What does Sup Forums think of speed runners? Do they make a lot of money? What's the appeal?

What does Sup Forums think of speed runners? Do they make a lot of money? What's the appeal?

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she's live


Post vids of her crying

I unironically want to fug her

/o/ here. why can't this board go 5 minutes without talking about trannies?

I can deal with the fact he's a tranny but holy fuck the fact he considers his FUCKED up teeth as part of his identity gross the shit out of me.
Get that shit fixed holy shit.

Fun fact: this thread was not made with the purpose of discussing speedrunning, but to cry about trannies.

>What does Sup Forums think of speed runners?
>Do they make a lot of money?
>What's the appeal?
Watching a game get picked apart in autistic detail. If you watch for the runner and not the game, you're doing it wrong.

No way.
What gave it away?

At least it's stick


2nd post best post

horror movie monster aside, what did Cosmo look like beforehand? people only post this mutant form

>61 viewers

he's actually talking about the game and getting into the mechanics. This is the kind of shit people liked Cosmo for to begin with. If he'd just stick with this he'd keep his megafame without any of the ridicule. Sad.

>Sup Forums loves traps
>Sup Forums hates trannies
Why though

>this is the face of a typical breath of the soy fan

Because this place is full of insecure right wing faggots who are so deep in the closet they can't even see narnia anymore.

The big number ending with 0 in the upper-right corner of this post

Traps are men that looks like girls.
Trannies are men that think they are girls.

Traps know they aren't women

Trannies dilate to try and become women

Traps are cute boys going through a phase, and will grow up to be respectable gay/bi men. Trannies are unfortunate freaks of nature enabled by self-loathing leftists.

>What does Sup Forums think of speed runners?
Stupid shit
>Do they make a lot of money?
No, only the ones who've managed to grow a decent sized stream because of their speedruns, like that Trihex guy who used to run Yoshi's Island.
>What's the appeal?
No fucking clue.

I love playing video games!!!

I am the only person in the world (disregarding a handful of people) who play action-packed video games.!!!!!!

I get the BFG9000 in a secret area in DOOM 2 on the Xbox. Not only does this unlock an achievement, but I now have this immensely powerful weapon to help me beat the level and overcome my Hellish enemies.

I am the only person to ever do this. In the future I will create a gaming channel to show my subscribers how much I kick butt in video games. WOWOWOWOW

With the controller in my hand, I am powerful.

I can kill any fucking faggot I want. Are you a faggot, taking dick in the ass? I could break your fucking windpipe easily because you're a fucking faggot degenerate. Even if you fought back I would overpower you and fucking kill you. FAGGOT.


Spin dash! Area-of-effect spell casting! Critical hit causes staggering effect! Level up!


Make sure you have a big friends list of neurotic fuck-heads.



If most speed runners died off, nothing of real value would be lost

post the fart

Really? You might be onto something
also 7

There’s a fart?

this guy sums up my feelings


>Tranny feteshists spam "traps" and insert them into every conversation = Sup Forums loving them
nah brah

Idk about making a lot of money but they aren't starving
Every time I see a speedrunning video there is always multiple people donating for them to get some food delivered

I love speedrunning and the community of runners. Transitioning doesn't bother me, but the stereotypical behavior of some of the trans speedrunners does. I usually just watch the individual twitch channels of respective runners though. AGDQ, SGDQ, and ESA are all the worst things about speedrunning and its exploitation for money.

>Traps are crossdressing males
>Trannies are metally ill self mutilating gynophiliacs


Only one speedrunner to ever watch.




traps have dignity

trannies have mental illness and go through some fucked up surgery and body changing chemical consumption.

> y-you must be attracted to them otherwise you wouldn't d-d-dislike them! ha i g-got you!

traps dress up cute because it gives them (and me) a boner
trannies cut their dicks off because they think they are women

damn who is dis girl?


You asked for this.


>cross dressers that know they aren't women but just like to look cute


>mentally unstable male who mutilates their body and changes their hormones

Gee really gets my noggin' a joggin'

what a mess this guy made of his life holy god damn



unironic stalinist here
trannies deserve rope

>traps have dignity

>it can't even cry properly anymore


Watch a speed running event from 3 years ago and then watch one from this year sometime and you'll see why.

ESA was such a breath of fresh air.

