What's the greatest return in vidya?
What's the greatest return in vidya?
what the fuck happened to Miuras art? Casca looks like a fish
I hope the next chapter is another falconia.
Thats what happens when you watch idolmaster for 10 years
He went to a digital format for his art and for some reason his art style completely changed. Don't expect a return of pre digital art style to return any time soon.
do they fug again?
It looks really bad now. The character faces are all over the place. No idea why it changed so drastically.
>she wakes up
>it was all a dream
>they're still on the boat
They'll immediately switch over to Rickert and we'll follow him up into assassin mountain for 3 years, before we get back to Casca.
>tfw want to get into Berserk and HxH
>don't because I don't wanna suffer the hiatus meme
Even non-readers like me aren't happy about those 2 works you know
>she wakes up
>realizes what happened
>kills herself
what a tweest
can somebody explain why Casca is some little thing?
have you tried actually reading the manga?
It's worth it, speaking as someone who got into it when they got on the boat, I'm happier with berserk in my life than if I never read it to begin with. Can't speak for HxH though, I tried reading some of it once and it was just wasn't my thing.
>inb4 she leaves Gutts to felate Griffith some more and he goes turboberserk
What are some non video game threads that belong on Sup Forums?
nope not since Guts fougth the underwater monster.
if you aint willing to just read it and find out why should anyone explain it to you?
Alright greatest return in vidya is definitely the announcement of Fallout 4, ever since the shit show that was New Vegas wanted a return to something good.
wait, casca FINALLY recovered from griffith's dicking or not?
Next chapter probably
it is vidya though
Berserk has multiple games you retarded frogposter.
Todd you already post on Sup Forums enough, don't try to talk in a Berserk thread man.
It’s probably the inconsistency in his art style
>It looks really bad
Go fuck yourself. No, seriously, just go.
when did you realize berserk will never be finished and dropped it?
Because I thought we were friends? That's what friend usually do.
You are discussing the manga, which is not a game.
Berserk fans are up there with Homosuck fans in terms of annoyance.
I ain't your friend, pal
I ain't your pal, buddy
Why have there been so many Berserk threads across all the boards?
>2 days ago
>On /gif/ to fap
>See a thread called "CASCA'S BACK, GO TO Sup Forums YOU FUCKS"
>It was deleted
But what the fuck? Why are there so many threads? Seen like 4 threads on Sup Forums all about Casca coming back.
what the hell is wrong with that face
It was always like that but you never noticed.
people are overreacting like usual, but it is one of the most significant events in any manga ever when taking into consideration how many years some readers have waited for that one moment
I've never read Berserk, but I do know Casca became retarded, why is it such a big deal?
jesus why is her face so WIDE
it also almost feels like its just a reflection of one side of her face
Because she became retarded literally and non ironically in 1998, 20 years ago.
it does look wide, i've never noticed before
wh-what the fuck
Yeah, Casca's always been a potato face.
The event that caused her retardation was rather shocking and impactful. The journey and tribulations Guts has gone through since then were primarily to fix her, rather than to get back at the antagonist of the series. This happened 22 years ago.
HxH is worth getting into, Togashi is releasing around 10 chapters per year, and maybe this year will have more, so it's not dead, and the curent arc is really good
Berserk I don't recomend because the story hasn't been any good for a long time. Maybe read up till he gets on the boat, and then drop it
i aint your buddy guy
>being this autistic because it hasn't looked the same for years
Casca always had that kind of face you dumb fucks
Berserk has shit art now wtf
you can tell the people complaining either never actually read Berserk or are speedreaders
what's the matter, baby, not edgy enough for you
Fuck off Sup Forums berserk is trash
>does Casca finally wake?
Cant wait to find out in 2020