Where the free gaems at

where the free gaems at

on pc


sorry user I forgot the implying mark

It's not even the end of the month yet, fool.

its infinite warfare and last of us now fuck off

Ratchet & clank


I wonder too, but they just updated GTS and almost delivered in their promise of 50 cars by March sooo.... idk
Surely they'll announce them at 5pm UTC
Also according to some guy in PS Spain it's going to be "big", but can't find the actual source for that so... shrug
>February has 28 days
It is?

The source is a video by spanish youtuber ampeterby. Ps employee says is gonna be the best month ever since the start of plus, strongest rumor right now is ratchet and clank, dont know about the other one.

It's probably gonna be shit tho

>pay an $80 a year subscription fee

>He doesnt know how to get it free each month

Meh, I already have it

do you?

Knack 2 baby.

Of course i do, been doing it every month i feel like playing an online game or i like the plus games

Create new acount, free trial, free plus
They never ban you, been doing it for years now, never ever paid a penny

>Sonyfriends need to pay $9.99 a month for "free games"
>Sonyfriends nonironically pay to have decent discounts

Bullshit, but I want to believe. Been itching for a mindless fps on ps4 for awhile now, and considering this is the only current gen CoD you can get used for $12 at GS, that must mean there's a chance it's terrible enough to actually be "free" on ps+.

But you need to put your credit card every time. I'm not putting my number on random accounts, the playstation-police will get me.

Soon I guess

its the best cod since mw2 tho

Use namsopro to generate a fake number. Look online for a bin and a code, they work trust me. Obviously dont use your credit card number, i have never used mine but i think it is risky

If it hasn't updated then that means there's still time to get Grand Kingdom before it goes. It's fun.

But this is ilegal.

No shit. So is piracy

the singleplayer is unironically one of the best campaigns in call of duty to date

So? You're not a pussy are you user?

There is a huge gap between pirating and cloning credit cards.

Well is your call then, i only told you how to do it. Thousands of people do it without consequence so far

Love how edgy everyone on this board pretends to be but then are fucking scared of something like this. Pro tip: you delete the credit card info after you select the free trial. The trial is free, is not like you are using it to buy anything