As a former male, I have noticed that Japanese video games have blatant s*xism. For example, female characters are still forced to assume the role of housewife (Animal Crossing) or they are merely seen as breeding stock (Harvest Moon) or sexual objects (Persona 5). What the fuck is wrong with them?
As a former male, I have noticed that Japanese video games have blatant s*xism. For example...
Other urls found in this thread:
>former male
You can't discard your gender. You are a man.
They have a different culture that you should be tolerant of.
>As a former male
Stopped reading there.
g8 b8 m8 I give it an 8/8
sorry i don't talk cumdumpster
Mentally ill trannies need to be reminded.
>forced to assume
your opinion is shit, anita.
nothing, really
>As a former male
There's a reason why there's no gay or faggot paradise that exists in the world.
Not in the east, not in the west, not in the south or north. Get fucked. The world survives because Chads know what to do and the females belong where they do.
>11 replies in 5 minutes
I fucking hate this board.
Well they should tolerate my feelings and not put this sick,misogynistic shit in their video games.
You know the world started to turn their head and finally crack down on your sick fucks when a former male slaughtered every female in a female only competition. I hope you donĀ“t go into women bathroom or changing room.
>I fucking hate this board.
there is literally nothing wrong with sexism
weak bait 2/10
you are not female you are a male faggot who dresses in drag
Your feelings aren't important or valuable.
Ah so you're not culturally tolerant? Check your white privilege, Asians are a minority.
>As a former male
It's baffling, such blatant bait and i still feel obligated to reply. I just can't not reply.
The funny thing about that is that I'm not even white.
>former male
Get help before you do irreversible damage. You wouldn't reccomend an addict use because it's what would make them feel better would you? How come I get shit for wanting to kill myself but some psychfag will look you dead in the eyes and even fuck with the idea of you cutting your dick off. Money was a mistake
Still better than Sup Forums which is a board that reeeeees over everything and bans content they don't like even if its technically board related
I fucking hate you for falling into an obvious bait. Your stupidity scared the good trolls.
Like the SCP threads?
Who would he get help from considering the medical profession would do what you think is wrong?
saged and reported
Even worse, fuck off nigger.
Cool story, but can you post some more pictures?
Oh yeah, I noticed the SCP threads have been getting banned lately. Why is that? Its literally people just playing a new multiplayer game together, and SCP has been part of this board's culture for years.
>being tolerant of intolerance
Make me :^)
what are they intolerant of?
you can't spell female without male XD
Asians are also xenophobic racist, so their opinion is invalid. They also fucked around with Nazi's back in the day,and that's a BIG nono.
Faggots who make multiple SCP threads at the same time and post server IP in the OP, plus a janitor that hates SCP and wants to send it to /vg/
Coming soon from a faggot north of you
It's probably because they have a general in /vg/, which doesn't really excuse the threads being deleted since we get threads for games that are already in /vg/ all the time and they usually let them stay, it's probably a Janitor on a power trip or with a hatred for SCP.
I don't know. Someone close. Is this really the issue? I never thought of it like that and that's the most terrifying way to look at it. It's not like there could be a suicide hotline for these people either. The people that already cut their dicks off would try to shut down a "just stick with playing dressup if you really must just don't take that extra step" hotline the minute it went up. And the only people that could help them I'm assuming can only see dollar signs vecause they'll need therapy for PTSD after getting your dick cut off
>former male
Nice try OP-oid
Thanks for the ass pic.
These tumblr bait posts are getting to obvious.
Up your game, OP.
>former male
You can't change your genes, senpai. Male is not a feeling, it's in your genes.
Sue, you can be retarded, a cuck, a soyboy and so many other things, but you can't change your genes. Even if you cut your dick off, you are still a male (but without a dick).
gender equality
Would you like to buy a vowel or solve the puzzle
Do you like fighting games
Sup Forums moderation is why half the board doesn't consist of some retarded leftist saying something stupid on Twitter or whatever the anime equivalent of console war bullshit is.
gender =/= sex.
Gender is made-up bullshit. Sex is fact.
But you're right, OP is just mentally ill.
Too bad Sup Forums is full of shonenfags
Do you think the medical profession isn't aware that it doesn't eliminate suicide risk and such?
People often misrepresent a study that says post treatment have a higher suicide risk than the general population as saying that it makes things worse. People with gender dysphoria pre treatment are not the same as the general population.
Sup Forums moderation also means that if the board doesn't like it its disallowed regardless of how relevant or not it is.
Discussing anything related to anime and manga licenses in the West (be it dubbing/non-seiyuu VAs, DVD/BD quality between regions, the quality of official subbing, Western award shows for anime, websites related to anime/manga that aren't Batoto (prior to its death), and even in rare cases obscure anime aimed at Western audiences (Anisava threads get deleted there even though its written by, directed by, and animated by a Japanese animation studio) all get deleted and/or banned by mods there despite relevance. Basically all the board needs to do is reeee about something enough and its gone.
New Game is shit.
>mods telling dubfags and south americans to fuck off
>As a former male.
>Sup Forums moderation also means that if the board doesn't like it its disallowed regardless of how relevant or not it is.
One of the main reasons why I stopped browsing Sup Forums.
