Game looks like ass

>game looks like ass
>game plays like ass
>game is balanced like ass
>it's still fun as fuck
what's her name, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

reminder apu is kos

All that ass is what makes it fun


>generals on Sup Forums

Get out.


EU servers?

what was your SCP ABIB, i wanna see how shitty it was, must've been pretty bad to get shitcanned

Nerds are only good for opening doors for the D boys period

what's this new autism about any recurring thread on Sup Forums being a general?

>delete this thread
>keep >though, its totally okay!

SCP is ding dong bannu because a mod has a personal grudge against SCP shit

The other faggotsare just retards being pedantic rulefags but their shenanigans are what drew that mod to these threads and killed them

its the players that make it fun, public servers are cancer.

Why are caucasians mass murderers?

Well that thread is deleted user. What was is it?
/vg/ is for larp fags

it's only fun because of other people

other people are fun

who knew?

Grim Fandango is the only true universal answer to this question.

even when you can clearly see the whole of the game coming apart towards the end because of time constraints, it's solid all the way through. One of my fav adventure games.

>generals on Sup Forums

Get out.

/vg/ was a mistake

Check it yourself


cause they don't need help like black people do

>people tries to talk about more than one game
>hurr fucking durr generals on Sup Forums
Why not contribute a little to the thread instead.
I love HoMM4 despite it's flaws by the way


Rust, although it doesn't quite look like ass anymore.

One of these things is not like another


nice general image

nice general post

The game doesn't looks like ass

Are they ever going to add 079 again?

I got all the way to the undersea prison and got stuck in the conveyor belt glitch, twice. I couldn't say that it's solid all the way through but other than glotis it was good


Pretty sure they're planning to after 096

Escape From Tarkov

I hate that game so fucking much, but it keeps me coming back, every fucking time

Lego racers

I agree, but I don't need a long explanation for it, just that:1- it's on beta. 2-It's made by russians, so expect a buggy, janky, unbalanced mess. 2-They use Unity.

The game right now, it's has a lot of room for improvement. My only gripes are the framerate dips and the high connection ping due to me being too far from the US servers (I'm from South America, ping ranges from 150 to 210, depending on the time of day).
For one side they don't force teamwork, but teamwork is rewarded, you just have to find a another player that is willing to team up with you.

just no


What did the SCP threads ever do to you? Were you bullied by peanut and some d boys?

Space Station 13

Ability to think ahead and plan, more emotionally complex and developed and therefore more possible motives

gotta say, playing SCP during the afternoon is far better.
More chill and cool people
Nighttime brings in the faggy normie people and they are all just pissy and dont like fun