they just killed the essence of the movie
where are the videogame references?
they just killed the essence of the movie
where are the videogame references?
>that buzzfeed tier clickbait character
Ok, that was pretty good.
Worth some laughs. Hopefully they pull it off in the finished product.
where's all of the porn in that internet?
So it’s not about video games anymore.
This is going to be bad as the emoji movie
thanks for the new fetish
Seemed pretty alright honestly. Seems like they get the gist of it without making it feel forced.
>dobson's wet dream
I can’t believe some of you actually watched this. You know it’s meant for children right?
If it happens how do you think and how would you like Sup Forums to be represented
>The bunny explodes in blood and gore
Holy shit that was dark
So it's just emoji movie? I was really looking forward to more game stuff.
It really did lose the charm of being a video game movie.
But I also have to remember this is the first real trailer. They never really capture what a movie is supposed to be about.
wtf I hate cgi movies now
>Implied explosive gore
>Not enough video game references
Wreck it Ralph outside of the first 25 minutes had next to no other video game references.
I can't believe I let you live. You know your bloody corpse splatters good against the pavement, right?
so are videogames you faggot
fuck off Sup Forums
You know the last movie was great because it kept the real life references to a minimum and went for its own thing. Its more of a parody, this one has me a bit shaky.
Hope Owl City makes a song for this again.
What makes you say that?
>movies about internet jokes
absolutely disgusting
Easy there momster. No need to lecture your retarded son on the internet.
Cartoons can and have proven to be enjoyable for adults and kids, such as Samurai Jack, The Iron Giant and Wreck-It Ralph you idiot.
some games are intended for 18+, which are legal adults
check mate highscholler
There's no way you can fucking top that Turbo reveal, honestly. It was cool concept all together.
Now that Ralph is basically a hero in the eyes of the people around him, it's kind of just "eh". It feels unnatural.
>"I'm literally retarded, please rape my face."
Wow, sounds like you have some personal issues, friend.
Inb4 the villain of the movie is literally Sup Forums
All conflicts and motivations for the characters have been achieved and removed. Its just fanservice at this point.
Yeah, that’s true. It wasn’t a perfect movie but the reveal was fucking kino.
>Wreck it Ralph outside of the first 25 minutes had next to no other video game references.
Sure you're right, there were no "CLAP WHEN U SEE THE THINGS U KNO" moments after 25 minutes, but it still took place in a fictional video game. This feels really forced. It could've been its own IP... and even then look at all of the characters that are not Ralph or Vanellope. They look so bland and generic.
I loved the first one to death and I'm not convinced at all about this sequel.
It seems like a weak reaction to The Emoji movie, which was stinky shit as well. Plus it seems to miss the point to be about videogames like the first one.
And let's not forget Disney (not Pixar, Disney) can't make sequels at all except for The Rescuers but that's the exception, not the rule
Seriously, I hope to be proven wrong but so far I'm very pessimistic about this movie.
This isn't 2007, we're not that relevant anymore
I'm not sure why you're expecting vidya references when the first one dropped vidya about halfway through and became candy crush go karts
I'm sure they'll make some sort of family-friendly reference to porn, I mean how could they not?
so are some cartoons like 90% of newgrounds shit, and guess what both things have in common both are seen by children too
>this will inevitably feature some SJW reference to Trump's twitter
You just fucking know they'll do it.
>emoji movie 2
If there is a conflict or antagonist, they sure not showing it in this teaser.
Also, Ebay is a real site and not a knock off site, wonder how much product placement will the movie get.
It was still about a videogame. You don't need constant references to be a movie about videogames. Right Spielberg?
>Incredible 2 will probably be shit
>Ralph 2 will probably be shit
Disney is finally becoming a festering boil of creativity that is ready to burst. They can't think for themselves anymore.
>Ralph becomes a sentient netizen and traumatizes children by invading apps
Honest to god i think i might actually enjoy this sequel.
>big fucking blatant eBay logo
>that’s the joke
Disney really wants to put its hand in every cookie jar, huh?
Oh god, i just realized that is the whole reason that the movie got made for.
>Incredible 2 will probably be shit
Easy there, there have been no signs of it being bad yet.
As long as Helen's ass still jiggles, its good.
That's just how the internet is these days.
