ITT games that didn't sell well but were great

ITT games that didn't sell well but were great

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>Planescape: Torment was commercially unsuccessful, with sales of roughly 75,000 copies in the United States by August 2000
Damn, had no idea.
Everything about this game is fuckign gold, starting from the main menu theme.
Anybody played PT:ToN? did it live up to the hype?

>game aimed at a niche audience
>expected to sell well

This is the story of most cRPGs ever, even the FO series didn't do that well early on

more like games Sup Forums pretends are really good but mostly haven't played because they're old as fuck

walls of text the game lmao

Transformers Devastation

But in another way, basically every good action game ever made

>Anybody played PT:ToN? did it live up to the hype?

It's a mediocre game that becomes bad once you compare it to PST. Which is, well, a problem because it's a game that sets out as the latter's spiritual successors and draws on the comparison willingly. In part you could argue it was the setting itself that's the problem and not so much inXile's development efforts but that's up to you. In summary Numanuma is weird for weirdness' sake and lacks cohesion.

t.brainlet who cant handle more than a kid's book.

projection: the post


Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines BOMBED on a mid-level budget and killed its studio in the process.

And it's not even a surprise given that the game was literally unplayable at release. The fan patches are the only reason the game gained the cult following it has now.

The happy ending to the story though is that it's had a long tail on Steam, where it's sold several times better than it ever did at retail.

How about you go first OP? Fucking shit bait nostalgia. I gave the new Torment a try now, jesus fuck was it bad, and if the first game is anything like it, fuck.

>Vampire Masquerade Bloodlines
>Beyond Good & Evil
>Prince of Persia 2008
>Grim Fandango
>Jazz Jackrabbit 2
>Brutal Legend

>Playing RPG

please be bait
of course the new one is fucking awful, they got nu-males to write for it, the original is great, you dun goofed playing numenera

Why haven't you played this game yet?


KIngdoms Amalur killed the studio.


This game was a lot of fun, I seem to be the only one who remembers it. Pretty sure it flopped hard.

The original is possibly the deepest RPG ever made. No game has ever made your choices more relevant that Planescape Torment.


This shit was so good, buggy af tho.

never could get pasted the forced stealth part

>Big soy
What did they mean by thins

Are you high? there's very few actual choices you make that have a huge impact. And if you go and play it without doing that 22 CHA 23 WIZ (25 ASAP) build then the game is really nothing special because all the really interesting stuff requires you to be optimised in a specific way.

It killed the franchise

Thank you faggots for not pre-ordering it like me

I think it did shit because of diablo

Anyone know the specifics of how the recent sales of VTMB would affect the devs? I am assume since the studio folded whoever published it is getting all the money but i really hope some of that cash is getting back to the guys who made it somehow

maybe they should've released a complete game without garbage microtransactions
6/10 game, amalur was fun but some of the later areas are cancer
yeah the publishers really fucked them over

>animal spying

It all goes to Activision, it a single cent reaches any developer. It all goes towards the people responsible for it being rushed

Not a single cent *

>Jazz Jackrabbit 2
This is the first time ive seen this game mentioned on Sup Forums and that makes me sad. Jazz was literally my childhood. I still think it has one of the best soundtracks of any game.

>JFK shot himself

>on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
also Jazz Jackrabbit is not very good


I was amazed by how popular Pillars of Eternity was in the build up to release and afterwards.
I think the sequel is going to revert to normal cRPG flop expectations.

I'm still sad.


This goes for just about everything Bethesda publishes. Fuck that whole company, both their developer team and their marketing team.

I don't think the setting was to blame really but it probably didn't help.
I liked how in Planescape it was a thing that any object or feature could be a doorway or a key, but it felt like ToN was trying to top that by going anything can be anything! The explanation of what the Numenera were was very lackng and it felt like it didn't work with the gameplay very well.
My biggest problem with it was that it felt really unfinished despite a huge budget and respectable dev time.
Sagus cliffs was reasonable enough but I thought it took a big hit after that and I thought the Bloom kinda sucked even though that was supposed to be a selling point.
It also felt like they followed up a bad combat system in Planescape somehow with an even worse one.

Hell no. This game is garbo.

no it's shit, but I still like Axl
this is bait

Concept of Numenera was doomed from the beginning.
Torment was "deconstruction". Against cliche copy-paste fantasy. Meanwhile Numenera is tryhard shitty copy of Torment.
>spiritual successor of game that was build in mind to be different
This is already wrong on conceptual level. You can't create second Torment by copying first one.
>I liked how in Planescape it was a thing that any object or feature could be a doorway or a key, but it felt like ToN was trying to top that by going anything can be anything! The explanation of what the Numenera were was very lackng and it felt like it didn't work with the gameplay very well.
This is main source of shit writing. Planescape has rules. Numenera isn't. Ravings of a madman can't be deep.

You can do better.

does this mean avellone is a washed up hack?

>soy grand theory (soy becomes sentient)

Holy fuck is this where soyboys came from

Not him but I enjoyed the Torment character he wrote

What is this golf rumor?

No. Avellone's problem is he basically had no notable on anything he's worked on recently and he's the type of writer who needs to be a lead writer to really shine. His two companions in PoE were good, but immediately stand out from the rest of the game.

Some parts of ToN are great. Torment tier. And it's like they were written by different people. So I assume ToN is soup of numale writers. Avellone probably wrote those "good" parts. I want to believe.

because they were. numenera is a clear case of too many cooks spoiling the broth. in comparison planescape torment didn't even HAVE a credited writer but was handled pretty much by avellone and mccomb.

Its mention here all the time. Hows your first week here buddy? Make any friends?

>look up how many writers it had
>Gavin Jurgens-Fyhrie
>Nathan Long
>Chris Avellone
>Mur Lafferty
>Brian Mitsoda
>Patrick Rothfuss
>Shanna Germain
>Natalie Whipple
>Mark Yohalem
>Leanne C. Taylor-Giles
how the fuck didn't someone stop for a second and think that there's too much writers for one game

>nu-men era
holy shit

Im at tier 4 and i just realized it

fucking lol, accurate

They needed to get ALL the funding.



I preferred 1/2 but the series was fucking awesome. Best heroes ever, and way ahead of its time.