How does the blood moon in this game work, exactly? Every time it happens I see the moon glow red...

How does the blood moon in this game work, exactly? Every time it happens I see the moon glow red, at midnight it initiates the cutscene telling me there's a blood moon, then the moon instantly turns back to white and nothing different happens.

Respawns enemies.

Fucking Google my dude

Is that what happens? I never notice anything different. The game does a terrible job of indicating that the blood moon does anything.

there's an npc who keeps track of the blood moon and explains what it does, if the cutscene with all the enemies spawning wasn't enough.

Dude, you see them respawning in the cutscene. The voiceover tells you what's happening. How do you even miss this?

every 2 real world hours (or if something catastrophic happens) the game world is reset

You're telling me the entire purpose of the blood moon is to respawn enemies I've killed? Shouldn't that just be a regular function in the game anyway? Why does it need to be a cutscene? The game makes it look like something terrible is happening and you better watch the fuck out.

>Shouldn't that just be a regular function in the game anyway? Why does it need to be a cutscene?
It's Nintendo, they assume you're stupid. Judging by this entire thread, that seems to be a pretty fair assumption.

The game likes to give context to all of its mechanics

The damn game has an unskippable cutscene the first time it happens, and it repeats it every time it happens too.
This entire thread has to be bait. No one can be this ADHD and stupid.

user, are you retarded?
Did you not watch the blood moon cutscene?

>something terrible is happening and you better watch the fuck out
Having all the monsters you killed suddenly reappear is kinda a bad thing, and you better watch out if it happens as you're attacking an encampment

Wow, Sup Forums is really scraping the barrel with aspects of Breath of the Wild to complain about huh?

>game explains why monsters respawn
>game doesn't explain why startled deer/foxes just disappear after running for 5 seconds

Blood Moons are the game's way of garbage cleanup, resetting the world. Cause too much physics chaos and you'll get one during the day too. And pay attention to the cutscene to know what's going on, it's party of the game and story for a reason.

>it look like something terrible is happening and you better watch the fuck out.
You do need to watch out when you just cleared a camp of white enemies that immediately respawn cause a blood moon happened WHILE YOU WERE FIGHTING THEM
Fuck that shit

The cutscene literally tells you, fucking retard

The most important thing is that it repopulates weapons. If you have the castle warp, free end game weapons. You can fill your inventory with them and break the entire progression.

Looks like I overthought it. I didn't think a basic mechanic like respawning enemies would be outlined so heavily. I thought it meant random enemies (not counting the stal enemies) would just rise out of the ground or appear suddenly in large groups right in front of me at random.
>if it happens as you're attacking an encampment
I don't recall anything out of the ordinary happening at any time during a blood moon.

>just cleared a camp of white enemies
Why would anyone ever waste their time on such a thing?

Fucking this. I just fucking barely made a camp clear and was about to start collecting and regrouping myself when suddenly fucking blood moon. Shit sucked.

I know you're used to Sup Forums being autistic as all fuck about literally everything but I'm just pointing out something about the game that confused me. You can lower the shield, user. I'm not being that way.

>camp of white enemies

Is that master mode only? I've only ever found a single white enemy in a camp.

I'm sorry my words hurt you so much, user. No hard feelings?

Can't be master mode only. I've seen it and I haven't touched master mode.

People this dumb upset me but apology accepted

Wow, so my words actually hurt you? I didn't realize you were so sensitive. Did that bully at school call you a faggot again today?

OP is a faggot again. Too dumb to read too dumb to understand.

>Get confused by something completely mundane and obvious
>Make thread complaining about it
>Get called out

Calm down, guys.

What the fuck, is this bait?

I also thought that more enemies would appear, rather than just the ones you've killed respawning.
There is no indication that materials (like those sweet guardian parts near Fort Hateno) re-appear though, as far as I am aware.
>fight Kohga
>end him
>blood moon, he respawns
Luckily he isn't very tough.

>appear for the first time
>expected some epic survival shit
>nothing happened
fuck this game

Nthing will make you save face OP.
You were literally to dumb to read 1 sentence on your screen

>miss something obvious

>someone points it out

>pretend they're buthurt

butthurt is you anong

>projecting this hard
OP, you are forever a faggot.

