How is your country represented in videogames?

How is your country represented in videogames?

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other than sports games, i don't think any game has bama in it

I kind of feel sorry for Mexicans. They're always represented wearing sombreros. It's all they fucking have. The only other thing they're known for is having a shit hole of a country that is run by drug cartels.

But then I remember that every Mexican I've met in real life has been a dick, either to me, or to someone else. Also, they never fucking smile. I have literally never seen a Mexican walk into the store I work at with a smile on their face. They're silent as death and always have this look on their face like their entire extended family died overnight.

Alabama is a state, not a country you retarded cousin fucker.

lamo, nice beach skyline you got there cletus

>wearing sombreros

Wut? We have luchadores, aztecs,etc

only in sport games as a country. other than that i've never seen my country represented in video game.

SMT and Fate are the only series that I know of that represent my country.

The only half-decent character there is Angel.

Apart from certain sports and racing games it's not represented (and that's a good thing).


We also have tacos, dia de muertos, ancient mesoamerican civilizations and masked fighters as stereotypes.
Also no idea why everyone's is unhappy where you live.

Chicanos are not actual mexicans

t. mexican

Somehow MGR:R predicted our current President so that's pretty fucking neato.

Big retards and nazis

>our current President

Don't you have a street to be shitting on?

We exist?

>tfw 99% of arabs in games are terrorists
>tfw i actually dont mind

big daddys

Eh, it's pretty accurate actually.

As special units for the UK in WWII strategy games.

that looks like tropico

I honestly don't know what where they thinking with Vega. It's either this or dressed as a bull fighter.

Alt-right fags wish Trump was as badass as Armstrong.

>>tfw i actually dont mind
are you one?

Angel is mexican? But that's a male name then.

Youre forgetting someone


Nothing, apart from being a country you can see on maps. No One Lives Foreved had a short scene in Helsinki, but it didn't look anything like the real deal.

No Mr. FBI Man

I'm not actually. I'm the special FX guy behind those HD isis videos. Those madmen pay hella dosh you have no idea. Absolutely halal

>but it didn't look anything like the real deal.
Because Finns are drunk all the day.

my summer car hat a pretty accurate picture of the fins

Don't be silly, you guys have Vikings

Finland is Vikings right?

I'm just concerned citizen.

>Costa Rica

T-thanks Kojimbles

Fuck you, Ramon is cool.

According to SNK, Angel was born in mexican and her fighting style is based on a rushdown version of lucha libre.

There's My Summer Car, which is realistic. Then there's Olli from Silent Storm, he just speaks in a ridiculous Russian accent. Not unlike rally english.

Nope, that's Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland.

What I'd like to see more is mexican Taekwondo fighters, considering Mexico has had really good fighters in the past. iirc, there is a game that has this kind of character.

Well, kinda represented. Actually reminds me of my hometown.

Are you happy from yesterday's Peace Day?

It never was (Saudi Arabia).

It sucks how everybody hates us.

Not a even a level in some shooter?

Only as a DLC civilization in civilization V. No one cares about Denmark.


i hate cockney videogame characters.

All CoD games that are based in the ME were in Iraq.

Its something

france? there are a lot of french characters

The first level of Deus Ex MD was in Dubai i think

True, but Dubai is UAE.


So French?

You got a whole level in an awesome game, alpha protocol. That's far more than my forgotten country.

Alpha Protocol bruh

oh, that something new. if i remember correctly monsoon is from india.

I'm American.

Oh, shows what i know

It isn't because it's irrelevant as fuck.

Literally nowhere to be found.

>How is your country represented in videogames?
Games have a surrender option

We're always getting bullied by la creatura.

There is a level in Belarus in red alert and in command and conquer from what I recall.

but he's ((the guy))

The Coup mission in Call of Duty 4 takes place in Al-Qunfudah (also in multiplayer maps like District, Showdown, Strike).
Alpha Protocol has an entire section that also takes place in SA.
The mission with Lawrence of Arabia in Battlefield 1 also takes place in north west of SA.
Some of the Arabian levels in Crash 2/3 are also supposed to be there.
t. saudi

Well, that's something then.


I don't care about representation, I just want a good game.

Probably in Xenogears too but im a race betrayer and cant stand accents from any british isle

There literally no Africans in video games unless their warlords or zombies. I can relate to black american girls in games tho but their soo cringe worthy and the voice acting are horrid. I hate the afro hair style shit western devs force on girls tho.

You are talking about South Africa? Rainbow six lockdown, syphon filter 3 and syndicate wars got something.


Well, former warlord

i'm not sure but i'm pretty sure there was a game with a finn in it.

that wolfenstein game had a chick who greeted you in finnish, it was pretty confusing.

Elena from Street fighter

You have that Apocalypse Now-esque game set in Dubai. Forgot the name, but it was fucking awesome.

Captain, have you time to help out, perrrkele saaaaatana.

Yeah, that's about right.

Why Nocto can wear mariachi clothes but mario cant.

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2.
Doesn't even look like its from here.

I'm in new zealand currently, any characters from here?

I wish we had a President Armstrong instead of Trump, or even a President Wilson.

Is there any games with Lithuanians in it?
Don't say suicide sims please

Anything from the Philippines?

I don't think anyone actually knows or cares about the nationality of this character tho, and I don't think there is any other vidya character from this country I wish we were more popular ;_;

best girl, although i didn't like how she cussed in finnish middle of the sentences.

Trump is as close as you are gonna get to a comically portrayed president.

>what is Expeditions: Vikings

Dude, what the fuck.

Nera tokiu

Total War?

which small village are you from?

Talim from Soul Caliber and Josie from Tekken.

He is too incompetent to even live up to a comically portrayed video game president. At least President Armstrong got things done.


AS CLOSE AS YOU ARE GONNA GET. The alternative are liberals, uptight assholes, a jew or a woman. Or a combination of all of that.


they kinda went for the "hot mediterranean macho/smooth guy" trope

I'm pretty sure the Castlevania series or any games related to Transilvania will have some Hungarian characters.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance also has plenty of them.


Spec ops the line? Was setting in Dubai, but Dubai is in EAU

Fighting games are diversity bait from the get go. The only fighting game I ever liked the naruto clash of ninja Revolution games.