Who is your favorite dev and why?

Who is your favorite dev and why?

Why do you guys hate black people so much?

Phil Fish.

He's so f*cking epic

That's a white man though

Their skin is black from fires of hell

Satan children's

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

I don't really. I just never felt the need to purposely associate with one for muh not racist cred

I don't hate them I just don't want them in my country.

just fucking delete this thread, holy fuck fuck you faggots i fucking hate all you fucking fricks

I don't hate them, I just don't want Americans to tell me that I need to include blacks specifically in my period media when they've historically never appeared here until the 1900s.

The beta haircut and beard

Lovecraft, stop posting, you're dead.

Mutts are sad that the plan to send them back Africa isnt working.

They look really unpleasant

>why do people hate violent and criminal behavior and strictly refusing to advance technologically

I mean yeah sure, there is white trash that is no different from a nigger but the percentage is higher on niggers.


>mafia 2
daniel "#based" vavra
in seriousness, whoever made bf1942-2142 is my fav

hideki kamiya. doesn't afraid of anything and makes pretty cool games

>bannerlord will never see the light of day
why live

holy shit it's true


It will, but it'll be the exact same game as warband with like 3 little improvements that weren't wait the decade of waiting

give my bike back you dirty nigger

this handsome motherfucker



Jewsus Christ, that nose.

Can't believe Bohemia made Vavra their king.

Pockles in Prague, no Pockles in the countryside, especially not when it's wartime.



HELL yea beards are fucking epic

>Forbes in 2018

Imagine being an irrelevant country like Czech Republic where the only thing you're known for is whores, porn, the grossest gayest porn, discount German beers, druggies and meth heads and a video game developer that nobody knew about until 3 years ago that makes it on the cover of your localization of Forbes magazine.

>beards are fucking epic

They aren't anymore. They've been hjacked by cucks, soyboys and liberals in general. I used to sport a beard but now I'm clean shaven or sport a five o clock shadow.

>My life is controlled by memes

fuck off back to Sup Forums shithead

>discount German beers
Czech produces the best beer in the world though

"Nigger!, Get your HANDS outta my pocket!"

Don't remember marston oyster stout being czech.

>immagine being American

>*clap clap clap clap*
I thought that meme had died.

>no update
>no beta
>no nothing

kek, good one
