with Pyro or Sniper. Sniper feels out of place in a game largely made up of midfights and Pyro is a stupidly constructed class that has zero use of really existing.
>What class/weapon needs a improvement the most and why?
Spy. His role is to specific, Sniper is a better target class and Spies sapper is only useful against fighting a single class and basically an empty slot every other situation. He desperately needs more utility items to be on par with everyone else.
Medic's primary weapons besides the crossbow are also useless and need buffs.
>What Class/weapon needs a nerf and why?
Wrangler. Being able to target players at long range where the Sentry can't normally hit is already a pretty great pistol replacement but its shield is what makes it ridiculous.
>And die
run back and shoot him twice
pop him in the air and then shoot where he lands
airblast him up and shoot him twice
your two pipes will kill you both ill give you that
shoot him
what are you doing fighting a pyro
what are you doing fighting a pyro
what are you doing fighting a pyro at close range
cloak and pray the guy as braindead as you think he is or sidestab him
Yes, but the Maul is by far the best. not the powerjack, but the maul. Due to its FUCKED model it actually has an increased range of a few feet that was broken in jungle inferno
>Whats your most favorite Class and why?
Scout, because I like being an annoying asshole.
>Whats your least favorite and why?
Engineer, because unexpectedly getting killed by a sentry is unfair and annoying as fuck.
>What class/weapon needs a improvement the most and why?
Sandman, because it made dealing with heavies, soldiers and engies alot easier.
>What Class/weapon needs a nerf and why?
Soldier and pyro.
people still play this fucking game lmao
>run back and shoot him twice
Assuming you see him first and have enough open space to avoid him. If he lands ONE particle you automatically lose and there's nothing you can do about it
>pop him in the air and then shoot where he lands
And potentially eat a reflected rocket because you're forced to shoot rockets immediately or die. Alternatively I win but take self damage and die from afterburn 3s later. Still all things considered the best class for killing pyros which isn't saying much.
>airblast him up and shoot him twice
Airblast doesn't push up anymore. Have you even played since the update?
>shoot him
See It's same as scout vs heavy. In a perfect 1v1 heavy always wins but like scout, pyro is fast and doesn't have to commit and where as scout makes himself hard to hit with his mobility, pyro blinds and disorients you for the same effect.
Also even against support classes who are already at a disadvantage pyro has a better matchup against them than other classes. You can always surf rockets/stickies but you can't against a pyro. You can always dodge scouts meatshots but you can't dodge flames. Not only that but let's look at each class individually. Sniper can't headshot him because flames obscure his head. Engineer can't hide behind his buildings because flames go through it. You can't ubersaw him because he can airblast you away.
>game iz bad cuz old
it sounds more like you only played as soon as the update launched and then stopped and have been shitposting ever since
Its bad because its an old outdated shitgame. Its a fucking memegame at thing point at you faggots are better off playing CS:GO with like 4x the player count. TF2 was always babby mode cs
I finished all my contracts, did you
>TF2 was always babby mode cs
Even though it literally has nothing in common with CS besides the fact that they're both team-based? Are you actually retarded?
>Not Strange
Nobody cares. If it bothers you that much put the Cheater's Lament on. You have that right?
>Nerfed the range and damage output of the ambassador because shitters and f2p snipers cried about being killed across the map
>Give pyro a 2 shot brand new flamethrower and a """fix(tm)""" for his flame particles
And somehow no one in the community complains?
>Its bad because its an old outdated shitgame.
So basically "game iz bad cuz old"?
>Whats your most favorite Class and why?
Medic, because I like helping people.
>Whats your least favorite and why?
Sniper. Like another user said before, he seems out of place in a game where the majority of fights are midfights. It's not fun getting instantly killed by someone without a chance to fight back. On the other hand, a terrible sniper does jack shit for your team and is just a wasted slot.
>What class/weapon needs a improvement the most and why?
Probably not the most needed, but the Huo-Long Heater is terrible right now. Its flames don't do their job (discouraging spies from backstabbing you) and the bonus damage against burning opponents isn't very noticeable. There's nothing the Heater does that any other Heavy primary can't do better.