Story bosses won't respawn from blood moons, with the exception of Ganon. Get a blood moon at any point during his fights and the game will set you right outside the antechanber to fight him again.

To be fair, you should.d be able to skip the cutscene at least

OP is retarded

It's to justify the enemy scaling more than anything else, enemies get replaced with beefier reskins.

Like I said before, I overthought it. The game treats blood moons like a huge deal but it's just a basic game mechanic that 99% of games ever made have that don't show a cutscene to explain them. I just didn't expect it and thought it meant something would actually happen, that's all.

Really? I thought it worked on Koga in particular because it happened to speedrunners, but maybe mixed that up.

>being this mad
For what purpose?

I kind of missed the 'context' of weapon durability and I'm surprised because that pile of shit should be the size of Eventide island.

you are faggot

It's never happened to me, Kohga's always remained dead ever since I cleared the Yiga hideout. And the blood moons respawn guardians, which are a much more reliable source of guardian parts than scavenging them off the dead ones in Hateno field. Plus, you get cores too.

Calm down, my dude. No need to be so mad.

I think it'd need to happen right before you take the Thunder Helm, if it's possible at all. My memory how it was supposed to work isn't so great.
>which are a much more reliable source of guardian parts than scavenging them off the dead ones in Hateno field
Why, of course. You'd do all of that.
And it is mostly useful early on when you don't have enough weapons and/or lack stasis+ to defeat guardians.

Hit too close to home?

Technically it's more than just respawn enemies.

The Wii U really can't handle keeping track of all that shit you do in BotW's massive fucking world without killing the framerate even harder so it's a good justification for why everything in the world resets. Not just enemies, but also items and environments (trees) and everything else go back to how they were before you came in, with the exception of story events and shrines and such.

You can actually influence how often the Blood Moon spawns by killing more enemies or dropping a shitload of items into the world.

I feel like Stasis+ is a meme, honestly. It trips up and flinches guardians and lynels, but doesn't actually stun them the way an arrow to the face does. If people want to use it that's fine, but I've always preferred shield parries to reflect guardian beams and lynel strikes, which don't require you to lose Z-targeting and your combat stance.

Hey, would you look at that, a non autistic response!
This makes sense, better to show a cutscene that allows for the world to reload instead of trying to do it mid game.

I use it as a crutch because I am really terrible at parrying.
On guardians, I simply use it to close the distance (don't like fighting them on horseback much). Then I cut off one leg after another and that more or less locks them out of being able to attack until they die.

Yeah, it's a bit shitty but it's the only way you're gonna get such a huge game playable on gimped hardware like the Wii U. Remember how much open world games like Skyrim or Fallout shit the bed on consoles when you get a decent amount of hours in them, the PS3 in particular?

Not really. I only played the 360 versions of skyrim and fallout.

Well, I looked up some articles and videos and just walking through a town in Skyrim with a 65 hour save on PS3 makes your framerate dip down to below 5fps.

Interesting. I wonder why the 360 version didn't have that problem.

Drink some Defense+3 potions/foods and try practicing, user. Crusher lynels are the most dangerous because of their huge weapon hitboxes, but that also means they're the easiest kind of lynel to shield parry. Plus, with a large enough shield-weapon power difference in your favor, parrying will knock the weapon out of common enemies' hands and you can steal it or chuck it where they can't reach and make the battle easier.

I once got the blood moon cutscene like 3 times within a minute. Bug I guess, or did something trigger it?

The Xbox 360 has a unified memory pool: 512 megs of RAM usable as system memory or graphics memory, while the PS3 has a divided memory pool: 256 megs for system, 256 for graphics. It's the same total amount of memory, but not as flexible for a developer to make use of.

You are not a smart person
Neither are you

I see.
Yes, I know you have autism.

It does more than respawn monsters. It does a hard reset on the entire overworld, trees and grass regrow, weapons, ore and materials respawn, etc. It's what stops the game from crashing die to changes you've made. And for that, it needs a cutscene while the map reloads.

Neat dude, i didnt know this, gonna farm jewels later by campfire squatting

I think I'll start doing that on my next playthrough, whenever that will be.

You just blow in from stupid town?

You just blow in from stupid town?