Going to play this for the first time. What's the best class if I want to have fun and don't care about minmaxing?

Going to play this for the first time. What's the best class if I want to have fun and don't care about minmaxing?

Anything Strider.
Forget minmaxing, that's a dumb meme that got out of hand.

It's really not a hard game, you can pick any class and you never need to min/max.
Don't pick Magic Archer, it makes the game too easy.

Warrior is pretty fun, and viable for everything up to the postgame.

You can change classes in game, don't worry too much about it.

all classes are fun in their own way
and don't forget wolves hunt in packs

This. The only boss that even kind of requires min maxing is the bonus final boss second form and even then you can pop an item 4 times and destroy him.

Take magic knight. They have so many fun abilities with buffs and counter attacks and cool shit like stone forest.

And those stupid ghosts in BBI that can only be hurt by magic

I consider BBI as part of the postgame.

The one that looks like it has the playstyle you'd most enjoy. Don't forget to make your main pawn a girl like everybody else too.

>not running BBI before reaching Gran Soren

>I fucked up my character and I want others to fuck up theirs.
Fucking scrub shitters.

Shield and sword/two handed or assasin with sword and bow. Melee is really fun, sometimes a bit button mashy but that makes up with building own movesets and fashion dogma. Helps that the combat has really good weight too. Stay away from pure bow, pure mag classes. They are slow and clunky and sometimes just silly op.

Striders if you want mechanical fun, wizards if you want pure spectacle.

staying 1km from the battle on one spot and casting the same spell/shooting bow over and over again is the polatr opposite of dealing with mechanics. Ranged classes are just shitters

The stats rise depending on the class used when levelling up and there are 5 magic and 5 physical classes. You can change classes at will in the main city. Just decide whether to focus on magic or physical.

>pure spectacle
Also, striders don't use bows often at all

>Ranged classes are just shitters
Eh? Melee or ranged, there's no high skill ceiling in DD.

Are you supposed to die at the beginning intro? I was so confused when a cutscene started playing I kinda quit the game for a bit.


Yeah, you should probably just stop playing.

you're not supposed to be killed by the dragon, but if you are, it lets you play the game with a scar on your chest and adds a silly plotline about getting your heart back instead of giving you a game over.

strider focuses on climbing more than bows, bud

>says the fighter, charging arc of berserk for five minutes


Would argue they most focus on being a circular saw of death.

Oh I didn’t get killed by the dragon, it was the first boss in that one room. Jumped on him and attacked him so much didn’t seem to do anything

>I ruined my experience by being autistic and I want others to ruin theirs

i agree that's arguable, but realistically the end game damage for big enemies for strider is spamming kisses on weak points

You're going to enjoy the combat but as soon as you beat Grigori, just fucking drop the game. You don't want to see the actual ending. Trust me.

You have been warned

>i didnt have fun autisting my way through the game, so no one should
Minmaxing in general is not great, but doing it in this singleplayer not-that-hard game instead of playing the class you want and enjoying yourself is just retarded.

any class that strikes you fancy really
my first playthrough was with Warrior, good fun, but shame about just being able to pick 3 skills

but if you aim for maximum cheese: Magic Archer

Get more used to the controls and see what works on which enemies. Kill the chrimera's tail first, wolves travel in packs, goblins are weak against fire etc.

I can't remember. If you mean the ogre in the spiral slope beneath the pawns guild, nobody's supposed to be able to be strong enough to kill him in a reasonable amount of time in that part of the game. You're supposed to use the opening and closing doors to trap him and bypass him. He also tends to just fall off and die.

as a strider, I never encountered a problem that eminence and brain splitter couldn't solve

I assume he meant the Chimera in the tutorial which you can lose against and the game just continues.

>only one customizeable pawn

This is fuckin bullshit, this is the only thing keeping this game from being truly great

Any mods to create a fully customizeable party?

Yeah that’s the one. It was charging me constantly, always got knocked down.

Pretty sure he means when you play as Savan in the intro. I also died to the chimera(?) the first time I played. It's not hard, though.

I guess I’ll give the game a try again tonight. It’s been sitting in my steam library since I’ve bought it.

Just give it another try lad. I had no idea what I was doing the first time I played and beat him by just smashing all these moves which I didn't even know I had. The game really starts when you make your own character, and you'll learn your abilities slower from the bottom up, so you'll have a much better understanding of the combat then.

Sword/Bow/Shield Assassin
I recommend powder keg for fun times

why couldn't dragon's dogma have just been fucking completed like it was intended to be it's such a great game as it is and it's not even complete, it's one of the biggest wastes of potential I've ever seen so it really says something that it's nevertheless great to play, fucking tragic

magick archer is objectively the most fun class - don't listen to these faggot naysayers

>standing in an inn
>getting ready for the fight with grigori
>have one of those consumable books, don't know what it does
>I read it assuming it's like those monster scrolls or something
>suddenly the ground ruptures and asalam gets launched 10 feet into the air
>oh shit
>now he won't let me use his inn
>I need my fucking stuff god damn it
>get really fucking angry and I antler toss him and combo his ass into dust
>mfw I still haven't beat grigori

Go to Cassardis and talk to the innkeeper there.