Emoji Movie was just Wreck it Ralph and Lego Movie mashed together. sure the ebay reference is cringey. but lets hope some good video game references find their way, there's online games like runescape or *ahem* club pengu
>that trailer
Yes, there were a lot of signs. This new one looks immediately less darker than the first one, when that's what the main selling point was. If I can get another scene with Mr. Incredible choking out a woman or him frantically browsing computer files, seeing that all these targeted heroes are dead then I will go see it. It looks like a gag movie, just like Ralph 2.
This movie is like one giant walking advertisement for companies targeting milenians
They're literally going to pay to watch ads.
The first movie was barely about video games anyway.
Now they dropped games from it altogether to focus on emojis and real-life brands like Ebay and shit. 10/10, well-played Disney. Can't wait for the scenes with Disney princesses and Stormtroopers. Fuck you if you're excited for this.
Lets not get ahead of ourselves here. Hiroshimoot can't afford to pay such product placements.
>bunny fucking dies
Fucking Christ
That child is legitimately fucking scarred
Ralph just straight out murdered someone
A better Reboot reboot than what Netflix is doing.
Will they reference Habbo?
Shut up Jay.
Some things like Paw Patrol are meant for children. Some things like this are safe for children but meant for everyone.
>Wreck it Ralph came out in 2012
Christ, feels like yesterday.
>Trip Advisor logo
>YouTube Red logo
>Ebay logo
>IMDb logo
The moment they announced an Internet movie, was the moment a bidding war for product placement happened behind the scenes.
What? You can clearly see Elastigirl working actively in some missions. There's sure as fuck some darker thing behind the movie but aren't going to spoil it in a fucking trailer.
So far they put the focus on Mr Incredible being a full time dad but that's not going ot last long and you know it. It's just the premise.
>The bunny getting so force-fed that it actually exploded and fucked up the little girl's mind
Nice kids film.
literally the emoji movie
calm your titties, it's like you never experienced fan service from Disney before.
sure you're free to hate on it. however I haven't seen any emojis in the trailer, i think Disney would be wise to avoid heavily referencing those things.
>NatGeo logo
at least they have SOME taste.
you welcome
I skipped class just to watch it on a theater.
> McDonalds comes up
> The audience explodes into an uncontrollable mess of cheers
> It's like 10,000 Slaneesh Noise Marines gathered in that point and fired their noise weapons at the same time
> People on the ISS can hear the laughter
> The tremor from the cheers wakes up the Krakatoa, but no soul on earth hears it
> The audience begins clapping in unison
> The wind from the amerifat flabby arms reaches the sun and extinguish it
> Suddenly the universe goes dark
Whatever gets her off that shitty little tablet and to something that actually engages her developing mind.
>The first movie was barely about video games anyway.
What the fuck. It is set inside an arcade where arcade games, existing or fictional, interact with eachother. Don't tell me you are one of those dumbasses that thought it was going to be "the Who framed roger rabbit of videogames".
I'm pretty sure the intention is for Mr. Incredible to be the babysitter of this movie. I can only hope they team up together by the end of the movie. The first one was just so incredible that the trailer fails to sell me on the movie.
>Emoji movie has product placement up the ass
>WiR 2 seems to be heading the same way
Is this the power of the mouse brainwashing?
Reminder that the Mario movie being made essentially killed the original sequel premise.
Force feeding/fattening/vore are all retarded and horrible fetishes.
those things are links that just scream "Rich, White, Cali"
That was incredibly fast
The plot got leaked, and it's bad. Real bad.
Wonder If they are going to show the bunny being fine, or will they cut away to the next scene.
and what is better? for one, leaving it open make the joke work, but make ralph a murdurer, but showing the bunny alive like in a deflated state kind of ruins the joke, but ralph will say something like "sorry" and clean his character of any crime.
It's the power of having a team with at least a speck of talent.
I really fucking missed these big bang theory shitposts. Thank you.
h-he's fast!
So what?
Sup Forums will be the villain, a literal roman legion wearing guy fawkes masks who influence the plot from the shadows
at least you didn't circle tool.
Wait, did you just draw this?
>fan service
Fucking what fan service? All I see are Snapchat and Ebay logos everywhere and Family Guy-tier jokes about feeding rabbits. The performers don't even sound interested in what they're reading. Fanservice? Lmao what?
Yeah for about 20 minutes then it was all about candy puns. Did you fuckers even watch this shit lately?
I really hope they make it about videogames. It's a good thing they didn't show any plot in this, they can still salvage it.
But it did get a few laughs out of me, though.
You know what got leaked too? The february Nintendo Direct.
OIh, wait.
Will Pornhub get a logo as well?