Sup Forums hates trannies who don't make an effort to be a woman and just stick to demanding different pronouns and treatment, sometimes without even falling for the whole "gender reassignment surgery" shtick
as always the whole group gets shit for a few bad nuts (though honestly i don't even know if it's "few" in this case, but maybe this place bent me)

watching gdq is just an alien experience at times - you see a man who looks like a man, sounds like a man and acts like a man, and everyone refers to him as a she

They can go back to being a dude at anytime. It's just a fetish/hobby after all.


what anime?

Berserk. that's why he did his hair like casca.

based goose

>tfw cosmo finally banned from twitch


>she can get a bf but you still can't
What's your excuse?

because he was watching anime and crying on stream.

b8ed for this exact clip

t. cosmo

mtf trannies literally have no balls man and their penis is inside of their festering wound they call neo vagina that they need to clean every day from pus. traps can have children, dont need to dilate, still have balls. traps>trannies

When is he going to off himself? His mind and body is fucked, trying to reverse back to a normal guy would be very hard, so he's stuck looking like complete shit. This is fucking terrible.

>is berserk really that bad

speedrunning is the most degenerate act man has ever come up with

they both identify as girls. if i wanted to be penetrated by a trap i'd just jump on a punji stick.


he tried to hang himself but he didn't weigh enough.

Does speedrunning cause mental illness or are autismos naturally drawn to speedrunning because of the rote memorization and repetition involved?

>no matter how bad your choices in life are, you will never have fucked up as bad as Cosmo
That's kind of comforting to be honest fammy.

Context? Why was he crying

Imagine being this obsessed with the genitalia of post-op mtfs.

yeah trannies arent obsessed over their junk lmao. traps>trannies

he saw guts squeezing cascas tits and realized noone would ever do that to him

But as you say it's "their junk" so it makes sense that they would care about it. The weird thing is how much you care about junk that is not yours.


To be honest, speedrunners are not that bad, it's the attention whoring ones that give them a bad name. I don't mind I ate a bag of dicks desu senpai.

autismos are drawn to speedrunning because of the rote memorization and repetition involved as well as OCD. But it's their chats that actually force them to become transgender. Typically this starts with a soy or vegan diet that the chat gradually forces on the streamer. then it just snowballs from there, no pun intended.

Anyone who tries to be helpful and not enable the rapidly developing pathology is banned.

he's on non-prescription hormones he got online, so that played a part.

My theory is that since he's done his hair up like casca he's associating with her. At some point he remembered that casca turns into a retard for most of the rest of her life and it probably hit too close to home for him in his weakened state.

>I ate a bag of dicks
That's not what I typed. I typed
>I ate a bag of dicks

Was her teeth always like that?

When is John Numbers going to apologize?


>americans in charge of nutrition
kek, soy is not bad. Soy milk, soy snacks, soy meat, soylent, shit created by americans is the bad thing.

Natural soy sauce and fermented soy beans are good.

The main thing is CWC would still tardrage and beat Cosmo in a 1 on 1 fight in almost every situation.
Real talk, how do we weaponize The skeleton known as Cozmo more?
Can Dex really truely beat Str?

>When is John Numbers going to finish the job


Just because medical science is in shambles doesn't mean it isn't harmful.

But that isn't even true.

>less severe depression warning
>i have a place to say my thoughts. my thoughts are not meant to harm others. i take considerable responsibility with my actions. i'm not afraid to feel life instead of being constantly distracted by the spectacle. I know my place in this life, but i am uncertain of the final destination. i am not suicidal, but other people try to typecast me that way. i think these are weak people.

Did they really add a new word filter


okay we get you

Soy has nothing to do with it. The phytoestrogens are way too weak to have any effect. Drinking soy milk is a symptom, not a cause. Also, this fucking guy pisses me off so much. Wants to look like a girl yet puts no effort into it, looking much worse than ever before. Plus, he knows he has fucked up teeth so WHY is he displaying them like that??

>kek, soy is not bad. Soy milk, soy snacks, soy meat, soylent, shit created by americans is the bad thing.

this guy gets it. american """food""" products are an absolute fucking disaster.

t. american born and raised in america who has spent the last few years in yurop and the quality of nutrition is night and day

>natural products with little or any process are not bad
>heavily processed food made by americans is extremely bad

I wonder why.

Sup Forums is the alt right version of tumblr
>J moot censor cúck i find it offensive!!!

Can you type out what you actually said on Paint or something and upload? I'm actually curious.