I can't imagine how awful it is to play spy right now
>Dead ringer and amby gone
>6 pyros in every game
>If he lands ONE particle you automatically lose and there's nothing you can do about it
one, thats literally not true
two, you have the mad milk, bonk, and candy cane to stop afterburn
three, youre implying this is all happening on fucking dustbowl where theres literally zero room to move anywhere. play better maps.
>And potentially eat a reflected rocket
the majority of players arent going to react that fast to the first rocket, and if he knows that the right mouse button exists then just shoot him with your shotgun
>Airblast doesn't push up anymore
afaik a downwards angled airblast still pops people up
even if that doesnt work just use your flamethrower if its that good apparently
>Have you even played since the update?
have you even played more than two hours?
>In a perfect 1v1 heavy always wins
heavy always wins period as long as its not a backburner ambush
>pyro blinds and disorients
if this even was a problem then you should have some gamesense in you to tell you EXACTLY WHERE IS THE GUY SHOOTING YOU IN THE FACE
>Sniper can't headshot him because flames obscure his head
>i cant tell where this models head is that ive seen thousands and thousands of times before
>Engineer can't hide behind his buildings
too bad the sentry kills him before he even gets close huh
>You can't ubersaw him because he can airblast you away
its literally a last ditch effort when you bring out the ubersaw, dying there is expected
please improve
Letranger still exists.
Most fresh post-update pyros don't spycheck.
It's only awful for shitters.
t. stock-only spy
>one, thats literally not true
Flamethrower does full DPS regardless of how many particles hit
>two, you have the mad milk, bonk, and candy cane to stop afterburn
All come with a cost. Bonk and milk both cost you your one ranged weapon and bonk got nerfed. Candy cane means any stray rocket or pill will instakill you.
>youre implying this is all happening on fucking dustbowl where theres literally zero room to move anywhere.
Yeah that's most valve maps for you, valve is fucking awful at map design. And no I don't want to play upward 24/7 sometimes I want to play different maps.
>the majority of players arent going to react that fast to the first rocket
They don't have to react, all you have to do is right click once the soldier is facing you because they don't have time to bait the reflect. They will die if they don't.
>if he knows that the right mouse button exists then just shoot him with your shotgun
Shotgun isn't free. No gunboats means you have to commit to every fight and you can't rocket jump anywhere near as much.
>afaik a downwards angled airblast still pops people up
Still much less than it used too. You can't juggle people infinitely above your head.
>even if that doesnt work just use your flamethrower if its that good apparently
Then it comes down to who has more health, nothing else matters. Bad game design.
>heavy always wins period as long as its not a backburner ambush
So exactly what I said, Pyro can ambush him because he's a fat slow fuck and Pyro isn't and then you're fucked because he's blinding you and afterburn aimpunch. You don't need crits pyro only needs 1.5s to kill heavy.
>if this even was a problem then you should have some gamesense in you to tell you EXACTLY WHERE IS THE GUY SHOOTING YOU IN THE FACE
Except its not a laser beam it's a cone, if 90% of your FoV is fire you aren't going to know where to aim and being SLIGHTLY off is the difference between 500dps and 100dps.
My nigga. Who would give up the power of a revolver for slightly longer cloak?
I haven't touched TF2 in like 2-3 years. What did they do to make the Pyro somewhat good again?
>i cant tell where this models head is that ive seen thousands and thousands of times before
No you can't. It's almost like trying to hit a small moving target is difficult or something.
>too bad the sentry kills him before he even gets close huh
Sure if it's a level 3. If it's poorly placed or a level 2 pyro wins.
the more you post the more it sounds like you're just bad
Not an argument.
Also 6s and HL players disagree with you, are they bad too? HL pyros aren't happy with the changes because it didn't fix any of his fundamental problems in organized settings while lowering his skill ceiling and 6s players hate him because valve significantly buffed the one thing he's used for, denying ubers for free.
Pyro update, so actually nerfing pyro wasn't allowed
This Sandman was cancer
the compfags have an argument, but you do not
every time somebody disagrees with you and you sperg out at them and shit a wall of text you just seem like a really bad player that can't adjust to a new thing in your game
>You don't have an argument
>Except your "wall of text" but that doesn't count