Licensed anime game improves the source material by a considerable amount

>licensed anime game improves the source material by a considerable amount


I wanna fuck Akko in the anus

>doesn't have the best witch
hardly an improvement

what did he mean by this

>DBZ game isn't going to cover DBZ tropes
I'm legit confused what you're complaining about.

I want to bend her fat ass over a table and fuck it.

>make great ova
>anime lowers the quality of it's source material

There's nothing wrong with some gentle ribbing here and there.

It's when the game starts absolutely bashing you over the head with it that it starts to get really fucking stupid. There's a huge difference between the kind of fanservice you get in Xenoverse compared to FighterZ. Both are fantastic games in their own right, but good goddamn fucking lord every time Yamcha even sneezes in FighterZ everyone jumps up like OH MAN LOOKS LIKE HE'S GONNA DIE AGAIN LOL


>still no release date after delay

I want to get akko teen pregnant and then abandon her so she's forced to drop out and raise my baby while also giving up on all of her dreams!

>this will never happen to you

>Being above 12 and still thinking that dragonball z had anything of worth in writing

You are going to buy her game, right? If you don't she will have to work on BLACKED

Blame Funimation for pandering to Abridgedfags. Toei was right for telling TFS to fuck off.

I honest hate hate how FighterZ make Yamcha a coward despite the fact that he actually wanted to fight in the ToP in Super.

So, what exactly happened with Toei and TFS? Have they been banned from making more episodes?

>50 bucks for a digital only shit game
I love the little witches but not that much.

>completely missing my fucking point
Nobody thinks that Dragon Ball is god-tier writing except for dipshit weeaboos. I would like the games I play to actually have what IS good without resorting to LOL I AM SILLY tier bullshit, though.

I'm not 100% on this one, but I think that with Super being a thing they want TFS to stop because their shit was becoming more well known and quoted than the actual Dragon Ball.

>tfw no good akko porn

Any news on constanze's mechanics?

Buy my game instead, it's already out

Whats TFS

LWA is an actual good anime though.

>wanting to fug a dumb girl

I don't think there's been an official statement about TFS from Toei, but yeah I had the feeling that with Super coming out they wanted to downplay the parody. Plus I got the impression that they were always a little uncomfortable with DBZ abridged. I mean when you get right down to it, they WERE using their animation, music and often sound effects and they were getting a notable profit from it. I can imagine that it was probably making some higher ups a bit uncomfortable.

>Less than 1% of what already little porn there is has panties in it

I just love how much of a goofy dumb girl Akko is, she has a super cute design, and I want to shower my hard drive with pictures of her in her panties. Is that so much to ask?

>tfw was on a huge Bulma kick lately because watching all of DBZ
>4% of the porn is the Bulma design you actually want
>1% is actually the kind of porn I like

He wanted to fight in a tournament that would be carried by the rest of the crew and pay out a ton of money, the one that Goku lied about. Not the ToP.

I loved both OVAs, but the anime is way better than both of them.

Delete this

Eeh I didnt like it but I see the appeal
Too western in its writing and structure for my taste

Team Four Star. It's the group that does DBZ abridged. Or, DID DBZ abridged I guess. I dunno if it's been cancelled or not.

So is GuP

It's >we're still working on it but we hit a snag please look forward to it!

That said they still did a Christmas special so who knows.

Few years late on that one if they're only just now forcing DBZA to be canned. Especially since the Super anime is ending for now, you'd think this is the least logical time for Toei to go after DBZA.

Do they monetize those videos?
Its completely fair use if there no ad revenue or merchandising. once you start to make money of another companies work the lawyers will do anything to make sure they get theirs even if it wasnt the intent of the company as a whole or the creator of the original source material.

Money makes things complicated in these swamp monster times.

>That said they still did a Christmas special so who knows.
They desperately, DESPERATELY don't want to lose that fanbase so they have to keep some kind of content coming along. But I have a feeling that won't last long since their profits have practically dried up.

>buying multiplayer games
>buying multiplayer games that will be completely dead 1 week after release

>Implying determination and hard work don't beat raw intelligence

I thought that was DB KAI

>Do they monetize those videos?
Of course they monetized those videos. (To be fair near the end they might not have, but back when I watched it they were 100% monetized)
>Its completely fair use if there no ad revenue or merchandising.
See but there's both of those. Heck, some of their merchandise has what I'd consider to be borderline copyright infringing DBZ shirts.
>Money makes things complicated in these swamp monster times.

I know that suffering, brother.
Cute, simple porn is vastly superior

Now how that works man.
Its ending in Japan, in america its still got a long ways to go at the amazing pace of 1 episode a week. DBZA always seemed to be more a western thing so now that thats the focus they are going to go that extra step

When I play shit like Senran and Neptune, I like to stop to appreciate the panties. Whenever faggots cry about "hurrr who plays this shit just watch porn", I'm always like "it's for me, you cunts".

Tastefully cute panties >>>>> Porn

I think I've beat it to more Japanese panty fetish videos where they roll around in skirts than I have actual porn.

Oh shit I hadn't even considered the dub. I can see then.

Do not insult my daughter like this! Akko is a smart girl!

>Japanese panty fetish videos where they roll around in skirts
Got a favourite? That sounds interesting.

What's your views on spats? personally I find them to be one of the miracles of the universe

Nothing I'm willing to post while I'm currently in the commons at my Uni. Sorry bud.

Just go to pornhub and look up Japanese Panty Fetish. You get like 20-30 minute videos of girls just kind of casually rolling around in skirts, lifting them up, accidentally giving peeks, purposely giving peeks, etc. Sometimes they touch themselves, sometimes not. It's heavenly.

I AM so disappointed every time I see this pic

Spats are only good if you can see the pantylines.

I have a panty fetish that could power a small sun.

>tfw all the terrible offmodel lotte pron



Constanze a cute

no one cares about her

>there's people who still havent read this doujinkino

Yuri is boring.
