>Tekken 7 >be green shitter: “fighter” >play matches with yellow ranks >beat them, even in best of 3’s >suddenly get a ton of messages each time critisizing me >”you need to stop using those lows” (the ones he didn’t figure out) >”you aren’t actually playing Kazuya properly” >”if a red rank were fighting you...” >”you can only win when using random shit i didn’t expect.”
Jesus fuck. I know they are the higher rank, and i ahould take heed but why are the yellows in particular so fucking rude ESPECIALLY when they lose against me for more than just a single fluke match? mfw.
Nathan Edwards
They're trying to help you improve.
Gabriel Jenkins
sauze on the sexy armpits lady
Easton Gutierrez
Why are arm pits so sexy, and why are my mom's the best?
Hudson Miller
Then why are they being so snarky? Its not just “hey man gg here are some tips” its “lmao that Kazuya... btw stop overusing low kicks, im rusty as hell but red ranks would see that shit”
Christian Hughes
I'm not OP but it sounds like they're just bitching because they lost to a lower rank?
Anyway, messages can be ignored. Let's talk about the actual scourge of fighting games, who quite when they're about to lose. I haven't encountered that often, but it's so pathetic to me that when it happens it sticks with me.
Joseph Reed
>>”you can only win when using random shit i didn’t expect.” Isn't that the point of fighting games
Jack Mitchell
Why are sweating girls so sexy?
Aiden Green
>beat someone >"WHOOOA DUDE STUPID ASS NETPLAY TACTICS, I WOULD HAVE WON OFFLINE, THERE'S NO NEUTRAL ONLINE, JUST GIMMICKS" >delay is 1-3F why is this sentiment accepted in the FGC when DSP gets shunned for it?
Charles Harris
post em
Zachary James
No no! Aparently i am to learn how to fight “honestly” with my Kazuya and avoid “dishonest” characters at all times! If it’s not “who can wavedash the EWGF first!” Kind of battle then im just a scrub who won. BUT! Don’t learn the game TOO good though or you become the other side of the spectrum: a flowchart player! Ughh.
Owen Campbell
imagine the fishy smell, jeez disgusting
Dylan Evans
>”you need to stop using those lows” (the ones he didn’t figure out) launching sweeps are a laggy netplay-only tactic so it's probably good advice if it wasn't that laggy then he just sucks and was frustrated
Parker Scott
Because that’s what they look like during good sex.
Levi Harris
Because the fighting game community is infested with niggers and spics.
Thomas Gray
>so it's probably good advice
Things detrimental to my win whilst he is pulling out ALL the fucking stops at the same time does not constitute “good advice” user. There is nothing wrong with me using Kazuya to db+4 a couple of times to bait him into crouching to use a mid crusher. Im trying to win, with a fucking Mishima no less.
Jaxon Rogers
kazuya db4 isn't a sweep is it i'm talking about moves like snake edge or dragunov db3 kaz db4 is a good button if it's the one i'm thinking of (haven't played tekken in a while)
Owen Kelly
Its basically just a low kick to the shin
Elijah Cruz
kinda slow ch launcher right? then yes it's a good poke
Kayden Fisher
This move
Dominic Cruz
>Green rank >Use Giant Swing often against players >If they can tech it use his F5 instead >If they duck it crouch throw >near a wall? Use his u12 or u12b >Running lariat or armored f23 Surprisingly enough I dont get hatemail from all these throws
Julian Stewart
yep sweeps generally refer to neutral hit launching low attacks generally reactable and very punishable, so they're a big gimmick db4 is good
Nathaniel Adams
I really need some sauce on that
Dominic Rogers
>>be green shitter: “fighter”
Your imput is totally irrelevent then.
Sebastian Powell
Well i get told im a fucking scrub shitter, especially if i use it a couple of times in a row and it wind me the whole match at the end. Aprently its random shit and i shouldn’t rely on it im told.
Lucas Wood
Its not about my input. Its about my actual wins agaisnt yellow ranks who lose, suddenley telling me how i didn’t deserve to win.
Nicholas Ross
no he's just dumb/salty tekken has a bunch of unreactable lows to get frame advantage / make them crouch block if he doesn't adapt by lowblocking or parrying or crushing you SHOULD keep doing it
Asher Rivera
Jordan Gomez
That’s true. Stop spamming hell sweep, in tekken you’re supposed to use your mids. Hell sweep spam only works online. Kazuya is supposed to use movement to create space and punish with his EWGF and twin pistons
Ryan Jenkins
>in tekken you’re supposed-
Landon Martinez
>Hell sweep spam only works online it does not hellsweep is unreactable even offline it's very risky and works a lot vs bad players but online has nothing to do with it
Mason Phillips
Enjoy never getting out of green ranks because you keep playing improperly and keep doing gay lows and not knowing how to KBD and sidestep EWGF.