I can't believe I put up with that faux elitism bullshit for 10+ years.
I didn't know we didn't call people male and female before we discovered genes.
Best New Gayme coming through.
f/a/ggots are so fucking smug
i want to destroy your shitty little weeb board. i fucking hate you "people" so much.
I just wonder if like, if there wasn't money to be made off these people. Would it be okay? Like, how can a doctor perform this sort of surgery? It's only because of money right? No doctor or psychiatrist actually thinks it's perfectly fine. Right!?
Nothing wrong with telling dubfags to fuck off.
t. assblasted dubfag
What's wrong? Jealousy getting the best of you?
What are you gonna do about it?
I know this is a bait post but here's some criticism.
>Complains about sexism in Gaming
>Has saved picture of thicc ass
I had forgotten how long that scene was
>former male
Kek good one 8/8 b8 m8
Is she gonna walk around in her panties in France?
They are not puritanical over sex.
Well, they ARE puritanical over violence but not in same way as us.
This is literally just
>stop liking what I don't like
I hope you realize.
Being able to watch media in multiple different languages also adds to its rewatchability. Its fun and interesting to see how different VAs deliver the same lines and gives reason to rewatch shows. Discussing this can also give insight on what the process was behind the how the voice acting was directed and how the delivery affects the show on the whole.
>he hasn't watched his favorite anime multiple times in different languages
Plebbest of the plebs
Since we're talking about this. At what point did the crowd of anti sexy women appear? I feel like one day all gaming sites just became swarmed with them.
Where did they come from?
Why are they in the industry they hate?
Why do localizers who feel Japanese people are racist learn Japanese?
gonna drop a fat trump shitpost on Sup Forums right now. go ahead and ban me, i'll just fucking hop on my phone lmao
Anything else that became long too?
I wish the English language didn't have the word "gender". That word doesn't even exist in my native language and guess what, we don't have trannies running around pretending they are of the opposite sex.
How come I can't ask for doctor-assisted suicide? I've felt this way and have been medicated since I was 6 and now my life is just a slow downward spiral because i can't 100% ensure my death, I've gotten terribly bad luck with it. I had my own place and was found by mother who I hadn't seen or spoken to in months. But these people can cut their dicks off and walk around saying "I'm a lady." It infuriates me to no end. It really just doesn't make sense. Everyone can get what they want and I have to sit here trying to think of a way that ensures I can't be found or fail.
Thats just a bait
That's because you wh*toids are to be bred by superior BLACK MEN like myself. Your time is up wh*te boy, you can't compete, that's why you pretend you are a w*man.
Only really true in the USA for the developed world and you can make that argument for any medical thing when money is involved. This is probably why you have those crazy people go for "alternative" cancer treatments because they think the treatment medical professionals give you is a scam to make money.
>mad at elitism on Sup Forums
>commie memesubs
That explains it.
only ugly people hate sexy characters.
Honestly it's kind of nice to see that in ANYTHING made today. Too bad I have to go through anime to get that. Old movies had it but I can't think of many great old movies
>Why do localizers who feel Japanese people are racist learn Japanese?
They like some media and want to be a part of it but also want to have the chance to change and (from their perspective) improve it unfortunately.
>Where did they come from
Its probably just something that grew over time. A few bits and pieces of people started saying and questioning things saying "this or that is bad" and that just started to evolve. Its especially a problem because these people typically make themselves look like the good guys, calling out and saying other perspectives are wrong and harmful, thus making news sites reporting on these things take their sides so as to appear as if they're not being politically incorrect. No one wants to be on the "evil" side after all.
Because the aim for doctors is to reduce suffering and death.
>defending dubs this hard
Get a load of this nigger.
I just don't trust people to take their job seriously. I just assume it all boils down to what they get out of it. Same with lawyers. Some guy out there can sleep at night after defending a child rapist to the point he walked out the door a free man
I'm glad I opened this thread. Downloading this asap, the girls are insanely cute
I don't get you people.
Why do you watch shit like that?
There are hentai and doujins with better art and girls.
You are wasting your time on pointless shit just to have some anime girl bend over her ass.
Because it's not like the plot or characters are good.
>How come I can't ask for doctor-assisted suicide?
You can in certain states. Not everyone assumes this is wrong to do. I'm sure some locations require a psychiatrist to clear you as "there's no fixing this issue" like Terry Pratchett when he had decided he was going to kill himself when his alzheimers made it impossible to write anymore. I don't think he ended up going through with it just because he died first, but it's an example. Many people won't stop someone when they know there's no actual fixing them, and their life will just be suffering.
i hate anime so much unironically. it used to just barely bother me but i often get sent into a genuine rage at the sight of smug anime posters. i stopped browing Sup Forums in public because i blacked out on the bus last week from sheer anger. i'm not even shitposting right now, i have mental problems, i'm aware of that, but i still need to get this off my chest. i FUCKING hate anime.
I've spent 20 faking it. I never made it. Isn't this suffering?
Commie's subs for the Monogatari series are extremely high quality and don't suffer the memes most other Commie works do. At worst its just cat puns whenever Hanekawa is on screen. Commie is filled with really good typesetters too. Not everything they do is memesubs.
>hentai with better art