Kazuya is the most honest character in the game, if you play him like a faggot you will never get a single honest win.
Cooper Reyes
Well if it works i ahould use it, but the lows in question were
Luke Johnson
you need both hellsweep is a good move
Grayson Jenkins
Sure but then they’d just crouch block and launch punish. His “strategy” is garbage and he will never be good with this mentality.
Logan Cox
What a fucking boyscout. Im glad you shitters cry, same faggots who cry about getting killed whilst bowing or some shit in souls.
Josiah Rodriguez
Grayson Jackson
Tekken 7 is a game of dishonesty so no fuck you nobody is honest
Brody Price
Wow this idiot green rank on Sup Forums discovered how to REALLY play mishimas! It's not about proper movement, execution, and punishing with launchers, it's about using the same lows over and over that only works on a laggy wifi connection.
OP you should enter TWT next year, you might even get top 8.
Robert Edwards
This. People only remember one thing: the W. Saying “be honest” is just “i can’t deal with that move” plenty of others can. I see snake edge get punished all the time. Literally git competitive.
Easton Fisher
>t. yellow rank who fell for it regardless of his sound advice and logic
Why should a yellow rank dictate what makes a good purple rank? Stop blaming everyone/thing else for your lossess. If i get snake edged or such online then thats on me.
Michael Howard
>db+4 only works with laggy internet
Jeremiah Miller
look when I started playing super turbo I picked o.ken and kept doing jab dps because it got me dumb online wins until I realized that's not the way to play a shoto
it might be alien to a retard but there ARE really such things as lag tactics and you only go for the dirty mixups AFTER you win the neutral and you cannot be predictable with them
Jack Morris
didn't even read, just very infatuated with those armpits
Ayden Scott
why is everything about offline/online with you guys bad tactics work vs bad players, netplay lag only comes into play when stuff is bordlerline reactable
Zachary Mitchell
>tfw forgot how to play Tekken since I've been playing DBFZ
I want to go back but it feels like starting all over again Plus in my first DBZ tourney I done better than every other Tekken tourney I entered
Kevin Taylor
well they are pretty much at opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of difficulty
John Hill
that's because tekken is very difficult and dbz is designed for the mentally retarded
Christopher Moore
DBZ is harder than Tekken though.
Jace Garcia
Well yeah but it also helpe that DBFZ is an even starting point. People have been playing Tekken for years and the legacy skill takes ages to gather yourself. I like Tekken but it's nice playing guys with experience and actually being able to put up a fight.
Sebastian Martin
big lol
Jace Nguyen
well having played tag games / anime games helps a ton in dbfz but tekken hasn't changed much since like 5 so it's true
Connor Harris
>DBZ is harder than Tekken though. >spamming homing dashes and safe autocombos is more difficult than footsies and punishing
Brayden Cook
Objectively wrong. Tekken is more complex by magnitudes.
Jose Richardson
Tekkenfags are stealth one of the worst groups in the FGC
Thomas Hughes
Samuel Scott
He is wrong, but you don't know what you are talking about either.
David Lewis
More like the most normal and least degenerate group. Hardly any trannies, furries, etc.
Alexander Bell
>no degenerates >aris is the de facto most popular American player
Colton Miller
He is still tame compared to what other communities have.
Ryder Lee
Ah yes. The "you're only beating me because you're a noob" guy. kek... Some things never change, I guess.
Nicholas Morales
when you're right you're right
Adrian Reed
>youtube fags You people are such deluded cancer.
Carson Peterson
DBZ is a lot easier to play than tekken but the skill ceiling is much higher when it comes to playing other people. The mind games on a higher level than they are in Tekken and this is coming from someone who FAR prefers 3D fighters over 2D anime dogshit.
Ethan Harris
What's wrong with Aris?
Parker Flores
Not my fault Tekkenfags dick ride that dwarf looking mofo
Dylan Hughes
>Tekkenfags Underage youtube fags and general posers with no ability to form their own opinions, you mean. Get your shit together. Tekken has been around a hell of a lot longer that guy's youtube channel.
Owen Cox
People get salty and say dumb shit sometimes you gotta learn to separate the salt from actual advice. In this case its basically 100% salt.
Parker Walker
Aris is a legend
Michael Carter
Any source for gif yet? reverse image search redirects to a bunch of shitty japanese text boards.
I want more sweaty asian ladies.
Hudson Rodriguez
Dude has been playing tekken longer than his youtube channel has been around.
Adrian Fisher
Did you not see winterbrawl? That's exactly how a lot of matches played out when you're not talking about the 3 best players that attended. Niggas mashing vanish when they have the meter slapping that superdash and hoping, c'mon dude.Now they've dumbed the game down even more you can't even cross a nigga up on incoming with the new crossup protection.
Leo Rogers
>can't even cross a nigga up on incoming >nigga anyway, good, incoming is retarded the game is clearly trying to be less snowbally than marvel (which is great) you can still blockstring them back to the ground and go for an unreactable high/low so it doesn't really matter anyway
Lucas Clark
He really is
Eli Thompson
HOly fucking shit this thread.
Are people REALLY arguing against using a completely legitimate sequence of moves in a fighting game? About beating your opponent?
Angel Brooks
delet this
Nolan Campbell
So no sauce on OP then?
Henry Ross
James Reed
And someone can just dp/level3/sparking and they're out. Can't mash shit out when you got mixed up and these matches take too fucking long as is.
Adam Wilson
>dp there's 3 characters in the game with a dp lvl 3s can get easily safe jumped and sparking you can only do 1 per match defensive options are shit in that game
Aiden Reed
if you win you win, fuck the haters
Jaxon Morales
>Had to block all messages from non friends on PSN because every ban I've ever received was from tekken because these people can't just accept they've lost and when you BTFO them they just report you out of pure ass pain
Fuck I miss pissing these niggers off. OP just deal with it yellow ranks are ego statistical niggers who think they are Red rank material but chances are they have been stuck in yellows for fucking ever.
Chase Jenkins
Grayson Cox
Wait what? Report you for what?? And Sony actually fucking band you??
Liam Powell
Can also reflect and get a punish with some supers. You ain''t safe jumping if you're trying to mix them up after a blockstring. Defensive options are fine you can even go for rush if you think they're doing some dumb shit. Most people are running teams with at least 1 dp on them cause a.gohan and vegetables are fucking good.
Jack Gray
Because they are trying to stop you from getting bad habits that will get you destroyed by better players.
Xavier Walker
>reflect and get a punish after reflect you're back in a blockstring 90% of the time there's too many forward moving normals > You ain''t safe jumping if you're trying to mix them up after a blockstring blockstring them back to the ground, ground string, call an assist, iad button that's gonna safejump
Julian Fisher
Reverse imagesearch literally gives you not only her name but the girl group she's in. Fucking lazy cunts.
Sebastian Perez
By also making sure to imply they didn’t just lose 3 times in a row? Its wound licking.
Benjamin Martinez
Ever play Street Fighter? Remember those Ken's who would always just wakeup shoryuken? Might work against low skill but against high skill you are giving yourself a death sentence and setting up a bad habit. Same thing with your scenario.
James Gutierrez
Well SUSPENDED but you get 5-4 strikes then you get a perma ban. I've got 3/4-5 (the 4th is depending on severity) I didn't think it was a system they've ever enforced since I've played on PSN for years before it happened but oh well. Just do what I'm telling you, you'll get a far better experience knowing you won and they probably are shitting themselves in anger when they realize they can't message you.
Jayden Wright
They're reflecting poorly if that happens that often. reflect will 100% give you a punish used properly. Congrats you won't always have an assist to call and not many people have airtight blockstrings.
Jason Murphy
I got that, but I'm unable to find the particular event that gif is from. Some sources say it's from the 2013 or 2014 LIVE, but I've had no luck so far
Ian Jackson
Even if they were trying to help you shouldn't take advice from yellow ranks.
Kayden Edwards
So you didn’t write anything offensive??
Ayden Ross
There's sound advice and then there's salty bitching people need to learn to distinguish the two not only in games but real life as well.
Connor Butler
Yeah but I need the sweat, not just the name!
Nicholas Rogers
a lot of m buttons reach further than deflect pushback so if you deflect a light and they chain into mediums you'll get clipped or are forced to block it's not about doing it properly L,M i also a blockstring so you can't do it before the 2M/5M
Thomas Morgan
Sauce on this girl?
Colton Collins
>lose >blame the person who beat you because "lol u suck scrub" >do this despite the fact that they beat you >also claim that since you won you weren't playing right Have you ever thought about getting fucked and fucking off?